Show us your builds

No clue, I don’t use them… our community believe anything because they’re so dense, so take everything with a grain of salt…

The whole Reddit was saying Athenas got stealth buffs and weren’t happy when I had old footage disapproving them completely.

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Doc, 2 things that may help. The green number displayed in the part goes to the cab health which is what you’re expecting to see. No green number on the parts equals no change in the durability you have displayed there. Go to the ‘total durability’ when you hover over the durability of the build. Those non-green parts will change your total durability score.

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Plenty salty over here.


Skinner mayhem.

It doesn’t get many kills, unless I bother aiming, but it does wreck the match for everybody else, regardless.

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I’m surprised you don’t play melee more often. You always seemed to me like someone who is more into the driving part of the game than the shooting part.

just put and take one off and look at your durability it’s easy to check…

It doesn’t seem like a fair fight to me. I’d rather not stoop that low for a win, and it just seems like the cheesiest thing ever, but at this point, what else is there? Every match seems determined by Melee. Nobody on my team is doing anything but getting their ass handed to them my swarms of melee, over and over. It’s the dumbest schit I’ve ever seen.

And then they don’t even address it with their balance update at all. So, while all the other schit is getting nerfed, melee just slithers under the radar somehow. That’s why I expect it to get worse, and went ahead and invested in it…but I can’t for the life of me find a way to make it more interesting than just push W…the maulers help a little, but still…

Maybe they’ll nerf it now that I spent all my coins on it. That’s how this usually plays out. It’d be worth it, IMO.

I’m glad my spider still works. It’s all I have that really works well, that I actually like, but the hell if I know why it does.

It’s not built using any tricks or exploits that I’m aware of…unless that trick is to just buy the latest thing. My guess is a wonky hit-box on the legs that’s acting like spaced armor, but IDK.

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I would guess that they’re not tinkering much with melee, because it’s really only strong in low PS.
If your melee builds feel too OP, inflate the PS until it feels fair again.

I like that melee is part of the game. Stops it from just being a shooting game, and also it’s more fun to play than AI weapons (for people that aren’t into the shooter part of the game).

Anyway, hope you are enjoying whatever builds you are playing!

The Big Boi (Top) and the Prototype (Bottom). The Prototype has the highest obtainable fire rate for a Thyrsus in the game, using an echo cabin and a flywheel, and the Big Boi… it’s pretty easy to see why I use it.


Is it faster than hadron/flywheel/adaptor/thyrsus?

This might keep me from complaining about the dmn melee, for a little while.

Now I’m the villain.


You might look at your framing and turning the motor upside down to make it less targetable. I undermount mine with my special cloak on top as better armor. It’s a little less arty but helps out a little in the long run of things as I normally only need the cloak for the starts of matches but the motor matters more for power and speed at the end of them.

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But it looks so cool popping up through the roof like that!

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The special cloak doesn’t look bad either they are the same width of the cab too.

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Helping a new friend progress I decided to make a little muscle car. It is yet to be complete… I need some new fenders, paint and some buggy wheels along with some other structure.

I don’t want anything even close to a seal clubbing build while I’m down there


I like that your using the broadside setup that works really well for low PS with the second gun guarded with via the cab.


So much melee and mines down at 4600, just means I can turn left then hook right or visa versa and just tag their cab/wheels. But damn the clubbing is so bad, I can take on these trashy kids solo but the low levels simply don;t have the equipment or experience to deal with such builds…

Low levels don’t know to get a fast cab and cheetah… and even if they do that the level 30+ players get phobos to be 5kmh faster than new players could even be, that alone is unfair on another scale.

I could run a growl and 3 guns or something but I’m not sad, I refuse to be part of the seal clubbing problem… yes I have the experience but I’m not going to run a sad clubbing meta build while I’m down there.

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yes you will because the game wants you too… :kissing_heart:

Go up around 1k in PS that’s near where I play my cerb fueler and it calms down a little with the melee stuff. You’ll still hit some of the same stuff on the overlap but it’s a little more tame just from the build outs.

That is simply your own low standards on show