This one forced my hand

These screenshots have forced me to revive my topic about a player earning at least 40 points for killing or help killing one enemy. Players would be afk while auto queue would keep them in battles for hours.
There is no more auto queue, but they added the 40-point minimum to stop cheaters playing afk and bots.
The 40-point minimum was to stop cheaters, not punish unlucky players, but punishing the innocent is still the result of the 40-point minimum. Here are my newest screenshots of being robbed, but not my only screenshots of being robbed.

You see I have the 150 captures points which saved me from being robbed. 31 points for battle.

You see I have one kill and four kill assists for 31 points! That is insane! I am punished because my allies are great killers. They kill everything I touch so I barely earn any points. I am playing, I am doing activities to help us win! If not for my 150 capture points, I would earn nothing!
Fix this garbage already, 40 point minimum for one kill!


i literally did damage to a few cars but my team killed the enemies so fast and blocked all my shots so i didnt get any points in the end. even if i got an assist and got numbers i got a 0 score and no rewards. this is just bullcrap. theres a ton in this game that i absolutely hate and the number 1 thing is team mates blocking your shots or just facehugging people, blocking your shots and just being an all round ass.

edit: also team mates shoving around enemies is such a dick thing to do. id have the enemies in my jotun or incinerator fire and some jack off will come by and slam his fragile ego into an enemy, lose about 10 iq and just run around with the enemy around the map like he chugged 1 to many bottles of scotch. i cant stand it when people do this nonsense.


That’s classic firebrick behaviour for yea, they push teammates out of the way then steal their kills and pushes the victims someplace out of view of other team mates so they can get all the points for themselves, drives me nuts.

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believe it or not but its not fire bricks for me. its team mates with mgs, cannons, hell even cyclones. they just rush in and do an idiot move.
they just mindlessly rush in and facehug the enemy like its just an everyday thing.

Just play better, even as slow ML spider in 99% games i got high score.

If you cant get any with fastest helicoper/wheel build it just mean you play crappy.

I do agree tho unlucky games can happen, but its 1%

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But why should you be punished if you are not a cheater? I was not afk or botting. I killed one enemy and helped kill four more for 31 points! That is insane! Play better? 5 kills? That is not good enough to score 40 points? How can you agree that is fair for my time? I play the battle, participate and if not for getting a capture point while waiting for my weapons to reload I would get nothing. Even the 5 kills would not count toward the challenge of kill or help kill 10 enemies while piloting an armored aircraft if I had not grabbed the 150 points while I could.

“just play better”
do you listen to yourself? please go outside and clear your head before making comments like this.

1 kill and 4 assists shouldve gotten him alot of points. how in the unholy f*** does playing better have anything to do with getting points? as far as i can tell he shouldve gotten alot more then just that score.

edit: knocking off armor and getting kills do give points. its a simple point and shoot so how does this equate to playing better? enlighten me.

you just answered yourself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:
‘if u didn’t get it,u need to shoot more’
a hit n run to cap doesn’t always do it. stay n fight n help ur team.
‘hence, play better’


Obvoiusly the OP hit a burning cab for 5 damage and t8ckled a panel on 4 others. The point system works as intended. Skewing the amount of ‘work’ you did by saying 1 kill and 4 assists means nothing. A punisher at max rabge hits for 4 damage. I vould luterally do 20 damage, TOTAL, and end up with 4 assists and 1 kill. Do i deserve 40 points if so? Absolutely not.


yup,u tagged 4 ppl with 1 shot, and last shot killed a burning enemy that was sd’ing . then you went to cap…
and? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
shoot more n help ur team,u will get better results in score…


So, because the enemy vehicles were made of glass, and my allies were using nuclear weapons, I am a cheater who should be punished for being afk or botting? How am I to blame that the weapon folded like a house of cards and my allies were blowing them up one after another leaving me scraps for damage? My weapons were in the fight, hitting 5/8 enemies. That is pretty good placement. I was not afk or botting only unlucky and almost punished for doing no wrong. 40 point minimum for first kill or kill assist!

