This game is greedy, you either need to spend a lot of MONEY or MONTHS OF TIME

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I’m not posting your entire comment just to respond to a piece of it, makes no sense

And there was 0 reason to make a post about it/including it then if you don’t want others to bring it up!

It costs money to make/maintain/Develop a game, and all the power to you if you don’t want to give the game 0 of your money, no need to tell others what they should do with there’s or guilt them about spending money on a game they enjoy!

My message was clear, taking this game as a whole, to progress in it you need either: 1. WAY TOO MUCH MONEY. or 2. WAY TOO MUCH OF YOUR “CHEAP TIME”.

I asked you how much of your “CHEAP TIME” did you spend. And how far are you from acquiring all the gaming content this game has to offer? PLEASE ANSWER THIS TIME lul

And I’m not an attention whore, I’m just furious that I spent so much cash. Hard.Earned.Cash.
And I want you, and everybody else NOT to repeat my mistake.

I don’t see what’s wrong with my message… Or you think 29.99 for a pack is notoriously cheap, completely acceptable, and not an inch of greed was involved to call the DEVS GREEDY afterwards?

The thing is no one is disagreeing with you that you either need to grind or pay to get what you want in this game, you’re the one who thinks people are.

My answer to that is none of your business as the last person who answered your question, you used that against them to try to make them feel guilty for spending money on this game!

I spend my hard earn money however I want, as long as it’s legal no one has a say about what I do with my money, be it if I want to spend it on here or on something else, and you called me ignorant :rofl: :clown_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:

I actually do think they tend to price things too high, but guess what? I don’t buy that stuff and or wait till they go on sale, that’s where my impulse control comes in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :raccoon:

I hope you ain’t got gambling addiction then. Otherwise oof. Better take an old man advice sometime, you’ll be way richer that way… jk I’m not old

Like I said before, I actually got self control and don’t feed into impulses, sadly nowadays a lot of people do feed into they’re impulses and have no self control!

And guess what, everything I talked about here is GREED and GREED only. I didn’t try to take away your rights, or shame you. I’m here just to point out GREED that the DEVS have the tons of.

And we saw, thanks for your public service announcement but it wasn’t needed or wanted, little buddy if you got an urge to do good, I suggest you volunteer somewhere, anywhere. :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :baby:

Yeah, you definitely have some issues you need to work out, I suggest you seek help in the proper channels as I am unqualified to provide you the help you desperately need.

There’s no argument this game is grindy and Devs are rather greedy in how they’ve designed it. However the game is so damn good. And Devs keep giving me new things I wanted. So I have forgiven them. But yes. The greed runs thick.


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I didn’t complain about p2w kid. I complained ONLY ABOUT DEVS GREED.

The only money I have spent on the game is getting the basic battlepasses. How many have we had now?
Without doing the math, my estimate is that I’ve spent about at much money on this game as I would spend on one PS4 mainstream game. Except I’ve played this one for years, and I barely touch any of the ones I’ve bought.
On top of that, I never felt like I had to buy the battlepasses. I started doing that purely because I felt that the game was good enough that it deserved some support, and because the battlepasses are great value.
I work five days a week, and family responsibilities mean I don’t play most work nights. But I’m still able to grind out at least one epic item a week, sometimes more. How much stuff do I really need? I’ve got weapons that I acquired weeks ago that I haven’t even had a chance to properly experiment with.

It’s very easy to have a good time playing Crossout without spending any money.

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Apart from the grammar errors, that word you used isn’t permitted in the crossout forums or in-game chats
If you get in trouble for it then don’t go on your seemingly many accounts to complain that you did

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Moderation here is a little silly to say the least. So Ur not makin a good point here. Like… u can get banned for pg harmless stuff.

I really don’t understand why people make a big deal about how much their time is worth, and that having to play a lot to get an item is such a bad thing.
After all, what is grinding in Crossout? It’s playing a lot. Play, not work. If you don’t like playing the game, and it’s feeling like work, then you should play a different game.
I like playing Crossout, whether it’s at 5kPS or 15kPS. Why would I complain about an excuse to play more? And why would I spend real money so that I don’t have to play as much? Makes no sense to me.

My entire goal in Crossout is to play as much as I can. Accumulating more stuff is nice, but not as nice as playing. And the more I play, the more stuff I get.

The game isn’t forcing you to play. Either you like it or you don’t. No fancy weapon is going to make you enjoy playing if you don’t already.

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The used of the word he use isn’t pg harmless stuff, would you let me call you that word in public?