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Looks like a very good use of those things. They are tricky to use, but very satisfying when you rip through a car on a rare perfect attack.
You should put some shivs in there instead of the arrays, for more spiky action (and more speed).

What cabin is in there?

I’m in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

oldschool siamese (now called thai I think) hybrid?

close. Calico Tonkinese. A mix between Bermese and Siamese. Most well mannered cat I’ve ever had. She just likes to sit up in high places so she can oversee whats going on.

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Yeah, that face pattern was looking a bit strange for a Siamese :p. He/She’s a beauty.

It must be in the breeds, my siamese really didn’t like staying on the ground either. Unless there was a nice patch of sunlight on the carpet and noone around :smile:

Anyway, your cat looks like a philosopher. Deep in his thoughts, unconcerned by his hooman slave putting stuff on him.

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It’s the almighty Growl.

I’ll probably build something entirely different, but I had to find out if they were worth keeping (fusing with the event) or selling them and turning nice profit. I bought them to try because they were very cheap, then the event happened and the price doubled over night, so I busted out the work-pieces and crafted some more.

I’ve been having some luck buying stuff I don’t want. I didn’t want the GL-55s, but I bought’em because they were cheap, and they sat in my inventory until copters came out. Now I get all my copper on a copter with GL-55s in Patrol because I find the nuances of the combo a little addictive and relaxing. The concentration sort of drowns out my background noise.

Then I thought, “Hell, I need more of that,” so I bought an Emily or three (also cheap)…then they introduced the Manitou…I MVP’ed myself.

It’s so pretty.

Turns out I had a few work-pieces for those (Emilies) too, so now I’m looking to fuse a pair.

I just wish I would have hung on to those Remedies a day longer. I could have sold those for a nice profit, and would have.

I’m big on buying stuff because it’s cheap.
You just need to get more patient about selling stuff, and wait for the price surges.

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not going to happen on PC…
i been waiting a year and prices are too low to sell anything thanks to market bots…'resources included …
'when you buy something oddly the price drops 3 times lower then what you bought it for,now there’s no way to sell it…if u want proof,just search it,

'or.just look here…

Ya, I’ve noticed that fairly consistently too. Glad to hear it’s not just me.

I got lucky with the events lining up with my recent purchases this time, but generally the market on PC is scam riddled BS, with dozens of pages of items that just can’t be bought (not even 10 cent head lamps) thanks to corridors.

The market is screwed on PC and thus so is crafting…and then by extension simply playing against the META, seal clubbers, and Pay2win. Fusion events are less accessible (owned by market trolls), but more necessary to compete, and I think the whole storm makes playing on PC more expensive and difficult to participate in…but I like the Mouse and Keyboard better, so there’s that.

I welcome Crossplay, but I’m not sure kids on consoles are going to like it that much if it brings them closer to what we are playing on PC. There could be some culture shock, but I think they are working on ways to minimize that. We’ll see?

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That doesn’t sound fun, although for some items the same is true on console.
On the flip side, constantly lowering prices means that items are more affordable, so you don’t need to make as much coin to get new stuff.
For all the talk about price gouging, the cheapest stuff on the market is often old BP items and pack items. Only a few pack items go for huge coins.

I managed to make some good profit off Athenas because everyone thought they were trash for some reason

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You appear to have a very charmed life.

One observation though, since you seem to be doing so well at this game; you turn outstanding profits on the market, and your numbers show a significantly higher win rate than most anybody I’ve seen, while also managing to do that on a mostly naked art build (good looking one too), so you appear to have mastered all that this game has presented you with, and yet your a bit salty towards it overall.

Your stats and videos suggest this game isn’t overwhelming you in the least, so what is it that perturbs you so? I mean, I’m glad you’re not going around like some of the other experts and poking us mere mortals with troll-sticks, so thanks for that, but most kids who have such an easy time with this game behave as though this game is Kardashian level ass, perfect in every way.

