Show us your builds

Heavy legs aren’t great for raids because they are so slow. But I still think you would like them. Try four at lower PS first to get a sense of whether you can work with them. If not, sell them.

MLs in certain raids might work with Cyclones or Reapers, like in Rock city or founders Canyon.
My present PVE build if i’m too bothered to move it can function like a turret. But it has adequate speed for the in betweens
Low PS battles can be a problem…Just the hull itself …usually throws me off Low PS.
I have two builds waiting for legs.

Let’s see

Channeling M420 with this one a bit.

It’s using a similar set-up to what I think he’s doing, as far as gear goes, albeit on more of a budget and at a lower power-score. I don’t have Retchers, or any top shelf weapons for that matter, but I do like the Emily, and I am planning on using the current event (and some past work pieces) to fuse these. I’ve got a descent stealth module in there (Mk2) that I got with the “Bone Whatever” pack, a PU-1, a Dun Horse fused for speed (Cheetah didn’t fit), and of course, Racing Wheels. I love Racing Wheels.

Initially I even built it with the Catilina, but I can’t use these Emilies without the Manitou perk anymore. It spoiled me.

Anyway, it’s sporty, it’s fast, stealthy, hits hard, and then disappears into the sunset…and it’s pretty (JMO).

I’m not getting M420 kind of results, but I did get a MVP in PVP with it, and given a fair(ish) fight from the matchmaker (totally rigged BS) I can wreck schit pretty hard with it. I do like the play-style, so I’ll likely do more builds along this line.

Thanks for the build queues, M420. Expect me to riff off your style more. My next one will be even more cliche, and probably be built on the Catalina too…another cab I bought simply because it was gorgeous, and I couldn’t resist. My guns are all cheap, so I’m sort of struggling with what works with that in PVP at 6-7K.

Most kids are really min-maxing with some top level gear very effectively at that PS and it’s hard to roll into there without going all META just in order to survive…let alone win. I would call it “seal clubbing” but I don’t think there are very many aces in there (judging by the size of their guns), or even in this game anymore.

Edit: I do have a Thyrsus, but it’s hot garbage in PVP.


My latest build


Obviously, not a very clever build…

But it’s not often I get something to work with the Jockey. Probably just luck. IDK, but it worked.

Anyway, what I thought was worth mentioning about this build is the combo of 2 Sidekicks and 1 Barrier IX. First of all, they sure nerfed the helloutta those Barrier IXs, eh? Nonetheless, the combo pushed me into an unusual play-style, and I haven’t come across many new play-styles. It’s mostly, rush munching, camp peekabu, or poop’n’scoot out there, so I was glad to experience something new.

I know drones are popular, so If you like drones, maybe toss in a barrier IX and see where that takes you. I thought it was fun anyway, and found myself playing in a more genuinely support role that was actually useful to team mates, and more conducive of team-play in general, which I think improves player experience for everybody.

I also regularly out killed my team mates with it too, so there’s that. It was great for clearing out bottlenecks like the one on the Bridge map too. It’s got a super low power-score (sub-5K), so IDK if trying that gig at 6 or 7K would fly, but it might through the matchmaker magic it may be exploiting (atypical weapons combo).


If you use the hertz codriver they end up the same if I remember correct.

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The more builds out there that aren’t just ugly meta heaps the better


That’s some dumb schit right there.

If I put a cannon on it, it gets it’s ass handed to it the second it encounters anything. I put chainsaws and circular saws on it, and it’s a gddmn menace.

I’m writing our military to tell them to switch to power tools.


I use that cab with tank tracks and a single fatman it’s not bad I don’t normally get demolished but it’s not a high scorer either. You can find it on my exhibit page I think.


Update on my plasma wagon. did you guys know a well placed holo makes a good fake shield.



Got photo bombed by somebody humbugging on my Christmas truck…I thought it was funny.


More of the same, but a little evolved…

All the melee is stupid…but I can’t say I’m not liking this thing…for melee. It is what it is (pretty?).
Happy Hanukah.

This one’s still fun to win with. The Barrier IX encourages the “team” to group a little, and if I can find a friendly hover, it makes a good support vehicle. Sometimes it surprises me and brings in three kills, and usually gets one or two, even if the rest of the team didn’t get any…which is often.

Grandpa’s truck got a proper shell, just like I remember.

It cleans up in easy raids. I actually did a couple. Not anxious to do it again.

It’s not anti-melee, so it doesn’t work for schit, because that’s all I seem to encounter, but it’s pretty.

I wish there was a game I could play that in. Unfortunately, it’s not this one. I used to be able to get builds like this to work, but not this year.


this right here is the King Cobra

4600 hp, crazy dps

(there’s a bunch of coolers and radiators inside the build)


Trusty ol’shotgun wedge.

Not the classic Crossout shotgun wedge, but it works anyway.


Been Watching Godzilla movies again.

EDIT: I need a flickering snake-tongue hologram.

I had lobbied for custom license plates many times (can use more), but their idea was probably better.

I like that thing, but it’d work better if it was a part of the bumper.


Did you see the new Godzilla movie? I took my girlfriend to see if for her birthday, highly recommend it.

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Not yet. It looks sharp, though.

Edit: We need a Godzilla horn…They should have given the sound FX to the Kaiju.

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i like this one too… :kissing_heart:


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