Sorry, but these numbers suck

Nah, omniwheels just took a while to catch on, and I think they had some buffs that got more people interested.
I loved Omniwheels when they came out, and was able to do the same maneuvers back then with traditional steering. I’m not even particularly skilled.

You could change “camera steering” to “hovers” and your post sounds like every hover complaint thread from long before camera steering.

Do the people complaining about camera steering use it themselves? Because it really sounds like they don’t, and are just looking for something to blame.

I believe the rise of horseshoe builds was more a result of the traditional hover metas no longer working due to the handling changes introduced in 2.0.
If you look back at the forum during that period, it was full of hover players complaining about their broken builds. Remember those few weeks when every hover had their guns on a tower behind the cabin, to deal with the rocking when reversing? Horseshoe builds were a way of dealing with that better.

You couldn’t even shoot without cam steering on half those horseshoe builds because the slit allowed something like 2° of firing angle but okay :skull:

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I thought the function was that they effectively turned the entire vehicle into a turreted cannon while immunizing the weapon from enemy fire by encasing it deep into armor.

With camera steering, the whole craft (on hovers) whips about faster than any turreted cannon can, but typically utilizing non-turreted cannons that were given higher damage ratings due to what was formerly a more difficult weapon to operate.

After the camera steering update, this allowed non-turreted cannons to function as OP turreted cannons but much better, due to how fast you could whip them about and aim. Simply point, click, and delete enemies.

I actually use to enjoy shooting more with out the cam steering, with it I now have to align my entire build with the shooting angle which can be sometime be wedged or stuck into other odd positions. It’s actually harder now to shoot off angle than it was before.

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Me 1 year ago.

I’ve only built a small handful of horseshoe builds, but it seems to me that most people block the firing angles of their guns so that it’s not actually possible to block the firing of the gun.

Maybe you build them differently? In my experience, even with camera steering your guns will get blocked from firing unless you restrict the rotation of the guns.

Gun rotation speed on most DPS weapons is still faster than vehicle rotation, so unless you restrict your firing angle your barrel will frequently be blocked from firing.

Exactly! Camera steering can cause lots of situations like that, and many strafing players complained about that.
There are ways to overcome that, but they’re not very elegant or easy to pull off in the heat of the moment.

Now I’m curious how many forum members other than me actually use camera steering. When it came out, most people here swore they would never use it.

I leave it on, It doesn’t bother me really, I just know where it gets me into issues. Though the weirdest portion of it is when you have to switch between wheels and heli and adjust in the same match.

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That’s one of the reasons I rarely use my bigrams.

I still play wheels most of the time, so whenever I switch to strafing parts it takes me a few matches to remember how to drive.

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The legs lift really funny with the heli mode. The hovers I think have the best transition though not really surprised though.

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So basically this discussion was “CAM STEERING IS ACTUALLY WORSE THAN REGULAR STEERING!!!” - Two cam steering users.

Did I get that right? :joy:

I played lots of strafing shit, both modes. This discussion’s a joke.

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I don’t really find it any better or worse. I’d really like it more if there was a keyboard toggle for it as then I could switch between them easier when in a match.

Most things in this game are a joke lol… I still like it though.

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you say things that arent necessarily wrong but youre still missing the point.

your argument is: cam steering is simply an accessibility/quality of life improvement with fewer possible maneuvers than traditional controls. so it doesnt make it easier at all and lowers the skill ceiling a bit.

fair enough, if thats your perspective but your personal perspectives importance is relative to what is going on in the game itself. and your claim that you could do better maneuvers with traditional controls is, if taken literally, a grandiose one! i doubt you could play the boxed in mg builds with traditional controls as well as with cam steering, if at all. and also not just for 20min.

as i understand, the reality in the game was a huge spike in u-shaped builds with boxed in mg-type weapons on omnidirectional movement parts. seemingly in direct reaction to the new controls.

u-shaped builds have been a thing for a long time, for example cricket hovers. but it only with worked with some weapons and the “tunnel” had to be pretty wide. plus you had to move omnidirectionally with keys while making slight aim corrections with the mouse in order not to block your guns.

thats harder to do than simply aiming with your mouse. and potentially many of the new style u-shaped builds wouldnt work without cam steering. that would then be more than a simple qol improvement. i think thats the point were discussing.

or how do you explain the rise in new style u-shaped builds? coincidence?

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Hiding the guns deep in the build has always been a thing but I don’t think it use to be as bad. I really can’t stand the horseshoe build meta though. Omori I think made it worse than the camera steering. Most of the guns even with camera following steering enabled still do have a small amount of movement on them and that build style cuts that off by a lot. So I’ve always found it harder to use those builds and maintain aim which is something you already touch on in your post.

As I said earlier, the first few weeks after 2.0 were all about hover players trying to figure out new builds that weren’t impacted so much by the handling changes. The increased tilting when changing directions meant that firing while reversing was suddenly blocked on many traditional hover builds.
For those weeks, people tried out a lot of things. Remember all those shotgun hovers, with the guns high above the cabin?
The horseshoe design allowed you to keep shooting while reversing, while also burying your guns deep into the build. At the same time, the design enabled you to mount more guns on omamori, which made a lot of low durability DPS weapons a lot more viable.
Camera steering is obviously quite suited to that design, but also not necessary at all. The classic cannon hovers were played in a similar way, and lots of people were good at that before camera steering. All kinds of tunnel armour has been successfully used over the years, using the same trick of restricting your barrel movement to avoid blocking your own shots.

I would like to clarify something though:
I see camera steering as something that primarily made strafing builds gentler on the hands and the controllers for console players. It might have been a bigger change for PC, and I can’t speak much on that.
Did it make strafing builds easier? It lowered the skill ceiling, making them more accessible. But I think it also puts a ceiling on how good you can be. I suspect most experienced strafing players can perform better on traditional controls, but camera steering is easier for people to learn.

Aiming by steering is not new to Crossout. There were always lots of builds that functioned that way. On console, the only significant differences is that you would use a different stick for steering, and the joystick button for strafing. If you’ve made your tunnel/horseshoe build correctly, you should be able to fire forwards while looking/aiming sideways when using traditional controls. You’d mostly just have to deal with the elevation part of aiming with your camera/aim stick, which really isn’t a big difference from camera steering the same build.

If you are mad about the popularity of horseshoe DPS designs, getting rid of camera steering isn’t going to solve that.