The Caucasus firing angle nerf did nothing to the Caucasus heli meta

You said earlier that your Therm build is 7.9PS. That was the range I was saying you probably won’t see many Caucasus builds.
I don’t think equalizers have enough range to stay far enough away from the Caucasus builds, which is why I am suggesting ACs.

But I notice you mention “needing” to play helicopters to clear your daily challenges. You do not need to. You can play a ground build in patrol and clear all the usual daily challenges. It just needs to be a battle that allows aircraft, and patrol counts.

The only ones that require you to play PVP with aircraft are some of the mini-BP challenges and some of the main BP challenges. Those are not hard to clear. I think you are making this into a much bigger deal than it needs to be. I don’t even think there were any aircraft challenges in this week’s batch of BP challenges.

You definitely do not need to be flying aircraft every day to clear your challenges. Did you buy both the current mini BP and the main BP? If so, just let the aircraft challenges pile up, and do them all at once.

I meant, they’ll close the distance, and fast. They will be in range.

Why aren’t you retreating as they advance?
They can only catch you if you let them.

Edit: it seems like there might be some
miscommunication happening because of the two ways I’m using the word “range”.
I’m trying to say that you have two options.
You can raise your PS range beyond where Caucasus helicopters are a threat by playing your 7.9kPS therm build. Problem solved, but now you will be facing other weapons that could ruin your day.
Or you can try to stay out of the Caucasus firing range, by using guns that have more range, and by putting them on a fast enough build that you can run away when they get close. Install a cloak if you are struggling to evade them.

Second edit:
If you follow my advice and try ACs, consider using a scope of some kind so that you can hide at the far edges of the map and punish those Caucasus players from very far away while they attack your allies.


[quote=“Ichiro Skywalker, post:11, topic:21299, full:true”]

I couldn’t care less about choppers.

I usually skip heli tasks or tasks against heli , in the very rare occasions i use a heli it’s the provided one, the 2.2 K ps heli , which is great for what it is and i’m not swimming in money either, the last BP i bought was the Guiding star (100% pure “beef” with no BS).

Why does that sound like you’re rushing in and driving in a way so reckless it keeps breaking the lock due to you jumping up and down various ledges?

Far from it. I’m talking about shipyard, founder’s, rock city, and so on, minor slopes or ridges you can’t lock target or you lose the lock,

Well, the devs said the nerf was to control the airborne Caucasus and ground vehicles wouldn’t or shouldn’t notice much but it’s just the opposite apparently in air to air combat there’s still problems with them being OP but on the ground… it’s very frustrating, to say the least.
Try them, go to the exib pick one and try to smash your friend’s builds with them.

Protectors, you mean Protectors, Defenders are ST-M23 ( i went to check), but even so there are differences, Caucasus are huge and each one weights about 743 kg ( most probably why you see two in faster builds, ground builds also. )
Protectors have 825 PS not a whopping1100 PS ( for what they are for what they do they should be specials not epic, it’s a subpar weapon in comparison with others MGs of their tier and the tier below)

125 meters? keep it simple, i’m talking about regular ones, plain ones, it’s 100 meters regardless and that’s it, any other MG does more than that, and they are not as heavy, slow or big.

How about a slight increase in rate of fire with the old firing angles and a bit more survivability or range?
Other option would be leave as they are now but putting them in the Special tier

Regarding Helis,
they could do an air version of the Caucasus with different stats

They need to add latency to the caucasus so its aim tracking always lags behind a certain amount of time so it cannot track something like helicopters as well. Nothing else can work in a way that doesnt make the cauc worthless in pvp. I think it should be utterly worthless in pvp, but a lot of ppl have to play autoaim because of ping.

But I notice you mention “needing” to play helicopters to clear your daily challenges. You do not need to.

I regret to tell you that currently if the daily tasks are “win 2/3 times in mission with armored aircraft”, it won’t be completed if you queue heli mode with ground vehicle — you have to use the armored aircraft slot. I found out the hard way.

That is just not true.
You just need to be in a battle that allows aircraft.

The BP challenges that tell you to do something while rotors are mounted to your vehicle require you to play a helicopter, but that is the only type that does.
There is also a BP challenge that requires you to damage aircraft, and that has to be done in PVP, but you can be playing a ground vehicle.

I am very sure that you do not need to play an aircraft to complete the daily challenge that mentions them, because the first thing I do every time I log on is clear my daily challenges. And I never need to play a helicopter to do that.

How about a slight increase in rate of fire with the old firing angles and a bit more survivability or range?
Other option would be leave as they are now but putting them in the Special tier

So not only you think they don’t need a nerf, you’re asking to give them a buff.


A weapon that aims for you should not outgun those that don’t, that’s the bottom line. However, you did give me some ideas for simplifying a heli-exclusive nerf.

