Show us your gaming rig. Where do you play?

Because i flagged yours not that i was angry not stooping to your level so I deleted it. No need of this non sense.

I can repost it if you like, this is what I said
“I can say the same about you bit I don’t say nothing. Try and censor yourself a little.”


On the other hand, I thought this topic was about something different.


It is, the topic is about gaming rigs and where you play your gaming rigs. tenshiijin had a pic that got flagged/taken down so technically it was still kinda on topic until tenshiijin ventured off course calling me annoying. This whole thread would still be a mud slinging fest with patents pending if it wasn’t for me posting my actual gaming rig first all because of a joke I made about ups. I don’t mind venturing off topic a little bit but not for too long and bloating the thread and that was the direction it was headed if I didn’t save the day.

Personal attacks aren’t welcome although I’m not surprised to read this.

Anyhow, y’all better discuss gaming rigs and gaming rig appliances :wink:

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Those would give me nightmares. LOL

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Man another post of mine in this thread got flagged and removed. This forum is a trashbag joke.

Eh, I wasn’t offended by your PC. Or anything in the picture with it.

Have you tried this yet on your trips? Just need a projector for your laptop!


I have actually done that a couple of times. The challenge is finding a bare white trailer to use as a screen. All UPS trailers are gray and suck as movie screens. It’s also a good way to garner a lot of attention from management LOL


They do have magnetic screens but I know it’s costly… It would be amusing to see you set up like this though.

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I do have a collapsible one. It would be hilarious to play XO on that screen while on UPS property. LOL

I just think it would be a funny first for the game. I’d probably wait for a rest stop or something but, ya pretty much. You basically have a great mobile generator for that type of stuff. “You could do stuff like Broadcast from hyway marker #” It could be kind of snarky road grit alone. I could also see it being harsh with geovideo tracking or basic GPS tracking against records though too… :confused: Make sure you’re on the right time if you try it. lol

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One of the fun things about being in a unionized company (there are plenty of un-fun things) is that the rules are very clear cut. Not only do you know what you can and cannot do, you also know what management can and cannot do.

They could fire me for sure. But then I’d get my job back in a few weeks with what they call “penalty pay.” Some dudes hope to get fired for dumb reasons so they can get an extra extended vacation. :joy::rofl:

I’m tempted to bring my projector… That’d be hilarious. Would I win the “cool gaming rig contest” by default? :joy: :trophy:

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