Show us your builds

Your a box of loose parts bud.

Nice, good to see you weren’t lying

I love how your blowing up the forum… lol

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I’ve been waiting for some Snowfall gifs/vids since too long (^:

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Might re-try them for heli they are cheap right now. They have that great missile perk too…

A missile perk? ^_-

Snowfalls are probably the weapon I had the most fun with in the last two years alongside Tempuras. They do play 90% similar, but the long range shots with Snowfalls… Okay, loading up my triple snowfall hearse, see you at 10k PS
:boom: :red_car:


The reason why Snowfalls are so good.


Right. Rockets can’t make that shot except for Snowfalls and Helicons. Tight spread and good durability is what makes these rocket launchers special and different.


I’ve been looking at them a way to deal with some of the missile spam. lol

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They have such high drop… sadly it looks like I won’t be using the account anymore as my friend quit

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I’m thinking that might not matter playing heli as you’re already shooting from above…

The first thing I tried with the new helicopters was a snowfall build. Seemed like a good idea, but I found it very difficult to play.
Judging projectile drop on the ground is one thing, but turns out it’s much harder in the air.
It was good for dive bombing ground targets though.
I had more luck with Waltz, but I still found the missiles too slow to hit other helicopters consistently.

Dive bomb the runs… How I was thinking of using them…


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guilty as charged. first patents pending did the new players experiment and cheated by paying and now you. and 420 is giving up because he freaked his buddy out so much he just ran. not looking good.

this does obviously not apply to the situation on pc today.

and even in the past it was one of the reasons it seemed to me console crossout is very different compared to pc. which is why i decried the merging of the console forums with the mighty pc forum.

we all know it was the beginning of the end. they made lucash cry, for gods sake!

who cares, amirite? big ballers understand

im sure you would.

hm, ok go on then.

hmmmmm, i dont buy it. elaborate on what it is that i get and ill accept your apology.

yes its true, i also like to feel superior at times.

take the name of my “old forum” out of your voice! you havent been!!!

i used to be someone else back then and i hated you console guys coming over! when it was just skeletoncrew coming by every now and then it was cool.

but when you and the rest of the console horde showed up, all hope of any fruitful discussion was lost forevermore! j’accuse!


damn this is the “show us your builds” thread. i wasnt aware. charly really went for some cigs and were just a bunch of toddlers unable to cope. monkey, better get going with the flagging, because i think all of this might be off topic.

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I am not sure playing a new account for ~30 days unpaid and buying the BP when it released is “cheating”. New player experience doesn’t mean unpaid player experience. If you can’t afford 10 bucks for a long BP, one probably should be out hustling instead of playing a video game. Or at least I would be out hustling if 10 bucks seemed too much.

But yes, money did get spent there.

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Anyone starting a new account as an experiment can make their own rules of what they are interested in observing. There is no cheating.

If I were to follow through on my threat to make a new account, I would keep it 100% F2P, but that’s because of what my interests are. Besides, my main account is already what you can get by buying only the main BPs, and none of the packs or mini-BPs, so I don’t have any interest in testing that. I wouldn’t buy packs, because I am convinced they are not worth the money.


Don’t get me wrong but F2P account sucks, things just take forever.
Just to put in perspective, you got some legs, you build with them, you had fun with them, most probably you already moved on.
i’m yet to get my legs

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Once i did a build to fight cannons and it was good against dogs and melee, but eventually was taken down by the co drivers rework.
this was the build.

My pride and joy is back, i’m doing the preliminary tests and last tweaks. Hopefully will resume it’s mission.


Legs were actually one of the last movement parts I got into. I had bigrams from the first BP, but didn’t really like them.
But eventually I got bored of fast cars and started making big heavy tanks, so I decided to finally give the old ML-200s a try.
I didn’t spend any money to get them, I just grinded like any F2P player, and it didn’t take long to get enough to build with, as they were quite cheap on the market. Turns out they’re great with heavy cabins!

But grinding out gerridas would be a much longer grind.

I think you would like the heavy legs more, from what I can tell about your style.

Feels more like you are driving a building, or a mobile fortress.

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Lately i’m building for myself but the problem with that, i have to wait until some coins come along to be able to build.
I’m not a huge fan of the new legs, they have less durability than BFs, so i’m very suspicious of them.
I’m thinking using MLs with two reapers for PVE, maybe Bigrams, they felled out of favour i don’t know why, but 8 of them should do something.
Also i’m very interested in Atoms.
For now i went into tracks and i’m liking.
But Ermak, whirls, maybe augers…
Perhaps i will get whirls and then Mls