* Taming The Dragon Event - Thoughts?

best i did so far is wave 9 (i use heli incs,its ok if the other 3 are ground vehicles,any other heli the match is toast) fyi
i think the timer and getting extra seconds need a tweak ( by the time they spawn and the drive to you the time is almost over) needs more time added.

I’m just going through with the challenges for the loot. Never really paid attention to anything else. Lately the matches have been ultra short Really didn’t understand why actually.

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I’m indifferent about it, it’s not something so great I keep playing it even outside the challenges and for fun like Red Light, yet it is also not so inherently bad that I don’t want to play it, or a pain to play that I give up on grinding for the rewards like in big black scorpions.

Whole mode feels pretty brainless for the most part, and suffers from the same kind of boring, droning on, forced stretched gameplay hours kind of a feel that brawls in general have going on for them.

There is nothing really wrong with the mode but there is nothing really great about it either, I am very neutral about it, grinding the crates from it does not feel like such a chore I give up on doing it, yet I will not play this mode for fun outside the crates because it does not offer any feelings of fun. It feels kind of bland and forgettable, like it lacks any specific flavor, it’s supposed to be this syndicate battle but the map does not feel syndicate, the builds do not really feel syndicate, outside putting a syndicate character to speak out the voice lines I just am not feeling it. Not to mention the weapons are not very syndicate either, Starfalls (because we must force helis to be a part of the mode of course) and Gravastars, the boss build is just a basic brawl brick with shields and cannons and yeah.

Honestly they could have put more effort into the whole syndicate thing, it feels like it’s there by name only. I’m supposed to be against the Syndicate in this mode yet it feels like any of the interchangeable brawls with random barebones faction enemies you sometimes can’t even tell apart at all. Maybe much more syndicate focused builds would have been the way to go, with the map turned into night mode and a few cheap laser and neon sign effects added onto it like in the syndicate garage.

so your favorite word of the day is ’ syndicate ’ :rofl:
thanks :kissing_heart:

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i dont particularly like this one. first the time gained for beating enemies is not all that helpful.
as you go on in waves the enemies hp gets alot higher.
some guns seem to just tickle them more then it feels like they are doing damage.
the boss RUNS AWAY FROM YOU… yes this is extremely annoying and i dont like the idea of playing chicken with a BOSS enemy.
alot of enemies run away from you and drag out the match.
the most effective weapons i come across for this mode are cyclones but i can never get mine to work as well as other peoples. mine just seem to miss the cars and alot of them are small targets.
the shotgun enemies are annoying as they target your guns and do powerful bursts of damage.
the time gained from waves is just not good. enemies spawn far away from you and it takes time for them to get near enough to make a difference. on top of a few enemies running away from you i just dont like this aspect of this mode.
i think the 3 minute cap should be removed and as you destroy enemies it can accumulate to as much time as possible from defeating enemies and completing waves.
enemies need to give more time bonus when defeating them.

i mean… the highest wave i got to was 11 but that was just luck. alot of the time my team mates were being idiots and running in the middle not working together with team mates and costing us alot of time. most even throwing the match because they are to stupid to understand “defend here” or go to where their team mates are. some people dont grasp the concept of “this is a TEAM EFFORT DUMMY there is no “I” in team!”
also i did the math and its 5.2 scrap per wave completed. so have fun with that knowledge.

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Man asks for thoughts and then has a problem with people having thoughts

let me dumb it down if you’re getting all hot and bothered over the scary big amounts of text oh no

Car no look syndicate even if event syndicate theme be, mode boring normal brawl like


why are people arguing on non-sense :rofl:

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because their not.
some vehicles have the titan wheels (no joke i seen them and they regen health to.) and some have the starfall which arent syndicate related. hell even the boss has the kaiju and two starfalls with executioners on the sides. the kaiju alone is brokenly overpowered on that boss. on my build it goes right through my front plow and takes out 3/4 of my hp in 1 volley.
theres also gravastars and shotguns to. couldnt get a close look but maybe maces or maybe thunderbolts?
oh and dont forget scorpions to! came across those annoying things in the later waves.
and lancelots as well.

i want to also add that killing enemies gives no bonus to time. you get MAYBE 1 second at the most but its heavily reliant on completing the waves as fast as you can. i got to wave 11 twice and killing enemies gives no time bonus despite them saying it does. if they do (which i think some enemies do) it only gives at most 1 second of bonus time. this is just… unacceptable…
i got 58 scrap and 16 plastic as rewards for getting to wave 11 as well.


also i think the map is way to wrong for the time thingy.
the map should be more open or give more time to chase them in-between buildings,they just run away all the time and time we don’t have.
your right on those bots,they only give 1 second,i think someone forgot to add the 0 after the 1 lol
but that map needs 20 second a bot kill.
'in closing=just a more open map and more time for bots killed because they made bots just run around for no rhyme or reason.

I don’t mind that kills don’t give as much of a time bonus anymore. Makes the matches shorter, and I previously found them a bit long, especially if you lucked into a good team.
My attention span is too short for really long brawls.

why is it so important that we have such short matches? i heavily disagree with your point of view.
this mode is meant to take a while, its meant to be a gauntlet mode to see how far you can get, its not meant to be short. if you want short matches play patrol or invasions.
im not trying to insult you or anything but saying that you found them a bit long is just… look im sorry but this mode is a gauntlet and meant to take some time to get through. its not meant to be short though some idiots i had as team mates sure as hell made the matches short not even getting past wave 6 in most cases cause their to dumb to understand what teamwork is.

on top of this if i didnt have my plow on the front theres no doubt the boss would one shot me just with the kaiju alone. on top of that the jerk can track me from around corners to. i went around a corner to avoid his kaiju barrage and waited a few seconds for him to lose focus, well, as soon as i peeked out he was still locked onto me and hit me with a full barrage. yep that b**ch cheats!

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In other games with bigger maps and more players per team, I prefer long matches too.
And I do like that these ones are longer than typical PVP matches.
But with such a small map, I start getting bored if it lasts too long.

I wouldn’t be opposed to these ones lasting a bit longer, but I am also enjoying how it feels like you have to work harder and play very aggressively to get very far.
I wish that each wave happened in a new location. If it worked that way, I’d be happy with much longer matches.

Has anyone else noticed the cryomancer build with the snowflake icon above it uses a spark/tesla emitter/lighting gun? Shouldn’t it use an actual cryo weapon, like narwal or jotun or skadi, or am I just being stupid?

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yep. its supposed to explode and release a refrigerant in an area like the jotun but it doesnt do that.

its supposed to be the syndicate faction. they consist of the jubokko, kaiju, enlightenment, yaoguai and tempura. i see other builds in there with vastly different weapons then what the syndicate would use. heck i even see them using the yongwang as well.
the syndicate faction isnt hyperborea, the ice faction is hyperborea. syndicate is the more futuristic and flashy faction so you were mistaken there.

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I try to self destruct far away from my team so I don’t get revived after wave 3 which is the requirement for a victory or so I been told. If that plan fails then I lead the bots to a location where they won’t get killed and let the time expire. Sounds terrible I know but blame the devs for setting up the challenges that way, I’m trying to get them done in the shortest time possible.

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I ran across a raider with two Scorps… Bugger was fast reload and super accurate. Doesn’t fit the theme IMO.
As far as how long of a match, Provided the rewards are worth my time.
“Fly high & may your aim be accurate.”

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Correct me if i’m wrong, but by that logic it shouldn’t have the spark either then, because that’s a dawn’s children weapon.


:100: Nailed it.

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you shouldn’t talk about poonys gf that way. :rofl:

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LMAO :rofl: