Whats the point of the old legs anymore when you got the new legs that can dash, fly, has a higher top speed plus has way more durability so basically better in every single way you can think of and plus they nerfed bigrams like what?
I bought 2 of those special mech legs and couldn’t play reg pvp or clan con so i guess it is it’s own special mode, my bad for not keeping up with the times. I did manage to put it on my levi, not sure if I would of been able to deploy it or not with enough of them.
Tried cooking up something a little better, over 4300 hp with durable bumpers and scored like 3500 points very first game. Vindicators seems to be very strong with these.
Got a 5k score 10 kill match with it and I was the lowest ps player with most players 2k above me
I got to say I love the new legs! Having a raised platform lets me see and peek and shoot at the enemy.
The speed is a game changer for legs. I can get into position faster and move around my opponents when I draw agro.
Also, now I can dash out of trouble. (I haven’t got the jump legs yet)
I am having soo much fun now. This is definitely my Jam!
Here is my mech!
I hope they add these legs to normal PVP.
Or if not that, then I hope that arcade mode becomes popular enough that I can play that instead of normal PVP.
mech legs dont replace regular legs, they dont even play against them in normal missions
I don’t lol, they would make lots of guns and movement types terrible in comparison with the perks, durability, and overall advantages they have…
When I see the new mech legs :
Makes me want a pair just to place a borer in a unique position on the front.
counterpoint: shoot them.they’re completely unarmored and vulnerable.not to mention,unless the mech is built specifically around it,they cant move with only one leg.a car can
Can you put more than two legs on a build? Can you mix other movement parts with them?
I realized that after, I thought the legs were going to be part of reg missions but found out after I made this thread that it is just for air battles. I quick read and skim thru a lot of the update notes because they release soo many of them so i tend to miss quite a few details from time to time.
you can,but doing do makes you a massive target since youre long as f**k now
That’s not always a bad thing! If they’re shooting at my redundant extra legs, they aren’t shooting at my guns!
Shoot their damned legs off ! Then their team mates be like:
Whats the point on nerfing the speed on Bigrams? I noticed my build even is more slugish in flight D:< did they add weight to some parts?
since there was a 10% nerf to draco damage, there must be a 20% nerf to everything else. to keep balance, of course
you need to retrieve the capsules from enemies or teammates deaths, kills don’t matter in arcade
I know! I figured that out eventually thru trial and error when both me and someone else scored over 5000 points each and still managed to lose. It was then that I thought it must of been something to do with those capsules cause I thought they were some kind of power ups or something lol.
Neat thing is… the old spider legs (the ML-200, at least) have been seriously buffed up in the new Arcade mode, so they can actually keep up with the threat of the new mechs! I wish this level of power were a thing in more modes, but that might mean opening the Balance Pandora’s Box