The developer completely destroyed the parser as a weapon.Originally the weapon was very inefficient, but after the helicopter was added to the game, some players revived the weapon with its instant trajectory and high damage ability.But after this update, the instantaneous trajectory was eliminated, and the greatest advantage of this weapon was lost, and it became a complete one rubbish.My suggestion is to at least turn it into a laser weapon and give it back the advantage that belongs to it. This change will not affect the balance, because the advantage belongs to it.
In the picture below, the driver of the parser defeats the driver of a devourer with superb technology and the instantaneous trajectory of the weapon, all because of the advantage of the instantaneous trajectory of the parser, but after this update, this effect is completely impossible to happen, and the weapon is completely destroyed!
Yes, before the update, the parser on the helicopter could accurately remove propellers and weapons, but after the update, it can’t do that at all.Not to mention the effect of putting it on a ground target.
A weapon on a helicopter with an instantaneous trajectory will be more profitable than a weapon on a ground target, so that’s why I only said that on a helicopter, the weapon can only rely on its instant hit ability to play a role in limited air combat. In this case, the developers also stripped it of its real-time trajectory, leaving it with no advantage over other weapons.The Devourer is a relic, and it’s true that the parser has beaten it, but this is in the case of air combat, and if you put the parser on the ground, it won’t beat any weapon of the same type or even lower.What I’m saying is that it doesn’t affect balance is that the alignment is enhanced on the basis that the weapon is seriously below average, so that it can reach a normal level, at least not the level that it can’t play at all. It really doesn’t affect balance. It’s much worse than other shotgun weapons.Relying on real-time ballistic removal weapons is his only advantage, but now that advantage has been removed. Instead, a very funny 100% penetration.
In the picture above, the Parser pilot defeated the Devourer pilot in a very limited situation. The Parser pilot is a highly skilled helicopter player in our server, while the Devourer pilot is a complete air combat novice. In this case, it relies on the most important instantaneous trajectory to defeat the Devourer. And after this update, I tested the parser with players, and the parser became a complete joke, and now it can’t even beat weapons lower than it.As I said, it can only rely on real-time trajectory to disassemble propellers and weapons to gain an advantage. After losing real-time trajectory, it can’t disassemble propellers and weapons accurately. It thinks that the only way to gain an advantage is gone.Compared with similar weapons, the parser does not have the advantages of damage, range, durability, size, DPS, etc.This is already an imbalance, so strengthening it is only to make it balanced, not to allow it to be unbalanced.
Parser was so OP when it was first released, and then it got nerfed and fell out of favour. But it was still good, just not ridiculous.
I didn’t even know helicopters were using it, but I really don’t think that’s a reason to make it hitscan again.
Just practice a bit more, and you’ll be able to get used to the projectile speed.
I’ve seen some people running dual Parser builds for CC, but haven’t seen anyone doing particularly well with that. But this thread has got me thinking that maybe I should try another Parser build myself.
My friend and I (the parser helicopter above) have tried it. The projectile speed is totally unsuitable in air combat. He also upgraded the projectile speed specially for this purpose, but in the end it was all in vain. If you put the parser on the ground combat vehicle, why don’t we play with other shotgun or laser weapons? It’s much better than parser.I’m sorry I acted so angry, because I really like the Helicopter Parser, which is completely unusable right now, and I don’t want to try the Ground Combat Vehicle, because its competitors are so much better.There is no advantage at all.
Parser is quite different from other shotguns, because of the range (which was also the only reason it worked with helicopters).
But the range is still short enough and the projectiles are fast enough that with a bit of practice you should still be able to use it with helicopters.
It’s just hard to quickly adjust from hitscan to projectile. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Keep playing, and you’ll get used it.
Edit: if you are on console, check your aim assist settings. It may perform better now with no assist, because assist makes it harder to shoot ahead of a moving target. If you are used to assist, it will take a while to adjust.