There was no minimum to earn a reward when I started this game! They added it to punish cheaters! Now, it punishes the unlucky.
You used to also receive a white drop when you won even if you scored 12 points. You got your scrap, a white item and your 12 points.
Now, below 40 points, nothing counts, not your kills toward any challenges, not your damage toward the clan challenge, nothing counts if you do not get 40 points. I was here before this garbage. Easy fix, 40 point minimum for first kill or assist.

this is sort of what i was thinking. because normally i get a ton of points when killing an enemy and even get a decent amount for assists. but if the enemy is already 3/4 of the way dead and i hit him i dont get many points. maybe the op here did this? it has to be.

One time I rammed an enemy to death in the first few seconds and got first blood. Three other enemy died quickly near me and my allies while my weapons reloaded. The other four enemy died quickly elsewhere on the map and were never seen by me and the three allies I was near. I got nothing, rammed an enemy to death, got first blood, never got near another enemy in the few seconds my weapons were reloading, and I got nothing.

You need to listen yourself MR “i know nothing”

If he finished someone target doing 1 dmg, you want him receive 100 points for 1 damage?
or when he shoot 4 other people for 10 damage for assist, should he get 100 points per assist?

You are DUMB as fuck.

He can have 8 assists in game, but it means nothing if he do almost no damage at all.

The only problem in this game is only when he damage someone a lot but he(or his parts) are not finished by anyone else. (but its mostly about cabin damage, parts are easy to kill and give score)

But he had kill and assists, it means this targets were finished, but he did almost no damage to them, it means he played shitty.

I know you would love DO SHIT for 90% game and then finish someone target and get 9999 score ye?!
You play shitty so no score, end of topic!

The only change to score system IMO is to add score for support modules like DAZE/doppler/verifier/etc that do not give score at all(but anyway even with daze im often mvp lol). Damage score + disarming/immobilizing/etc is calculated very well. Barriers for example give too many score imo.

Or my allies played excellently and destroyed all the targets in the area too quickly. Even if I did agree that I played poorly, I was not cheating and deserve a Reward for helping kill 5 enemies and winning. I would take the 31 points plus Decoration bonus plus the progress to Challenges and a minimum Resource Reward like when I started this game and be happy. But under 40 and you get nothing, even the 5 kills would not count toward the Challenges. I am punished for being unlucky when it was to punish cheaters. You get or help get one kill, you should get the 40 points, not 80,000 or whatever you were spewing. Only the first kill would reward the bonus 30 points to go with the 10 points for First Damage. No further kills would reward the 30 points. Not 1,000, only 30 points for First Kill.

wow apparently i cant make a single mistake without being called out in a nice way. go outside and touch grass for a change, it might make you more calm then staying inside and sniffing your own fumes all day there bud. calm the fuck down.
just because someone makes a mistake doesnt mean im dumb as fuck. people can have forgetful moments and i dont have the best memory at times. my mind blanks and i forget. is it a crime for having memory issues? jesus christ dude.

i literally just said that below my response to you. i guess i forgot to delete my reply to you. i did come to this conclusion though that maybe he only got a few damage on the bots / people he was attacking and only got the minimum score.

i just need to call someone he goes by “shit Sherlock” first name “no”.

the ramblings of a angry gamer. calm down and type more consistently. also grammar.

dude just calm the hell down. yes i can be dumb at times but i didnt deserve a response like that.
what i said couldve been taken as angry or something but i do realize my mistake. now realize yours and calm the hell down.

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your just replying to the OP, i don’t see why Crushade is targeting you.
maybe he is DAF. :crazy_face: this Mystery forum will always remain a ‘Mystery’ :shushing_face:

your guess is as good as mine here mud :man_shrugging:
i mean sure i make mistakes just like everyone else.
from what he said though i thought he wasnt getting alot of points from targeting a full hp or near full hp enemy. that didnt seem right and thats why i said “how does playing better have anything to do with this?” because it slipped my mind that enemies close to 0 hp or being destroyed dont give much points. this is why i replied to your post to because i forgot about that and it came to mind when you said it.
if crushade even bothered to open his eyes and READ what i posted later on then maybe he wouldnt have replied the way he did. or maybe he was just in a mood and decided to take it out on me. either way i corrected myself later on in the post. so his tantrum doesnt bother me.


You are blind and he is DUMB.

He target me first, and he(DUMB guy) just confirmed he made mistake by attacking my post.

But ofc you Mudn also made mistake now and made dumb mistakes before thats why you try achieve something here.

But every time you just make dumb mistakes and never say sorry.