This one forced my hand

and your an ass.

seriously are you 5 years old dude? your going around calling me dumb when i make a simple mistake and forget about the scoring system.

yeah your obviously 5 years old if your going to make insults like that to others.

and instead of apologizing and acting your age… then again you are acting your age, 5 years old… you instead resort to calling me more names and referring to me as the “dumb guy”. seriously whos the dumber one here? me forgetting a game mechanic or you acting like a 5 year old… :unamused:

ill just be blocking you now, i hope in the future youll grow up.

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yeah, the old git gud meme.

the only way i can example this.
This game has some weird stuff - Discussion - Crossout

3 guys make contact with my build, 3 guys SD on me, i survived the first two so i “killed” 2 guys while successfully defending the cap twice… the third one brought me down with him.

I earned the Unyielding and all…and did nothing.

Yes you Kiddo. You have no knowledge.

Again you should say sorry, but you insult again like your first attack post at me, just because you are DUMB and you confirmed yourself you do dumb mistakes.

But still you said no sorry but just insult because i exposed your dumb mistakes.

Unlucky games happens a lot when playing with randoms don’t matter how good you are. That 1% is an extreme exaggeration. I say the max possible positive win rate even the best of players can get playing solo in a team based game is 70%. Hell even players using aim bots playing solo would have a decent amount of unlucky games.

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an unlucky game (statistically a normal game) is 50/50 when youre playing solo, both for matchmaking and cc. you cant do anything about playing with goobers.
i wish i could achieve 70% winrate on an average day but any time i have a win streak, god himself steps in and gives my teammates temporary brain damage for the duration of the match

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If we talk about Winning games yes.

But OP talk about “getting 40-point minimum” and thats what i replied to.

So if you Nobler getting 40 or less points 50% or 30% games, i didnt knew it - shocked
i thought you play better than 40 score!

why everyone here make mistakes? :> did you even read topic guys?

Times that number by 100 and I don’t even use catalina to make the best of it

But sometimes I feel like sucking on purpose and just play non sense builds for the lols like when I’m playing with my fatcryogenictank with the skadis at 22k ps, I get a lot of double digit matches with that build but I don’t care just tryin to have fun, my game face is not on 100% of the time unlike some players who likes to sweat every single game they play.

If the enemy die after you hit them and you are not cheating, then yes, you sure as hell do deserve a reward for your time!

its funny how you focus only me today, while still even with occulus and seen you come most times you died even if i had 3 vs 1 xd

only one game now where it was opposite and i could focus you :smiley: you disarmed in seconds

will stop adding when 1-st place over

(Nobler 166 points!)
next after this one:

another after this one:
another after this one:

another after this one:

(Nobler 112 points!)

im not saying you bad player so why you toxic?
another after this one:

My 1-st place ended so i finish here.


it is arround 18% mvp/unyeld for you

this is 24% mvp/unyeld for me.

We are not so far apart as you see, so no worry friend :wink:
It increase for me all time, but i prefer CW, thats why i have 30% of ALL battles as CW.
You got only 155 CWs. but its all fine, you play good with ouy build, no worry :wink:

I got a 4.55 kd on my alt, like i said I don’t sweat all the time unlike you, go get yourself a towel cause your really dripping

lol and you really think KD mean ANYTHING? XD

you know doing 10 damage to every 8 enemies you can do 8.0 KD? XD

want me to cool you down with more skadis got the footage recorded if you want me to play back those matches

Yes, you focused me every game like i said :smiley:

and still most of them even when i had You + 2 enemies on me you still died/disarmed :smiley:

And the only game i focus you, you siddenly had 166 points xd

come 1 vs 1 if you want. then record

Your the one posting images of your kd, if you didn’t care why you post it if it didn’t mean anything

i didnt post images for KD, i post images for Score + mvp + unyelding

idk why you look KD again, it say nothing.

I know you are angry, but chill. I like your build even tho its not good, but looks nice.

thats closely correlated with kd, players with higher kds tend to have more mvps why is that worth more than the other. If you wanna go my mvps i got 5000.

mvp is not related to KD AT ALL

if you do 80 damage lets say,. you got no MVP, you LAST in score.

but you can have 8.0 KD from it because of hitting every enemy for 10 damage.

idk why you again talk about KD, it worst stat to look at.

And btw. i just builded cyclone like hours ago.
Normally i play arbiters with DAZE, or mastodon

It’s for the lolz can’t believe you taking it serously, take a chill pill or ill chill you with my skadis and remove that excess sweat from yea. Call you Mr.sweat. You taking that seriously speaks volumes lol

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why you think i take it seriously? XD

you attack my back(i had occulus lol) and i only laugh that you focus me xd

Im glad you got a laugh that was the purpose. I told you I wasn’t taking it seriously if i was id be running cyclones just like you

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