This is ridiculous

i had a cannon guy who was targeting me and i was a ground build, he just… wouldnt face me and kept walking away from me when i went near him. it was really funny to watch, basically saying “nope, nope hes got a cold, must maintain 50m distance at all times!”
he wouldnt even fire at me if i was close to him, he would just turn away and start walking until he was about 75m away then start turning to face me again.
i also seen the bots just taking a leisurely stroll through the acid to like it wasnt even there. not even targeting anyone, just walking bludgeon deep into it and shrugging it off like a bad hangover.
this also happened to bots who were far away from their target to, i seem them try to scale walls in the corner of the map without anyone around (i seen this on my radar) and even chasing underneath helis. the cannon guys who do that are just entertaining.

bots can behave differently for different people. the punisher / mg bots hard focus you and dont let up. cyclone bots are annoying and deal way to much damage but thats a different topic.
also if you break line of sight with a bot now they dont chase you like a rabid beaver to gnaw on your legs. once they lose sight of you they just aquire a new target as well which is… odd… they never did that before, once they had their sights on you they would not give up till your dead and would chase you to hell and back. dont know whats goin on but maybe its cause the new seasons close? things typically get wonky when a new season is near.

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Just because you see something does not mean that is what it is.

One of the examples is a bot driving in the acid lake so far away from the point that you could barely see it.

This is not a bot trying to compete, this is either a broken bot AI or an intentional move to try to make bots wander around refusing to shoot to drag out matches.

This is 100% not a bot “trying to get an angle”, which dos not happen or chasing a player. It is silly to claim that that is what it is with 0 evidence.

You are indeed as there was nothing for them to chase. You have no information, but make claims about what happened. This is a type of emotional response, rather than logical one.

Again, there were 0 helos in the map as it was not that mode, they were not chasing anyone as no one was near them until people chased after them. I watched it drive away, well within detection range.

None of your assumptions are based on reality.
So, just stop making stuff up.

Indeed, and the point here is to show, just as you did that there is a problem. People trying to claim it was caused by things that were not present is stupid.

The bots are broken (well some of them, mostly ones with builds that cannot aim independent of the car). The ones with the lasers tend to be super agro with perfect aim. I have not seen a melee bot in a bit and those never worked.

I wonder if the problem was created by different systems running nav and aim and not working together or if it was an intentional thing to try to make matches last longer or perhaps some other combination that has created bots that are often counterproductive.

Yes. Yes it is. If it cannot shoot you, it will look for a spot with a sufficient angle so it can.

your wrong, i also witnessed bots just wondering off even when people were around, they would drive to the farthest reaches of the map. are you going to tell us that the bots were going to the other side of the map to try to “get a better angle”? thats not the case here.

in my match we were in the middle and the bots were scattered. 2 bots went north and kept going north for some reason. there was noone there and i watched on my radar as they did. my team literally had to chase them. they didnt just do this once but multiple times. we were in the middle capturing the point, they completely ignored us even though we were in sight and they kept going north to the end of the map.

they arent the only ones, the breaker bots are stupidly aggressive with a high rate of fire and stupid fast cooldown. seriously one kept getting in my face and wouldnt leave me alone. i think it was in a forced loss match because he shreaded the front of my build and killed me so fast. normally my jotuns wouldve taken care of him but his health was cranked way up along with its damage. thats just unfair imo.

I don’t think he is, but I also think there are other problems at play too. It may not even be the underlining problem, but is the result of some other issue.

Regardless of the specifics, there is definitely a strange bot-flu going around that is causing them to act feverish.

I certainly won’t be taking it as seriously as that other guy, and I’m sure it will be resolved soon. It is a bug. They happen, and I find this one a bit amusing, actually.

In my world, I will be imagining it to be a symptom of a Ravager infection surfacing and driving them all mad. We’ve seen this happen before.

Such a stupid comment.
So, you were there and know that the only three enemies were the other way from the direction it was moving? That I was the only enemy anywhere close.

It is extremely stupid to claim you know something it is not possible for you to know.

I mean, the issue is not really that big of a deal.

Some of the people claiming it is 100% this or that with 0 actual knowledge annoy me. Their behavior is counterproductive as they are trying to deny reality based on their own egos, which reduces the likelihood that it will be addressed.

I think it’s serious enough of an issue that it will be addressed soon, regardless of what we say here…but IDK. Sometimes the developers are hard to understand. And like you said, without any actual knowledge or qualified insight into what the actual issue is, there’s no way to know the depth of the issue.

I bet it gets fixed though, and probably with the incoming update, hopefully.

I find it interesting that some bots seem more broken than others. Not sure if it means they have different AI for different bots, or if it’s more about builds where they have to aim the whole build, and the overall AI has problems with that now.

They move to get an angle all the time for me. Are you not on PC, or do I just fight more competent bots?

Just ignore him, the kids obnoxiously taking his poor communication skills out on other people.

Am I ignoring or the one being ignored?

You can ignore him. He’s given half assed explanations of what he’s seeing and then getting belligerent about peoples responses. He’s clearly getting frustrated by his inability to communicate well and It’s very childish of him.

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im experiencing this on ps4 myself, idk if your experiencing the same thing on pc. is anything weird happening on pc?

Not really, the bots on PC are somewhat decent (about as good as you can get Crossout bots).

Fromwhat I could tell the bots that have weapons that can not aim independently are the main issue. I maybe remembering wrong, but I think that it was all vehicles with wheels.

It almost appears as if the aiming and driving are run by two different instruction sets, which might be what is causing the odd behavior.

Of course this is possible in some situations. It was not in the one I was describing as there were only 2 allies left on my team and they were a long way the other way from the bot in question. I was the closest person and decided to follow it once I realized it was not going to shoot me. I followed it from land while it tooled around in the acid. When the two other cars came and stated chasing (both bots iirc), it headed away from them further into the acid. The last part could have been it trying to get an angle in the open acid field, even though it was flat with no obstructions, I guess. However, that would not be the case up until that point as I was the only one close and it was actively driving away from me.

Again, the problem is not saying it could be this, it is saying it is this. That comes from a place of arrogance, not knowledge or thought.

Mt poor communication skills? Kid?
The disrespect that is allowed on this forum is bizarre.

I stated everything clearly, then people that apparently lack the ability to use logic and reason started claiming their assumptions were reality with no actual knowledge of the situation.