Helicopter combat is not the same as ground combat vehicles, because they can move up and down, which further increases the difficulty of your aim, I also tried to adapt, but completely unable to do, the parser is very difficult to hit the target, even after Charge Energy will have a range of diffusion, and before the weakening of this weapon is a very bad weapon, now it can only be said that it has become worse. So that not many people are willing to use it, so what should the people who own it and like it do? It is equivalent to a scrap iron in the warehouse that is not good to use and can not be sold.
It is not just parser that is a joke now but all shotguns in general. Jbrider did a video on the jorms recently which is apparently his fave relic and he can’t use them no more. He said that the projectile speed of the jorm is basically equivalent to cannons like the mammoth/mastodon or something along those lines and if the devs had any common sense they would of at least made it equivalent to the projectile speed of auto cannons or mgs. I’m glad they removed hitscan but they way over nerfed the projectile speeds on a lot of weapons and shotguns definitely got hit the hardest.
I didn’t really notice the removal of hitscan. I just lead where I want to hit like i did with Scorps.
I have run out of ammo on a couple builds though.
hitscan was removed for that reason. it was removed from all weapons… i believe minus the aurora.
still your asking for hitscan on a shotgun because, what? it makes them more powerful against other users?
oh thats your reason, because of its high damage and instant hit ability. yeah the days of hitscan are over there bud.
they literally have to rebalance everything in the game due to the changes they made, they might get a new ability, who knows?
helis are broken and far to powerful as is. we dont need some punk flying around with a literal hitscan shotgun being degunned because of his ridiculous accuracy and damage.
many people dont like fighting these things as is and im in that boat to. i hate how helis function and how ground units are at a major disadvantage to them. they are hard to hit with anything that isnt an autocannon like the starfall.
if you call a shotgun “superb technology” then id hate to see what you call other weapons…
yes it will because this not only effects builds in the air but ground builds as well. im very sure people wouldnt want some dude flying over and shooting off their weapons in one go with a chargable hitscan shotgun. builds in the air have way more advantage over people on the ground so please stop with “it wont effect the balance” because it will.
well the devs dont seem to care about ruining their own game so youll get used to it eventually.
part of the reason i dont do pvp.
still the legs and helis, imo, were the biggest mistakes to have been added to the game.
Now you have me wondering if there is some kind of bug with shotguns. I’ve been trying to put together a decent Hammerfall build, and I’ve been really struggling to come up with something that performs even halfway decently. Often missing completely, even when it looks like I’m right on target. But the range is so low, it doesn’t make sense that projectile speed should even be noticeable.
I had been thinking it was a gun rotation speed issue, but visually it seems like they turn fast.
Anyone else notice weirdness with shotguns? I remember @MudnBeer was having some issues hitting targets.
Maybe the OP isn’t as wrong as I’ve been assuming.
Yes. Feels like I’m not hitting anything ever. Gave up trying. They are probably broken.
I will have to go tease some kids in PVP to see if theirs are broken too. While I noticed mine weren’t really working, I failed to notice if my enemies were having the same issues. Guess I’ve been preoccupied with their crossbows and cannons.
If I’ve pinned my victim and shooting at point blank range, it seems like I’m doing the damage that I should be, but hitting moving targets is a whole other story.
I had just assumed that either my aim sucked or that hammerfalls had been over-nerfed, but now I’m thinking something else is going on.
It could be that they’ve accidentally given them a ridiculously slow projectile speed, or it could be something related to how they’ve applied spread to shotgun projectiles.
Anyone have any other theories?
Or any ideas of how to test whatever is happening to narrow down the possibilities?
This is because of the problem of network latency. If there is an instantaneous trajectory, your hit data is sent directly to the server and will not be affected. If there is no instantaneous trajectory, your bullet firing data will be sent to the server for calculation and then fed back to you, so the impact of network latency can not be avoided.
For example, if you have an instant trajectory: You see, I hit the target, give me the damage calculation quickly.
The server: Okay, here’s the damage you did
If there is no instantaneous trajectory: you see, I fired the bullet, I think I hit the target.
The server: No, you fired the bullet 120 milliseconds later, so you didn’t hit the target.
It should be easy to understand.