The game is getting worse and worse. Why?

There seems to be a preponderance of close-range vehicles in the ground mode, as if a lot of users of ranged weapons had switched to the air mode.

So the helicopter mode suffers from auto-aimers, but that’s on purpose, so that we’d spend money on the Flock (to counter homing missiles) or the Yeti (to also counter the Caucasus), or just the two recent BPs. And the ground mode has turned into a permanent melee brawl, where if you’re not using something for close range, you’re doing it wrong.

There’s also a problem with the two modes being combined in Patrol. I went there to do the challenge with 700 score with machineguns, and it took me 8 tries to complete it - because the helicopters would swarm the bots before I was able to reach them on the ground (top speed of 107 km/h). And when I got close to a bot, guess what, it proceeded to shred my car, with the helicopters safely floating above and not even trying to help. Then there are homing missile helicopters, and others somehow unable to do decent damage, and that wouldn’t be happening if they had to stay on the ground, with different weapons. So, on principle, there should be separate Patrols for ground and air vehicles. But in practice, it could result in longer queues.

The ability to hide profiles completely has made using the blacklist even harder. In the summer of 2022, it started to jump back to the top on every status change of those on it. Same with the friends list. Now, I can’t even check the battle histories when trying to free up a slot - because those are often unavailable.

The general chat still can’t be scrolled with PgUp and PgDn, after that functionality was disabled in late 2022.

The most important stat, because behavior doesn’t matter :rofl:

Picture applies to just about any product. This is primarily caused by the technology that the product uses becoming obsolete, novelty fading off, and people moving on to alternatives. In the introduction phase, hype, viral marketing, and offering a product that is as good as possible facilitate increasing growth. Then novelty fades off, but the product maintains sales for a while. Then it declines. Gijin’s business models simply focuses on making the most out of the product in each of its phases. In the current, declining phase, this means milking the ever dwindling playerbase for cash as much as possible before the entire thing gets shut down in a couple years. Milking the playerbase for cash and making the game (product) better are not the same, in fact, quite the contrary, since the main incentive to spend money is frustration. Also, making the game better would require effort, which they are not going to put in a declining product. Obviously, their schemes facilitate decline even further, but Crossout is a one of a kind game, which mitigates this and keeps people playing, and those with more money than sense, paying.


maybe because the devs doesnt give a shit about the state of the game?


Man I hope you’re more persistent with people you love than with videogames you love.

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I’ve read your post a bunch of times now, because it sounds like you are saying that I am not loyal enough to Crossout.
That is definitely not something I ever expected to be accused of on this forum!

If we go with your comparison of video games to people I care about, I don’t think it’s unusual for people to grow apart over time and for friendships to fade. Yes, it can be sad, but it’s normal. I doubt many of us have kept the same friends since childhood.

But I think it would be better to compare Crossout to other cultural/entertainment products than to humans. Let’s say I used to love some band, but have not enjoyed their last few albums. Wouldn’t it make more sense for me to stop buying their albums and find something new to listen to?
Would it really be more “loyal” for me to go to that band’s message board every day to tell the other fans that the band sucks now and that we should all boycott them until they fire their management, producer, and rhythm section? Have angry former fans ever fixed anything ever?

I’m not accusing you to not be loyal enough, I’m just curious as to why you’d believe people who want to see the game improve somehow don’t like it. It goes above my head. If I didn’t like the game, I’d indeed just play something else. But because I like the game despite its downright awful management, Iplay it, and complain about its downright awful management.

And here’s where my comparison with people comes in:
I don’t bother telling people I don’t like what they’re doing wrong. I do it with people I like tho. I seriously hope my friends work the same :eyes:

The comparison with bands does not work because I can still listen to MegaDeth’s albums that don’t suck, but I can’t play Crossout 1.0 that didn’t suck anymore.

You seem like someone who does still enjoy the game on some level, although it seems like a slightly toxic love/hate relationship.
But let’s be real: there are many people on the forum who have been posting for years about how they haven’t enjoyed the game for years, and that the game has been ruined by evil greedy incompetent developers. Do those posters actually enjoy the game anymore? Wouldn’t both they and us be happier if they found another game to obsess about?

And your Megadeth comparison is a useful one: there is no going back to old Crossout, so if you hate new Crossout, why are you still playing it?

No comment.


that’s still a comment… :crazy_face:

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(post deleted by author)


I’ve been thinking about this whole “person you love” metaphor more, and I think it actually does explain a lot.

Except that Crossout isn’t similar to a real friend or family member, because while we might love Crossout, the game doesn’t even know or care who we are.

If we were to compare the game to a person, it would be more like the hot girl who works at our local coffee shop. One day that girl decides to dye her hair green, and her boss decides to get rid of the chocolate syrup that we like to put in our coffee. And then we decide to keep going to that coffee shop to yell at the girl to colour her hair back to the blonde we prefer, and to bring back our chocolate syrup.
In real life, all the other customers would wish we would just go to another coffee shop, and the poor staff would feel similarly.
But you just keep coming back every day, and start yelling at the other customers that they should boycott the shop until they return it to what it was.

Treating Crossout like a loved one who has wronged you is not a rational thing to do, and accomplishes nothing.

you cant compare crossout to something that you have nothing to do with. crossout is a product, one for which all of us pay, we are the ones who pay the developers to work on this game. so when the developers straight up do not give a shit, despite a considerable part of the community saying the ‘recent’ updates are shit.

simple way to say it: crossout is not what i paid for, and its the result of a shitty development team or process.

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Your argument is lackluster people still log in for free they get more then they ever have before and they still don’t stick around. It is at this point what is considered to be a cult game. The people that really like it stick around and support it. Most of your arguments won’t reach those types of players.


But I am comparing Crossout to products, although I don’t think the relationship any of us have with products is at all similar to the relationships we have with people. Or at least it shouldn’t be if you are a healthy person.

Consuming something isn’t a two way street. If you don’t like what you are consuming, spend your money and time on something you do like.

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Wrong. They get some freebies that have a value of exactly 0 coins on the market. Meanwhile, the entry level for CW went from 10k coins to 150k coins in 4 years…

Also, they do not get white parts with every win. They get much less badges. They don’t get any new workpieces, or the blueprints we unlocked. Want me to continue?


Are you trying to say the days of “get the machine gun” battles were more generous to players?
I hated those days. Current system is far better.

Considering the price at which we can craft those white items nowadays, I’m afraid maths and your feelings don’t agree here.


Part of this is because CW is in decline. There’s not enough players for the League and MM to work properly. Mainly because CW is not worth playing.

I think this game was at its peak from 2019-2020. There have been improvements since then, but there’s also been some big steps back.

I hate to be this guy, but Supercharged rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I took a long break from CW after that update and as a result. I stopped playing the game for a while.

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It took me much longer to grind out any good items back in those days.

I’m not sure what kind of math you are doing.