Something that hit me today - Balance

You have made an excellent argument here sir in favor of the devs to never listen, because every “group” has something different to say, kudos to you :+1:

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Your not wrong :rofl:


I consider
6500 and under “low PS”
6501-12k “medium”
Anything above 12k “high”

As I opened parts, I rarely can build anything under “medium” because I want the goodies on my build.


Sorry about the late response.

I agree with what you said there.

I was thinking of adding more recoil to certain weapons and a bigger accuracy penalty from movement. This would discourage Dogs and Hovers from wielding weapons like cannons. The devs could also apply a perk to movement parts like Tracks that would allow them to negate the aforementioned penalties.

Restrictions actually amplify creativity.


I will agree here.

12k is where the match maker spots making brackets.

12k+ is what I would call the Unlimited Bracket

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dont mean to derail the thread , but i searched for a relevant topic before starting a new one

im debating trading in my retchers for fortunes , whats your thoughts on this?

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Fortunes are all but useless on some maps. They bounce off of landscape features and obstacles and over your intended targets. When they are good, they are very good. When they are bad, you’re dead.

I would suggest saving up to get them instead of selling anything to get them. Then again, that is generally my advice for any such decision.


I own a fused set of both and both of these weapons hit like a truck. Even harder then relics, but they are both easy to strip if you just plop them on top of your build.

If you get in close range with these things and start dumping rounds into someone both of these guns will make fast work out of any build.

But they have completely different play styles.

Both can be played as an area of denial weapon from range. With Retcher you have that rainbow or rain of death you can launch from a pretty good distance, the disadvantage is it can be seen from a mile away and anyone that is paying attention just moves :slight_smile: it’s super slow. With fortunes it’s more of a spray and pray kind of thing, the terrain/buildings and so on makes a big difference how they bounce around and you are just trying to flood an area, but fortunes barrels are much harder to see and people will run into them not even knowing they are there. You can also aim them at an arch at range at hit targets pretty easy once you get the arch down.

On Retcher you can spray over your team mates and hit targets they are blocking. I think this is one of the reasons this weapon is a God in PvE. Fortunes can arch but when someone is in front of you they get blocked a lot. I do like how they cover the ground when they are blocked and if the person your hitting is smart they back up a little and the enemy car drives into a world of hurt that they don’t even really see laying on the ground.

Both of these weapons work very well in a dog build, but for me personally I think the fortune wins in this group.

Mostly I play Retchers on Hovers and Fortunes on Omni wheels.

Now, the main reason I fused a set of fortunes and I am practicing this play style is because of the cannon change coming up. I’m guessing that shields and nova cabin will be very popular after this change and fortunes don’t care about shields.

Also, get under a hover and toss a triple fortune volley into its underside and watch what happens to that build :wink: lol


I wouldn’t trade Retchers for Fortunes. You need Retchers to dominate hard raids and keep your resources flowing in the game. Also, Fortunes also aren’t clearly better they just are a much different play style. If you keep trading weapons to get something different, the market will sap value out of your account and set you back.

Both weapons are weak against machine guns. I would suggest keeping your Retchers and building toward something that is good against machine guns like Destructors or Hammerfalls or a Kaiju. Then you have a second build that complements your first. Or maybe build Nothungs while they are cheap. Nothungs are excellent machine guns.

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This is solid advise.

Keep pushing forward.

I’m going to agree and disagree here. I do not play raids much, but when I do I’m not using Retchers and would say I get highest scoring player about 75% of the time (just pulling a number out of the air, but you get the point)

I think people put to much value on Retcher for raids. Are they good? Hell yeah, but they are not needed.

Most of the time I just use whatever Meta build I’m playing.

Also going to agree and disagree here.

If your the guy that makes a car and slaps the weapons on top of your car… then yes your right.
But with retchers and fortunes properly boxed deep into armor (like a 16k+ Meta build) then I’ll go toe to toe with many MG players and win a good amount of those match-ups.

Now don’t get me wrong, MGs are pretty powerful right now, but they are not unstoppable.

ALSO - my advise is for high PS players that play in the 14k+ unlimited PS PvP bracket.

I never base what I say on PvE.

id break even on the retchers , but i get what you guys are saying ,its a solid piece to keep around , so far i have the 2 retchers , kaiju , avalanche from this event , and i crafted 2 nothungs to go with the fused one … im just awful with any grenade launcher except yongwang lmao but thats because i use that close range but retchers perk wants to be used at distance

i bought a nova recently , but didnt realized you had to keep the sheild beam clear for it to work , so i turned it into profit , i think ill go for a hadron or something and just get an aegis or barrier 9

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My Retchers collect dust in my inventory, they are just not my thing at the moment.