Having said that, I remember a time when schit went better for me, and no task was too difficult. It was all too easy, probably. I was surprised when it all took a left turn, and man did it ever.

Enjoy it while it lasts (pool side :smile:)?

EDIT: I’m not saying I even disagree with any of your opinions of the game. It’s just odd, that’s all.

I know this isn’t all but most people who do well tend to do well due to meta builds and such, so of course they want to say it’s perfect and there are no issues… they’re fine with just abusing what is currently broken.

Whether they do this and feign ignorance on the balance issues and problems is unknown… I believe that the smart ones know and just put on a facade but others are clueless no matter what.

I’m always negative towards the game due to the decisions they continue to make. Decisions which are always detrimental to the game, the players and inevitably drive down the number players by making their experience worse and their input less rewarded.

Back in the day it was hovers mainly along with a plethora of other broken items popping in and out over time, and this is only the balance issues. The introduction is crosscrowns, pack exclusive item crafting… battlepasses and an ever increasingly aggressive amount of FOMO marketing just leaves a terrible taste.

On top of this they just cut badges to force people into clans, I believe this is done to encourage people to play clan wars… whether interested or not they will be within the clan-wars-sphere so to speak. They know clan wars is where the whale coin spending happens…

I just tend to see all the negative things they do and the negative aspects of the small changes too. I enjoy the day-to-day gameplay and always have, but the experience is ruined by balance issues and the ever increasing marketing strategies are just straight up toxic.

This game could be better. This game HAS been better and I think I have perfectly valid reasons to always be “salt” about things. There is no way new players stick around… I know if I hadn’t gotten in early then I wouldn’t have kept playing this game, it’s so anti-player.

I can’t control the devs decisions but I like putting those who abuse the metas and broken items in their place with my sports car - I don’t and will never need that meta shit to be good like them.


I wish I could disagree with you more, but I can’t. That sounds pretty spot on, I wish it wasn’t, but I think it is…Thanks for the honesty, then.

I’m trying hard to make this game work with what they give me to work with. I’m stubborn and I still seem to think I can force this game to entertain me, whether they want to or not. Sometimes I manage…Sometimes I accidentally have fun too, and I don’t know why.

It’s not always a fun game, but it’s always an interesting one. I’ve never seen anything like it.


New art build HALF LIFE OSPREY

Rediscovered by steppenwolves and used to deploy drones in remote locations for anti “infantry” combat and scouting the Osprey is a rather common sight especially as it can easily carry supplies from one base to another while allowing for fast movement and defensive fire.

Craft like this are key in the brotherhoods new control of the air able to quickly resupply their ground forces at a moments notice.


What drones do you have in there? I’ve been thinking of doing something with turrets or drones launched from a copter.

sidekicks, this is more for looks as it isn’t really functional.

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Here’s the leviathan I’ve been sending out for Invasion.
Always wins at least some copper, and often gets several kills, but has yet to win a battle.

And here’s a flying spider I’ve been playing. Two therms and a storm, with harpy to boost the explosive radius:

Here is a reworked version of my Corvo car, this time with Manitou as the cabin:


I’m with M420 here. People who tell you everything is fine in the game are sitting on 3 billions inventory value and snacking on noobs with their god-fused relics. See the badges fiasco and who was defending it like it was the second coming of Jesus.

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Osprey M2

It wasn’t long into using the Osprey supply copter that the steppenwolves realized some errors in their reverse engineering, the tail was short resulting in some heavy drag, and the rotors to large making them easy targets for ground fire, not that it was hard to dodge firestarter crossbows.

Still they made the improvements they needed, adding smaller rotors that can rotate allowing for fixed wing twin rotor flight, and improving the rear tail allowing for a bit more cargo. Generally these craft can be seen carrying cargo as well as drones now.

Fabricator note: the solducks in the blueprint are there to represent soldiers… stop welding actual gaint ducks to your Ospreys they just block troop movement when disembarking or doing supply runs. SERIOUSLY STOP.