Show us your builds

That’s not really true for everyone.

My inventory is nothing to boast about, and I still enjoy the game just as much as I did years ago.
I just don’t care about winning that much, and definitely don’t care about endgame.
If you’re just here to make cool cars and blow things up, the game is quite satisfying, even if you spend nothing.

I will agree that veterans with big inventories are a problem though, as they can make the new player experience more challenging than most people are willing to tolerate.

Tinkered with this Tempura build until I got MVP (PVP).

That’s probably as close as I’ll get to a Melee Brick.

Also, I stole that fire chicken totem.This emblem clearly belongs to the Kaganate now. Ha-ha…

…so take that “democracy.” Long live Imperator Furiosa.


Updated osprey models, above is dawns got it.

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Updated my Tempura build.

I like this better. I’m a little infatuated with the Dead Marsh paint right now. I tried to get off it, but couldn’t. Fused that third Tempura finally too.

I tried Shivs with this but they aren’t really punching at their weight, and seemed to always get knocked off easy. These Arrays are staying on better, for whatever reason (power-score?).

PVP seems to be dominated by melee, so this will be on my PVP roster for a while, probably.


Got my new mastodon, a real man’s weapon.


I’m realizing I need a new way to get photos off my PS4, since they stopped supporting twitter posts.
It was pretty much the only thing I was using Twitter for anymore.

Still playing the old girl!

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Here’s my new build.

It ticks a load of boxes, it’s modular, which means i can play around with the gen, engine, radar, and movement parts, without re- building i can use more than one co-driver ( i’m not stuck to max mass anymore).
Now i think i understand why people build specifically for PVE. Cause i design this beauty primarily to ease the grind on raids, ( medium raids), it’s tanky but somewhat agile ( it can be more agile with no harm to it’s tankiness).
It’s not the meanest damage dealer , in fact it struggles a lot with 12 k PS or more team mates in your team.
But it’s shines with it’s primarily feature, it makes the raids so much easier to endure, especially terminal 45 ( which was always my least liked raid to do, now it plays to it’s strengths ) in Rock city i can be just one more turret if i want.
Today i played mostly raids ( bought a lot of fuel) and i’m not feeling the wear . almost a week worth of raids done in an afternoon.

While the Syndicate parts don’t exactly leave a lot of place to make something very original, they do help one make a decent looking ride.
Built a Harpy Miller build for someone quite a while ago and I noticed it slides around pretty well. So I finally got around to turn it into a Jannabi “drift” car on the same platform. Lowered it one block and found out the Millers actually turn too slowly to be put on a driftier vehicle, but I somehow managed to stuff an Oppressor in there, so it’s all good now. Does okay in battles if I can avoid all the r#%$&@s ramming with Tusks and dropping mines, drones and turrets. Easy prey to omnidirectional (s)hitscan builds too, but I’m used to that at this point. The Millers’ recoil helps maintain the perk for some nice damage bonus. Helps getting flipped belly up too, but I wouldn’t have it any other way - No way getting any fun out of the game if there isn’t any risk or gamble involved, you know? I wish all the meta players were of the same sentiment :slight_smile:

I named it Watatsumi after a Japanese dragon, hopefully to remind me to stop staring at the screen and go take care of the Japanese dragon rustbucket I’ve got sitting neglected in my garage :slight_smile:


Nice ride, are those buggy wheels up front, buffing oppressor?
I’ve done some similar builds, although I tend to use all buggy wheels on mine, and usually just four for maximum speed.

Simply click on Blueprints :slight_smile:

Nice. The Jannabi is one of my favorite cabs to play, but I don’t think I’m running anything with it presently…no wonder I’m not having as much fun?

It’s late evening here, and that’s my game time. I should get on that.

It’s always nice to have you post your builds here. Always sporty AF. More, please.


It was true.

I should use my Jannabi more. I do have fun with that cab. I’ve always liked it and it’s generic perk. The perk is simply what I’m doing anyway, or trying to do…The Dukes of Hazard scarred me for life.

Anyway, I think I’ve settled on my signature paint scheme: Leaf Fall and Checkers, unless anybody has an objection. In which case I’ll just shoot you and push you off a cliff.

I don’t put it on everything, but if it’s fast and effective, I tend to keep going back to this.