Maybe we can keep the current 20-degree firing angle, and we can make the change like this:

  • Reduce the time to overheat and cooling rate by 20%.
  • Add a new perk: when the weapon is 10m above the ground or lower, increase its time to overheat and cooling rate by 25%, and firing angle by 200%.

This change will let the ground Caucasus retain the same TTO and cooling rate (0.8 x 1.25 = 1) and receive a huge buff on firing angles to be usable as ground AA, but once helis brings the auto-aim guns above 10m from the ground surface (this ignores building), They will be eating a fat nerf.

You seem a bit caught up in a air to air perspective.

On the ground they are completely trash, there are factors that lead to where they are now, factors that might not be expressive in the air but in the ground they weight a lot.


. Obstructions - they don’t fire or lock target if there are smoking carcasses in the way or team mates blocking the line of sight to the target.

Lack of range - They should have the same range as any other MG but they don’t, they are limited to 100 meters, not only they have little DPS, but they start but they are in a clear disadvantage in a 1 vs 1 where you can lose them all in seconds.

It’s double wedge sword being an auto weapon, Obstructions happens a lot, with a whatever weapon you can keep shooting until the team mate gets out of the way or the carcasses is gone. Targeting always the cab is not that great of a thing,

And if we add the firing angles nerf, the locks you get, you can lose them more easily , you can’t fire at someone in certain positions.

In the end, a 9k PS build with this weapon struggles a lot in raids in the sense a 6k or 7 k can do much better.
Terminal 45 with a team of rushers it’s not fun.
And we are left with a weapon and stats that don’t reflect it’s actual state. 1100 PS it’s a lot for what they do.
No buffs then, they should put Caucasus in the Special rarity.


I saw it too in the last couple of days, armoured aircraft counts for the dailies, i left some to complete for that reason. ( I did the ground missions and then i went to level up my Mogamy Captain instead).
Helis must be a success, apparently they want to force that crap down our throats now.

Did you try just completing that challenge in Patrol with a ground build?

Because I completed those daily challenges that way this week.

Haven’t played today though, so I guess it’s possible they changed something with this update. That doesn’t seem like what the OP is saying though: he seems convinced you have always had to play a helicopter to complete that daily challenge

or they can just disable the caucasus’ auto lock feature in heli mode and you can operate it as a normal machine gun. instead of locking on you can use the button to fire the weapon like a normal machine gun. it doesnt need to be nerfed if theres a more simple solution.


I’m not doing patrols for a while and the patrols i did was always… almost always with no choppers for no particular reasons other than i don’t like the new maps very much, and i’m in need of raw materials to build, to make coins to have toys
Probably my favourite between the new maps it’s the Steppenwolf base but it pales in comparison with Rock city or Founder’s canyon which are my two top favourite maps in Crossout, probably the third one is the Shipyard ( plenty of open spaces, no gorges, no tight places.
Even in Raids i’m always waiting for Rock city or Founder’s Canyon.
Terminal 45 and the old old town were and are awful maps.

But i must confess i’ve been feeling a growing resentment towards choppers or better still towards how choppers were implemented, a half job if you ask me.
I mean, they had all that work doing parts and new mechanics and they didn’t do a full set of weapons for them, why?

Copy/ Paste Anyone? with a different skin, new stats. How hard can it be?

But no, they have to ruin what they have messing around with already existent things, it’s not possible to balance the same thing to two different ends.

I never thought saying this but Crossout should take a page from Wargaming’s book, in this particular case would solve the problem.

i like terminal 45 because of all the cargo boxes and how you can focus enemies into an area for aoe damage and it helps weapons like jotun’s alot. incinerators? ehhhhhh debatable. but ive always liked the map alot. i dont like the canyon map because of how open it is at the boss area… i forget what its called but its one of the perimeter breach maps.

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I don’t like confined places, i like space, plenty of space.

i just like being able to hit a ton of enemies in a confined space. i guess i just like seeing a ton of numbers popping up lol :rofl:

That’s why I like aircraft battles: more big maps with wide open spaces, and none of the small enclosed maps.

I disagree.
In one you have mountains in at least one side and then a huge parabolic Antenna in your front, very confined. ( i don’t like to fight in the shade)
In another you have a cave, a bridge with no where to go and a factory.
In another you have a gorge and mountains in either side and flying things on top of you.

I just remember that mountainy map of Off we go special event, that map was awesome. Rock city and founder’s Canyon grade.

Where it is? I could enjoy that map

Sandy golf it’s a good map in par with Shipyard, Bridge map it’s another i like to play

Well, I feel like that overhead cover is what makes those maps playable for ground vehicles. You need to be able to hide from the helicopters.
What I like about the new maps is that there is enough wide open space that my fast ground vehicles can get up to their maximum speed and stay there. Fast is fun!

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Personally, i enjoy more the ones i said even if my build isn’t optimize for it.

Apparently @Zarrurer likes terminal 45 for the same reason i don’t .

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