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Pretty long actually, one of the things I need to be wary of is Shotgun and Piercer wedges. Even if I am degunned, I can still be useful by blocking melee and pushing people around.

A lot of times, Melee players will come to me. They’re unaware that my tracks are pretty resistant to their weapons. I prefer they target me and not one of my more vulnerable teammates.

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It’s funny, when I play melee, I consistently forget that tracks and legs are hard to chew through. I get tunnel vision looking for someone I can attack from the side, and remember too late that they’ll be able to withstand my initial ramming attack.


Allegedly, players after lvl 30 engineer faction are put in “high tier” lobby, so, allegedly, ever yplayer you encounter has some month experience. Why, why would melee target tracks unless its day 1 in XO?

Ah. Ok.


I don’t know, they just do.

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By the looks of his build, he doesn’t need to run after them, they will come to him. We always can count with the excitement on the other part.
Again, by the looks of his build because they can’t do anything more than that or it’s chewing plows or it’s chewing tracks

Not only they can withstand your initial attack but also dispose of you in one or two full bursts (depending on the weapons).
But as you i’m always forgetting that not all builds are good to come after.
The fog of war sucks but only after, during the heat of the moment anything goes.

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They do.
3 reasons…

  1. There are still mouth breeders in XO.
  2. They hope your racks are damaged and they will bore through easy.
  3. They are so confident in their ‘my borers stick to your car and I push until you die’, that they just go for it. Sometimes it works, just takes a long, long time.

‘please stop this is embarrassing’

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Not sure what you’ve meant, but I’ll guess you mean it’s embarrassing for the melee pushing you.

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That was indeed the joke, so you do know


I agree, that seal clubbers Reacher build is an embarrassment to the whole game.

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Tasty seals, it was fun tonight

cope, clan wars boy

It don’t mater to me man. If you like seal clubbing at low PS then more power to you brother.

the great copium war haha

you still use max aim assist kekw

I bet you miss the aimbot-aim assist still

Lol, your so salty your looking up my game clips. I see you found one of my test builds.

Nice to have a fan boy.


With stickers on it?



You’re loud because you’ve always been in someone’s shadow


I normally sticker all my builds before I play them.

That was a failed porc and trombone test.

Hadron + trombone slow down porcs fire rate. (But I’m sure you knew that already)

Test complete.

Thank you fan boy


Nothing to cope with. Your a non-factor.


Sorry to the OP for M420 taking this thread off topic to show off seal clubbing. Now back to the original program.
