Something that hit me today - Balance

The way I see it, a build with all-epic parts will end up in the range I described as mid-PS. You’ll still see lots of legendary weapons and some relics, but on builds that aren’t as scary as how people would play those weapons in higher PS.
Above 10kPS, the matchmaker can have a much wider range, so I don’t find a huge difference between 12k and 16k, as you’re mostly playing in the same kinds of matches. I don’t have any relics, so I have no idea what the game is like up there. I see some of those builds when I play around 15-16kPS, but it doesn’t seem that different to me.

Low PS is what you end up with using only rare/special items, and while there are a lot more new players, I also see lots of people that have obviously been playing for a long time. It’s a very different game down there, but chaotic fun.

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Well yeah, low PS does not take tactics like high PS does. You just can’t run in with a mob and hope for the best.

Well… you can :slight_smile: but it does not always work out for the best :slight_smile: lol

Even running a fast build at high PS takes looking at the map and figuring out where your windows of opportunity are.

But Low PS can give you that random fast “free for all” kind of feel. Which is more of an Arcade kind of experience.

IMO: The match maker is the best at 14k+

I have been planning to make a post and explain why this is true for a while now.

I do plan to write it in the next few days.

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PVP is basically that, with high and low difficulty settings adjusted by the matchmaker according to it’s whims (whatever they are). Or, you go in with chat teams and win a lot. Any kind of team work is what wins in PVP the most. The META is strong too, I think.
I’m seeing a new Hover that looks like a TIE fighter sporting well armored fixed weapons as if it were on turrets, because if it’s on hovers, it basically is a turret.
They will change the dynamics of hovers and cannons again, so IDK if that system will continue to develop the way it is now. It’s cool looking though. Looks heavy. Works good. Solves vs de-gunning.

I just tried making the highest PS fast car that I could, and only managed to get it up to 12524PS. I guess I might be able to get it up to 15kPS with relic weapons, but I don’t think I could get it any higher without sacrificing speed.
I also don’t think a four wheel build would survive very long up there though. Too many weapons can take off a hermit up there.
So my point remains that the fastest builds in the game are at mid PS.
(And before you ask, I’m using BP fused cabin and wheels, so the only way I could buff my speed more would be to fuse the engine).

I concur. I dunno what that is. I used hover as an example, in bring other parts up… but again, not everything should be one way or the other. I was not talking in absolutes. The dev’s are perfectly capable of buffing tracks, augers, legs or any other part to bring it up to par. That does not mean they cannot also do nerfs to OP stuff to tone it down.

It means: the first solution should be buffs to other parts. Then a nerf to bring down the OP part if it is still needed.

Personally, I would be just fine if hovers were removed from the game completely. Or if they added the skirt actually required in real life to contain the air cushion for gas turbine hovercraft.

As I stated before this became all about hovers… in general I still think lacking parts should be buffed first, with the OP parts being nerfed second.

Do you mean speedy as in the game moves to the next game faster? I believe this. It is more efficient farming.
If you mean the speed of vehicles…


For all PS. Slow builds are target practice mostly. (there are those that play them well but they are rare)

Rarely. Especially if you are the first one in… and no one follows :rofl:


I think the highest power score very fast car that you run into is as follows:

Quad Porc Griffon, on wheels, Omnis or Small tracks. Usually around 15k.
2 Firebug and Flash Firedog, usually on Hermits or Bigfoots, Usually around 14k to 14.5k depending on whether you go with a Colossus, a Hot Red or a Cheetah.


I see quite a few buggy wheels because of how they can be encased. (on dog builds i mean)

I’m glad other people are finally starting to use buggy wheels! I rarely see anyone but me using them.

That sounds about right. Both sound like they’d be fun to play, but too rich for me.

I have been playing a super fun/fast 6 Omni-wheel Fortune build the last few days, and this thing kicks butt. (The build is just over 14k - but 14k+ is the Unlimited Bracket and your going to play dudes all the way up to 20k+ once you hit 14k.

Power fuse Omni’s on a Catalina for the win.

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I love that you got a front grill on it.


I’m seeing a lot of fortune/omniwheel builds, but none look like that. Yours looks a lot harder to degun than the ones I’ve been seeing. I think that’s the next legendary I’m going to grind out.

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I fused a set in the event. Lucky for me all 3 of the ones I fused got the projectile speed buff which makes them fly way farther.

But even without a fuse fortunes are pretty powerful and super fun.

With that build I can play a defensive area of control kind of play-style, then when they get close or mess up I can play like a dog build and pin someone while I’m blasting away.

The DPS is insane, so when you have someone locked in, they are done for.

Also! The biggest reason that I fused a set of these is because this weapons play-style can not be found at any other weapon tier. This is a unique weapon.


What I see more often are compact six omniwheel builds with the guns tucked behind the cabin. More aiming freedom, but probably easier to strip than yours.

Literally, all my wheeled bricks went to the trashcan the moment hovers went above 75 kmh. Cohort + fused cheetah + Phobos 80 kmh, yay!

So sad for builds which used to plow through kap fields and absolutely destroy relic hovers. The hover buffs have been insane, yet you still have naysayers everywhere shrugs

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Lol yeah, but don’t worry they will fix it in the next patch by buffing light and medium cabins being effected less by mass when excelerating. :slight_smile:

When I read that buff in the patch notes most guys thought “awesome! My build will go faster!”, When I read that buff I read “Last nail in the coffin for heavy cabins”


This thing has a lot more freedom then one might think. Yes, some angles might not be 100% when terrain is involved, but like you noted my guns are going to stay on.

These things are deep inside and still can aim up high. See screenshot below. They also have full range of motion right and left.

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This reply show that you are reading my post and the meaning. Speedy games are less campy. Maybe we are so use to let bots to start the engagement. Lower of PS bots usually get to the center of the map quicker. Battles without bot, players usually attack from left or right depending on the map.

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There were discussions earlier about what constitutes High, Mid, & Low PS builds.
Obviously, the game doesn’t define that for us, so it’s a somewhat moot point.

Someone else pointed out that if you run all Epic everything, you’ll end up in a general PS level… all legendary another etc. So, I thought I’d test that out to see where things landed. Obviously, these are only examples & the higher in rarity you go, the higher in PS variety you’ll have…

Common Parts Build - Roughly 1850
Rare Parts Build - Roughly 3800
Special Parts Build - Roughly 6000
Epic Parts Build - Roughly 11000
Legendary build… Roughly 13500

Also, the higher you go, the more variety in rarity level of parts you’ll have… so my Legendary build obviously had some epics in there etc…

It’s kinda pointless to do one for relics since
A) I no longer have relics
B) There are very few relic parts
C) Since the difference b/t legendary & epic is between rougly 600 & 800 per piece, it’s easy to calculate what a “top tier” build would be… just add about 1400.

Also, just for clarity, these were rather simple builds. For example, my daily PVE Hard build sits at 14412 reflecting a bit of the variety in PSs you’ll see. This is just to give us (me?) a little perspective.

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