i dont know, could be, but im sceptical. 5000 chinese players get shafted hard by their own crossout and then go out en masse to make steam accounts and grind the game from the start again on servers across the globe with horrible ping. somehow doesnt seem that likely to me.
one possible reason that would make sense to me is gajin added the standalone version player numbers to the steam count. if thats even something they can do.
ah common, no god complex here, im just like the rest of you, except a little bit cuter.
i remember it differently, but youre right, the old aa is quite a while back. similar kinds of arguments here imo though. “it doesnt really help” / “i can aim just like the aa” / “its barely noticeable”
ah so close yet so far. yes every recording drummer plays more or less imperfectly to a perfect clicktrack. i actually dont know this, but im positive that everybody after the drummer records on the drum track but without the click track! and thats because the drummer isnt perfect unlike the click track. almost all of his hits are off by some ms. a good musician can probably stay within a narrow window of 5, 10, 20 ms i would guess, but you cant be 100% accurate.
gaming mice have a 1000mhz polling rate, which means they can send a command every single millisecond. no musician can be accurate to the ms. dont know it for a fact but still think its true.
always grateful for someone who can appreciate my art, thanks friend!
ive recently been told i was a useless schmock so now im at least trying to be helpful.
i had a macro for assemblers when they were op. it was with the old scope (neutrino) mechanics. all it did was make it so you can hold rmb to 1) use scope 2) zoom in and on release of the right mouse button it would deactivate the scope.
normally you would have to click rmb, then scroll mousewheel up to zoom in to the second zoom stage and then click rmb again to leave the scope. i just had to hold rmb and the macro did the clicking.
really makes it easier to quickly tag someone, sounds like a minor help but it was quite noticeable to me.
when we played cw other clan members would watch some games over discord here and there. and people noticed how fast im zooming in and out, they didnt get it was a macro but they noticed my fast scope in/out. because its noticeable. because the delays for the clicks i put in the macro are like 10ms. its fast as fuck. the scope used to make a clicking sound too, that was fast too.
so in short, you can macro and “cheat” in brawls in crossout because they dont really enforce their rules very much, or at least inconsistently. i never had any issues because of the macro i used. and i doubt the other mg macroers are having issues when theyre using them now.
the people you report probably wont face any consequences.
what are you a snowflake? are you trying to censor me? are you impeding on my right to free speech?