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That’s the kind of console player we were talking about. Better start fusing dog gear if they want to remain competitive after crossplay happens :rofl:.


Seal-clubbing with Blight and totally exposed, unarmored Retchers above 10k PS? :thinking:

You’re the one who derailed the thread for some bs because of a grudge you hold, don’t be such an hypocrite on top of it >_>


Yeah I just brought evidence instead of being a loud mouth

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Evidence of what exactly? That you like to brag about clubbing?

You have brought that for sure.


Anything new to say?


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To go back to the topic, if people hate the 5k meta so much these days, they can just start using bumpers… But I’ll agree, 5k isn’t really fun these days. 7k-9k usualy has decent build diversity, but the successive ranked modes we had showed there’s salways something that will end up being the most effective at any PS range.

I’m thinking, maybe with some efforts put into building a good ride, the current 5k meta can be changed? Maybe if a handful of people start playing a ride that demolished Bastion Borer, the meta will shift naturally? (^%


100% this

The problem is…
when you make a good anti bastion borer build, its only good vs bastion borer builds
whereas bastion borer builds are good vs almost anything.


I would like to vote with :sob: , because that is true. Only thing that could help to reduce bastioborers is a meta that is even more toxic. People dont like challenge and fan as much as winning.

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Sometimes you need cancer to fight cancer

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Holy shit. Man just got roasted by his own clips. That kind of automatic gameplay, and willingly playing it, is pathetic. Sorry, but when the dude with the MVP and a controller in his hands deserves little more than a participation trophy…smh

This is the only build that needs to take over. Why? Because it slays all melee builds, and also kicks the shit out of everything else at that PS. I’ve posted this once, but maybe it’s time to make a montage so people can see the how and why…

Edit: The energy is 3x sinus, 1 seal, 1 cheetah (also has an unpowered blue radar for quicker target acquisition). 1378 durability, 360° of bumpers and blades, for 100% melee coverage. Top speed of 116. It fights and kills it all, bar none.

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When I see a borer bastion and a sideways sinus hover dance around each other, I just wish they both die. Oh, and in the game, too.


A proper piercer build can kill anything 5-7k PS.
Melee are quite annoying yes. I don’t make specific melee-resistant builds to sacrifice something else. But I’m okay fighting against them. Using speed and bias firepower of piercers on a fast build - one can keep distance, flee from slow melees.
(essential to have 3-4 MGs capable of firing backwards)
Borers can be shot from the crafts. But sometimes it’s even more rational just to take of their wheels and enjoy watching them crawl, or leave them totally immobile.
The main trick is controlling your surroundings so that they can’t catch up with you. Which is quite harder when there is bunch of them. But mostly I don’t see them like something entirely out of balance. An easy sealclubbing tool - yes. But somehow devs keep on making more and more of those - adding drones, mines, lances… But extremely effective sealclubbing tools must be nerfed. My guess is making contstruction parts more expansive so that they can’t have lots of cheap armor on low PS.


7500-9500 is my favorite range, there is a nice selection of builds there and not as much cheesing as the lower ps.
Or I should say, the cheese is not as unbearable as it feels like in lower ps and you feel more like you have an actual chance against the metacheese and crutch builds

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I have suspicion piercer or AC will be able to strip you, but nevertheless - I am not driving a car equivalent of american food enjoyer just for efficiency.

  • I have to point you both to my little build that trolls melee but also does the job very good against any build:

The thing is, wasp + tracks is good, but somehow people stopped playing it the moment it went from grossly OP to balanced lol.

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I’ll be honest. If something is grossly OP, I can’t play it because it stops being enjoyable…
Hey I used to play Trucker with Borers long ago, because it looked cool to be a metal bending dump truck when no trucks ware around… Soon as it became too good, I wouldn’t touch it with a stick.

I never played wasps before because I’m not a fan of rockets. But gave it a try to give middle finger to melee, and got to love it.