Show us your builds

People were saying that the new update borked heavy auger and omniwheel builds, so I thought I’d see how a really heavy one feels now.

Here was my first attempt:

Worked ok, but realized I hadn’t armoured the front of my cab, so I reworked it a bit:

Then I figured I should see if I can get my durability above 5k. Added some omniwheels and swapped engines. Replaced most of the armour with the heaviest bits I can find, and added a plow to protect the cab.
It’s really slow, but playable. Might be the highest PS thing I’ve made, but it’s pretty dumb for that range. All my energy is spent on weapons, cooling, and an engine.

Here it is in action:


Yeah they really should be special rarity, and have their PS reduced a bit.


Because the battle pass did not come with 2 jubokkos and I can’t afford 3 jubokkos

Special is a bit too low, but I think that they’d be an ok epic weapon as they are now, since they’re just a worse Yaoguai that you can run 4 on a build, that still performs worse than 3 yaoguais


Y’all know Mater from that Cars movie, right? Well, meet his cousin just back from Autobanistan, Murtter.


What is that bat wing spoiler?

When things start to get stale, I build dumb stuff.

It just needs a name.


I even gave it a little butthole with a cling-on.


Darn, Puff the magic dragon has already been taken, how about huffer the choking dragon?

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How about Thee Burninator?

I decided on a play on my username… dROOgan… in the exhibition if anyone cares.

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too late?


Hello i have a question about plasme emiters.
I’m considering Synthesis and Prometeus V, when i test them one Synthesis deals 90 dmg on “shot”(or volley or how to call that) while prometheus with it’s “passive buff” deals 99 on “shot” so there is a question:
Is there any sense to buy Prometheus V that is 3 times more expensive deals almost same dmg and has 10 durability more? Because i’m feeling like it doesnt make any sense also prometheus increse power score more so i meet stronger enemies having nearly the same weapon parameters. Also i can add power unit and 2 energy generator and reach similiar Power score and have boost for my synthesis. What u think about it guys?

IMO Prometheus has always been an under welding weapon.

I personally would rather play Synthesis at a low PS.

Just to play devil’s advocate, I made a set of Prometheus emitters and a power unit a little while ago, and they’re great!
Are they better than Synthesis? I’m not really sure. I haven’t had those for a long time, but always felt underwhelmed by them. Prometheus might not be a huge improvement over them, but I’m definitely not disappointed in them.

I actually benched my plasma build to the exhibition, because it was feeling a little too easy, and that’s not fun for me. Maybe that’s why I don’t fuse many items? I really do like a challenge. OP builds bore me.

Because wheels are over.

I’m not sure how wheels are supposed to compete. Because the maps are so claustrophobic, I’ve even been able to run down hovers with this. It helps that it can tank quite a few cannon blasts in that process. It’s quite the bully, really, and I expect this gear (Goblins/Augers) will get nerfed, so I’m not fusing any of it (the modules are fused). Maybe (probably) I’ll fuse the Golden Eagle, but I’ve haven’t gotten this many MVPs in a while, and think it’s probably a little broken, but whatever.

The Guardian/Auger combo isn’t as bossy (fused Guardians still suck?), but it does get me through the Machine-gun Challenges easy enough.


That checkered paint is looking good! Death to all who get in your way or don’t pay their fare.


Has your ride been broken down in the middle of nowhere? Pesky Wedge builds and Hovers destroy your ride? Call Doc’s taxi services to get you back to your garage to exact your revenge. The Augers allow his taxi to cross various terrains like snow and swamps, and the frontal machine guns persuade the customers to leave a generous tip.

Call 1-800-867-5309 for Doc’s taxi service today!


art builds that actually work. :blush:


I like them all, but the mouse/rat is awesome. (The ship does look cooler, but I want a rat lol)

Good job :+1:

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