Suggestion: fused items and co-drivers increase PS

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considering opportunity cost and minimum capital to be in at least 5 epic offers at once we are talking 10k+ of coins at least. For example I am sitting on a King right now, waiting for the price to recover from the pack, which means 1800 coins are not in active trade - at typical 3 flips of epics (600 coins a piece - is actually high estimate) it means assumed 30 coins a day (bare minimum) I am not making - so if I wait for price recovery for 1 month I have missed on 900 potential investment returns. It is only reaosnable if you have significant base capital that exceeds available investment potential.
And it can turn both ways - you buy something, dont sell it fast enough and pack goes on sale - you are looking at couple hundred coins loss or dead weight in your storage for long, long time. I dont know if I ever can get rid of a Leech.
Trading favours those who already have a LOT of coins and are thus able to grab opportunities and sit out lows.
Getting starting capital as Free player is possible, but we are talking half a year of frontier defence plastik grind.

I’m not sure why you are stuck on epic and above items. It has already been discussed that many people play in this game play for a few days or a few weeks and uninstall.

And many guys stay low to mid PS forever. The largest part of the population is low to mid.

I don’t want to be the guy that owns a restaurant selling $50 stacks, I want to McDonalds selling millions of burgers.

You need to look at where the largest market is and cater to that.

There is a reason we have so many fast food places, it’s because their owners want to be rich.

Margin on rare/special is so low (2-4 coins) - you can get out of it because somebody dropped price by 1 coin. I trade it occasionally, but it seems effort for the result is quite high. Or maybe its just you squeezing me out of htere :wink: ?

In the past, i have suggested that they should simply create a queue for under lvl 30 and above lvl 30 players until you reach a certain powerscore, say 5000. Above that you are matched with the rest of the pop.

Add a warning message that you are leaving the newbie territory when someone below lvl 30 tries to join above 5k ps and some simple instructions for newbies on how the queue works when they log and thats it.

Fused seal clubbers will play with fused seal clubbers and new players will play with new players up to 5k or lvl 30.

Its a soft cap that doesnt hurt anyone and will help the new players understand that there is huge differential between experienced-fused players and themselves, hence the different queue.

Adding powerscore to fussions defeats the purpose of fussions to an extend and will create issues on high powerscores since there are vehicles that are already very high ps 20k plus and their matchmaking is hard enough as it is.
Also, there is a difference but we dont know how big is that differenc,so a larger than needed ps increase could easily bring players who fuse at a dissadvantage.

If they do that they might as well get rid of the fusion system all together, make it cheaper, call it an upgrade and put a little ps increase.

Could be :wink:

IMHO it owuld have been nicer to not have fused as just “get random advantage” but general “randomization system”.
SO similat to how it works in ARPG - you have some range of possible values for damage, mass, time to overheat etc. and it deviates - so items PS follows +/- 5% or so. It would just mean that you can recraft item instead of fusing, but would create possibility to add loot system to PvE. But lets be honest - this will not happen.
Maybe if XO-2 is ever coming it will get more than just very basic skinner box machanics for item randomizaiton.

That would be a good idea. I think with it they should add a warning that you would be entering the advanced lobbies. And Info that until engineers 30 they wont be put in advanced lobbies if they stay under X powerscore.

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… That is literally how the queue works and has for -years-…

I uh… ok. lol