Suggestion: fused items and co-drivers increase PS

this is every game and why players stay…it’s that simple…

I still think it is rigged. It’s just not clear what its parameters are, IMO. I certainly can get into low PS matches with ease, but not with this account. And once that account hits level 30, then it is basically the same story; when the population is high matches are more available, or not at all when the population is low.

I think it’s this very feature that allows the developers to not fret the new co-driver rework like the rest of us do. They already have a fix on hand: the matchmaker. If that’s not the case, Aces will get mercilessly trolled by more established players when this co-driver update hits. Unless they install a method for dealing with it, like this thread suggests.

I think it’s a good idea. I like it, but I doubt they’ll do it. They do listen sometimes, though, and I would like to believe they do have an interest in running one of the coolest games on-line, and aim to please their fans. They often do. I’m a fan. I’m often pleased. Sometimes I’ve even gotten exactly what I asked for, and I’m ready for more of that faux Baby Metal Themed Syndicate stuff to fill my inventory soon.

I do believe the matchmakers influence is limited and can be overcome, if they allow it. I could go on about how bots will start targeting you like a horde of zombies too, but I’m almost out of tin-foil. Otherwise I could go on. You’ll not likely convince me it isn’t rigged to some extent.

I don’t think I’ve ever started one of those threads. I hope not…but I might have. I try not to mention it, or bring it up…but there it is, again. sorry.

That’s good to hear. This game is very underrated, IMO. There is nothing else like it…yet. I saw that the Robocraft guys were testing a game like this out, but it looks like crap, IMO. It might be fun, but it’s nowhere near as sexy as this game. The art direction here is much better, I think.

It could probably be said that I hate all video games, but this one has enough redeeming qualities that I’ll not just play it occasionally. I play it a lot. The last game video game I actually enjoyed playing as much was Car Town.

I wish I could find the pictures of the skins I had for that game. They looked a little like this game. I always liked the rusty old cars.

if you carefully go over poonys argument again youll notice that hes talking about you. powerscore got raised across the board to balance the game better and youre countering it by lowering your ps while using the same items.

hm, so its either fostering an incredibly negative playerbase or the game dies. not say that i disagree with your assessment, i frankly think option one has been the game plan from day one for this game.

only in p2w games and mmorpgs. actually decent games have interesting mechanics to keep players interested.


May I remind you XO has dailys, which are in itself a dark-pattern? XO is as close to any mobile chinese P2W milking station as any current Diablo release. Its just that XO is so old and players so integrated, we dont need blinky shop banners. But you still can buy any equipment and by coincident many stronger items are “cash only”

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Market makes that not matter. Those cash only items are often cheaper to get than the craftable ones. Aside from some cabs. So they’re not reaaally cash only. Since I can get every part in the game without spending a dime, and the pack only items are very easy to obtain for free.

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What items are cash only besides decor?

If you can get them in the market then that is not cash only.

Technically you can earn thousands of coins by grinding and trading, in practice number of possible active traders is limited and heavily relying on quicksell/buy people who are getting the coins from packs for cash. So my point stands.
The coin influx is from cash shop afaik, you cant sell for coins “Into the void”. So while yes, you can pay in time and grind - at the end cash has to be injected into the system.
You cant tell me one can fuse 3 Porcupines playing on weekends as free2play player.


Technically it’s not p2w, it’s p2a(dvance). I stated that before and I stand by it.


Also technically if you are kidnapped and being put in some deep and dark dungeon for life it’s not death. You’ll never get out and never get to lead the full life again. For the rest of the world you don’t exist anymore but it’s not death.

Thus the question arises: is “pay to advance very slowly” worse than “pay to win”?

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i’d rather say “pay to lose” currently, most things you can get for real money in crossout do not give you an advantage at all, or even sometimes it is just a disadvantage, most pack items are actually near useless when you stop and think about it…


Yes they can. Depends on how many years you play.
It also depends on the path you take in the game.

I currently make enough coins to get a relic every month, I have mentioned this before and other people have chimed in saying that they can do the same. Everyone I play with can do the same.

Now is everyone going to be able to do this? No.
But I’m letting you know that 100% it is possible.

At the start of the game I used to put a ton of hours into it. But now I spend about 6-8 hours a week.

I have been playing 6 years.

u must have really low prices on console or your what your selling is really high,because i don’t see it on PC…

do you pay for a scanner?
do you pay for battlepasses?
do you buy packs or gold?
are you earning uranium?
you say you play around 1h a day, does that include the market?
are you crafting with freshly grinded ressources or are you draining a veterans stash of ressources?

It takes incredible base amount of coins to be able to get into the market. You can do epics with 2-3k but even legendaries are almost impossible due to high price, low trade volume and low margins.
Relics arent even traded daily or even weekly. So I am not sure how one can make that money at all.

I wish our prices where that low. I will take a screenshot, but I’m still working.

  1. I don’t normally pay for scanner (I have a few times though.) I never max out resources so it is not worth it.
  2. I have got all the BPs, they are the best bang for your buck.
  3. I have never bought a coin pack, they are not worth it on Xbox. I have bought some car packs over the last 6 years, half of those I waited for a 50% off sale. I have bought about 2 packs a year.
  4. I mostly only play Clan Wars, finished top 10 three years in a row, so that was 30 extra Ore a week. Im currently a little more relaxed and play top 30 (but as I’m writing this our clan is in 9th)
  5. here is the biggest part of my coins - I work from a home office, so during the day I can change over my market 3-4 times. I have a system and it It takes about 5min. Every time. Then I’ll play at night for an hour or two (I skip some days becuase I mostly just play CWs)
  6. I do not craft, crating is not worth it.

A picture is worth a thousand words (I never said it was easy)

This is not true. But with larger amount of coins you don’t just play the market you control it.

With around 86,000 market purchases, which kind of market player do you think I am :slight_smile:

The kind that squeezes me out of the stack by incresing/lowering prices 0.01 coins at a time?
Legendaries are not traded often enough to be worth it.
At epics you can get around 10 coins a trade if nothing bad happens, sometimes its up to 40+ but one gets squezed once in a while and if you dont have the liquidity to wait it out you are f-d. Some items are just not traded enough - 30 coins margin is nice, but at “8 selling, 40 buying” you arent really in the trade. Its just 2-3 people shifting the price by 0.01 and hoping to be the lucky one. And then a pack with the item comes, prices drop by 50% and you are f-d.
So only investing in balanced and active items (over 20 offers on both sides) you can have 5-6 trades a day if you track it. Thats at least my approach.
If oyu are rich enough to have “1 of everything” though its a different case.

this is great…
but how did you get your first relic? long did it take? without clanwars…
clanwars is all relics not blues and epic if you want top ten…
players want to know how to get relics every month without already having relics for clanwars…it’s just not possible…
(in other words…take clanwars out of the mix and tell us how to get relics every month)…

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Just pay $500+ for coins to buy a relic?

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Well, the only answer to that question is the “Market”

Crafting and resource grinding will not get you there.

Again, I never said it was easy. Every day I plan to take WAY more then my fair share.

Also, I do not craft any items I sell, I buy when they are low and sell when they are high.

When packs come out it is time to BUY BUY BUY - flip some while they are hot and save enough so when the pack goes off the shop you can make big profits.