I personally prefer Fortunes in PvP, I sit back and pump fortunes twards the enemy positions from range and stay back with my team and once I see an opening or a stray build by itself I play it super close. Ram into the build and push them around while they die kind of close.

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Not the kind of domination he is talking about. He is talking about making hard raids as fast and easy as easy raids. A set of Retchers does that easily no matter what skill level one has obtained. (and I am not saying anything about anyone’s skill here)

One should figure a loss of 10% plus any price difference on each trade.

Fortunes are OP on every map. They do take practice and map familiarity.

I would keep the Retchers.
Begin crafting the parts to make incinerators. Once you have two incinerators, play them for awhile and burn some people up.
The weapons to make fortunes are all fun to play pretty much.
Set a goal of making a part toward your fortunes each time make a part comes up on the daily. Don’t sell or spend any materials, use the weapons you have. The better you get with them, the faster you earn other weapons/modules.

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one of the first epic weapons i crafted lol only a few from the grave badges away from the fire banner now , i think at this point id rather flip resources than get scammed crafting directly though


This 100%

You can’t convince the crafters of this, but 90% of the time you will come out the other side better doing it this way.

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I don’t know about that: at this point I’m pretty good at looking at the price of an item (and the current resource costs) and be able to tell of it’s cheaper to craft or to buy.
Yes, many items are cheaper to buy currently, but others are consistently cheaper to craft. And of course if you have some workpieces it can be much cheaper the craft.

Having said that, I don’t think about it much. Sometimes I’m more in the mood to craft something from scratch, and don’t really care if it’s the smart choice. If resources are cheap, I always feel dumb selling them, and I’ll be more likely to craft.
In the first few years of playing, I never bothered to do the math, and definitely wasted a lot of coin crafting things that are cheap to buy.

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Crafter do weird math to justify crafting.

Like not counting resources because they think they are free…

For all the crafter out there that do this here is the math :slight_smile:

Resources = Highest Bid amount minus 10%

One of the other things I’ll see crafter do is count items at a lesser value because when they bought/crafted the item it was cheeper.

So just like above, here is the real math.

item = highest bid price minus 10% (same math)

If an item is currently selling for 1000 coins and when you got your it was 600 then what is the value of that item? I’ll give you a hint: it’s NOT 600. It’s now 900.

There is more, but you get the point.

So a light cab with four omni wheels.

Yeah, if you’re going to do the math, you need to do it from scratch.
I’ll add up the total resources needed for every ingredient part, plus crafting costs. Then I calculate how much coin I could get from selling all those resources at current prices, and compare that grand total to the current item price.
If the totals are close, I might look closer at the current prices of the ingredient items, and check if there might be an advantage to buying the ingredients (or in some cases, selling the ingredients).

But after doing that a few times for various items, you can get a quick general sense just from glancing at the current prices of the item vs current resource costs.
Like if an epic item is currently selling for more than a thousand coins, it’s probably worth crafting. But at the moment, resource prices are low on PS4, so if resources surge enough, I might have to do a bit of math to check if I’m ripping myself off. Often you can skip the math just by checking where the item is compared to other items of the same rarity. It the price is in the bottom half of prices for that rarity, it’s probably not worth crafting.

The funny thing is, I also see people who never craft not doing the math themselves, and coming on the forum to claim that crafting is never profitable. Then you get them to crunch the numbers on a Seal, and they come up with all kinds of reasons to claim that it’s still not worth doing.
*Seals are just an example of an item that is usually cheaper to craft. I haven’t checked the current prices, so it might not be true right now.

If you want to do it then do it. Fortunes pack quite a wollop. I assume your getting a tad bored with retchers. If thats the case you def should change weapons. Its better to lose some coin and keep having fun, instead of being more profit savy but getting bored with your inventory. Because if your bored with your inventory and are still playing thats more like a job than playing a fun game.

Ps im seeing some people respond with how fortunes perform and id like to give my perspective as someone whos used them a good bit. I use them a lot at long ranges. I used to be able to launch those things accross the biggest maps end to end before they nerfed them. They arent a spray and pray gun. I dont reccomend you try and roll them on the ground towards your enemy. Try to get good at hitting your enemys without your fortunes ever touching the ground. I bounce them off walls, but i avoid landing them on the ground as much as possible. Theres situations where and enemy is on the other side of a big hill and you cant see them but you see them on the map and in that situation your probably going to have to land them on the ground at some point to hit the player because without a direct line of sight its pretty hard to not hit the ground with the fortunes. Hilly maps and terrain are a fortunes best friends. Small teeny hills that barely cover your car are perfect. You can make shots that land directly on enemy cars and they cant see you at all. Thats the real beauty of fortunes.