I still love Burnished Steel, but my habit is to use it mostly in the experimental phase. If I’m still tinkering and haven’t decided what I’m doing yet, I just wash it in Burnished Steel and add a little gloss whatever for accents and detail and take it for a spin in PVP…or if it’s a real stupid build, Patrol until I figure it out. Then I get into the paint and stickers if it’s successfully entertaining and worth hanging onto for a bit.

I keep very little for long, even if it does work.


Got some Emily grenade launchers, and reworked my Manitou/Corvo car to try them. Starting to get a feel for the cabin perk and how to use it effectively. Emily is much better than it used to be!


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Ya, it is. The Manitou makes it work even better. I do like that cab.

My First build to usher in the season of the Ravens…

I’ve gotten PVP MVP once with it so far this morning, and it’s been a fun rig, fast and efficient. I’m getting 2 or 3 kills most matches with it, so I think that’s good enough for my amusement.


Getting the Nag-Manitou to work pretty good for the first time with this build…the Atoms too.

I’ve haven’t done anything with those Atoms since I got’em, and was a bit worried about them, with the price dropping like they have been. I thought, well, maybe they just suck and I got burned, but that set up works just fine.

I updated my Hearse a little, turned it into a mobile crematorium rather than Coffin Taxi, shaved off about 900 points in power-score, and now the Sidekicks are finally kickin’ ass. I’ve got a Cobra in there, for strategic purposes too.

I haven’t had drones work in months…all year maybe. Now they’re working. I know nobody wants to see drones OP (I sure don’t), but I like that I can get them to work if I try.

My Call seems to be doing what it’s supposed to (Health Brick/passive melee attack/distraction from the drones), so I’m glad for that. I fused mine, so I’m all in, and I hated seeing it so dysfunctional. It seems more lively and spirited. It’s working as intended, I think. It is the best application for the D-minor Horn, and so I have to have one for that, right?

I’ve been having a lot more success (fun) recently, and I’m wondering; did they do something here?

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 20-48-21 Crossout - Steam Charts
They didn’t announce an update there, but things are suddenly working for me much better, and IDK why.

Either way, Thanks, Devs, for whatever…and maps. Always happy about new maps.


I just spent the last half an hour trying to do a art build.
I tried 2 different cabins ( i went for the second one cause i run out mass limit), the second one being a humpback.
And here they are, looking great, made from shitty parts.

I’m useless at this.

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I still haven’t done anything with my Atoms, but you are inspiring me. Nice looking build(s).

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Better paint and stickers (JMO). I think I’m happier with it now. The Nags really smack hard, especially with the Manitou buffing’em, but they are something of a soft target. Not sure I can do a lot about that (stealth module underneath helps).

It’s weird how just a couple structure parts (20 PS?) can mean the difference from sporty and fun, to getting pwnd over and over. IDK WTF, but I added just a couple structure parts, and then had to swap out some frames for lighter ones, and I started getting wrecked real bad and consistently. I went back to what I had and just tweaked the paint…I guess you just can’t have everything.

I’m having good fortune with it presently, but I have no idea how long it’ll last. I’ve been getting pwnd pretty hard all year, and these last couple days has been one of the few breaks I’ve had from that in a long time.

Ironically, it sort of started after pondering and then taking your advice; I started building according to my nemesis, the Melee Brick. I’ve also been following M420’s play-style a bit. Between the two sets of perspectives, I’m finding things turning around for me a little…for the moment (knock on wood).

I’m using a stealth module, relying heavily on speed and agility, flanking, not getting target fixated, and trying to remember to make clever exits (those last two seem to be the hard part).

I’m getting buried by the matchmaker just a little, and it keeps setting me near or at the bottom of the power scores (relative to the other players), but it’s been fine…mostly. It’s been good sport regardless.

I wish I had some good advice, but IDK WTF makes this game tick. My only advice would be to accept good advice, whatever that is…I’m relying a lot on speed, because of the Melee Brick nemesis thing, which was your advice…thanks.

I think my break in bad luck stopped after Lemmy posted that Jannabi build, and then I tried one too, realized what a difference speed was making, and it’s been damn entertaining ever since…I’ve had good teams too.


If you aren’t going to build big and tanky, you have to be fast and sneaky.

It can work, but you have to pay attention to the things you listed, and play like every bullet wound actually hurts.

Edit: melee bricks aren’t so much a thing at the PS ranges I’ve been playing. Have you tried running something like a Kapkan or a Daze module? Is it even possible to squeeze either of those in and still stay in that PS? And have you tried tracks lately?

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