The game is getting worse and worse. Why?

How does one measure someone else’s enjoyment of the game using statistics?

I don’t see how you can quantify whether the game is improving for me.

Yes, you can post steam charts showing less popularity, but that doesn’t mean the game is getting worse. It’s an old game now, still in beta, and made by a relatively small company. It’s normal that numbers might decline over time. All I know is that I haven’t seen much evidence of a massive collapse in queue times or bot numbers. I would argue that both were worse when I started playing, at least on my platform.

He’s already made up his mind about the game. I doubt you can convince him to think otherwise.

By nature, a game like this is difficult to balance. No other game gives freedom in building a vehicle. And it will only get harder. The more items they release, the more difficult the task of balancing them all. Players are especially keen on finding oversights and using them to their advantage. They also deliberately release OP items to get people to buy them.


Not in any “ideas” thread. Us discussing new things that would be fun to add, interrupted by you complaining about the Targem team? If you hate the game so much, go play something else. This isn’t the only game in the world.


I’m not really trying to convince him of anything. More just pointing out that he’s not doing a great job at convincing me that I am wrong to enjoy the game.

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me not hating game is literally the point of posting the things i post.

the reason i post shit like this on idea threads is because developers should not waste their time adding filler updates to temporarily please the community, and instead work on getting the game back on track.
that is the only thing i want to achieve, and i have no idea how else you expect me to do so.

By making a dedicated thread??

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nowhere did i write that you find the game to be shit, or that you arent enjoying it more than before.

but come on, just take a look at the metrics and tell me that i am alone in thinking this game is sinking. i know these are just for Steam and not consoles and such, but that doesnt matter.

I dont want to be ruining peoples fun on here, but i am not making this shit up, and i really do not know of another way to get people to wake up and do something about the game other than to hammer it into everyones heads

Devs don’t read the forums…

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i just write it everywhere. i want every person on this forum to see my post and think about it for at least a second and maybe even consider doing something about it in any capacity

… Players read the forums, and guess who pays targems salaries? its us all, the players

And you think they care??

no lol of course they do not care, that is why the game is sinking and players are leaving.
either nobody cares or nobody says a word about it, in either case the devs probably think they are doing a good job mantaining the game

If you know they don’t care, why do you keep telling everyone to yell at the wall?

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You say the game is getting worse, and you can prove it with statistics.

But “worse” is simply a matter of opinion, and I do not share that opinion, and the stats you cite are not going to change my opinion.

Anyway, it’s kind of charming that you believe you are going to “get the game back on track” by complaining everywhere you can whenever you can. I don’t think your strategy has any hope of getting them to make the changes you desire though.

the players dont care, not the devs.
if i yell at the devs alone, obviously nothing is going to happen.
players have to stop giving them money to see change

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But if the players don’t care, doesn’t that mean that they don’t agree with you?
Do you really think posting the same thing everywhere is going to convince people that they aren’t having fun?

I understand that all of us want other people to share our opinions, so that the world seems less lonely. And lots of people on this forum do agree with you already! But I don’t think repetition and spamming is going to convince the rest of us to join the crusade.

yes “worse” nothing more than a matter of opinion, except one that is shared by thousands of players, and that is on PC alone.

if you think my strategy has no hope of making changes to the game, i wonder if youre able to come up with any other stategy that sucks less.
i really dont know what you expect me to do right now, apart from 1) spamming the same thing everywhere or 2) leave the game to die

Honestly, I don’t think anyone should waste their time playing a game they don’t enjoy anymore.
I know that the day I start getting bored by Crossout, I’ll just start playing one of the many games I bought and never played, and probably never post on the forum again.

i am not saying youre not having fun.
do you understand you can still have fun while acknowledging the (big) issues this game has?
im certain targem has all the resources required to massively improve the game if they decided to, they just have deluded management which constantly makes bad decisions

also speaking of players not caring, ill repeat it, just take a look at the Steam statistics. i doubt such losses could be caused by any outside effect, such as playercount increase during covid, etc.

and again, apart from spamming the same thing everywhere, i cant do more to get anyone to do anything.
to me, it looks like people are either too lazy to take action, or have no hope it will have an effect. but all it takes for a change is a bunch of people avoiding giving targem money

I’ll miss you…

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