The game is getting worse and worse. Why?

Speaking of which, Poony congrats on winning 5000 coins in the Crossout contest on Sunday. A lot of my friends hit the 5 K and my friend Clean Foal hit 25,000 coins in the contest. congrats to all.

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Five-minute Missions ruined the game! But I still play!

True, but also because Odin, Omamori, legendary cabs, legendary engines, legendary cloakā€¦ Itā€™s getting ridiculous. Nobody got time for that sh!t and Iā€™m not earning 5k/month sitting on my butt in front of a computer playing XO during working hours.

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Donā€™t worry, itā€™ll get much worse. Weā€™ll see relic-tier of every kind of part soon enough.

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Do you receive at least one of every Legendary item mentioned for $10.00? or $10.00 at a time?

You get one perfectly fused version of each new legendary for $10.

You can grind through a whole battlepass season in about 4 hours in patrol.

This doesnā€™t seem too bad.

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I think itā€™s mostly because there is no real game experience outside of the sandbox pvp that is updated regularly.

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