The omamori and how to balance it

I get that, I mentioned them because when you brought up the parts you only listed ravager after them. then when mentioning omamori said:

I was more questioning this idea of minimal integration that you bring up, almost like saying the necro ability is too Ravager like for them to use. I’m just not making a big deal out of the little bit of lore offered there’s enough visual object similarity for me to connect them without taking any large leaps.

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The reason I brought up minimal ravager integration if any is because the Omamori is supposed to be based off of the Averter, and that canonically has Ravager parts in it as well. However, the Syndicate has proven that they are plenty capable of building advanced equipment that the other survivors can’t understand, case and point the Plasma rocket launcher’s description.

I can see your points though.

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I see yours too. The suggestion was merely an addendum to what I had already suggested as possible fix types though.

There’s certainly a fair amount of options to try to bring it into being such a not problematic part.


You don’t balance it. You remove it and give every weapon 100% increase in dura.

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That would be just as annoying.

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Yeah, the whole benefit of omamori is that players need to sacrifice something for that extra durability.

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IMO the game is about strip this, strip that, OMG I’m stripped etc. I hear the word strip every dam game in my comms, its annoying af. Might as well call it Strip out. Lets destroy vehicles instead of having 3 builds at the end of the match honking/ramming each other. Sorry but it makes for lame game play.

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If weapons aren’t strippable, then Crossout just becomes a contest of who can put the most armour on their build.
That would be truly boring.

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Nah I’d win.

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just add heavy omamori, and nerf omamori so it gives only 200 more points

heavy omamori will be good for big hp parts but bad for low hp parts, and omamori will be good for light parts but not good for heavy parts

and make it bigger than omamori so you can put most big guns on it

and now we have resist module for light and fast crafts, and resist module for heavy and slow crafts…

no? We should not add heavy omamori, and scream how op omamori are for hovers, breakers and hammerfalls?

perfect description of brick builds

The trials require people to destroy enemy parts. It’s part of the game.

I do believe that the small one is called the “Averter”…

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idk, averter give unround 22% resistance, while omamori gives 50% resist (gives 400 hp)

and you cant reaily put averter on heavy weapons like harwhal or mamonth, unless you put them on hovers or legs

Averter gives 30%, to my understanding the Omamori doesn’t give any damage resistance, only increases HP.

no, it gives 22% or 23% resist

ah, i was wrong, it gives 24% resist, sorry for that



it absorbs 50% of damage, but up to 400 damage

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It absorbs damage, doesn’t give any damage resistance.
Different mechanisms.

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ok, fine