This one forced my hand

You cry so much :smiley:

I will wait for you to catch my 1% unlucky games to laugh at you posting it.

Also im up to 1 vs 1, always :wink:

Thought you were the one up type, just proved my point there.

Look in the mirror


The minimum required score to get your rewards has been here since the start of the game, i dont know what the fuss is about :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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indeed, idk what fuss is about ;p

i only said 40 or less points is very unlucky like 1% of games :smiley:
If someone have it often it means he play bad.
But they didnt read OP and they thought topic is about ā€œwinrateā€

And later Nobler just cry after i show he is bad :smiley:

Your mistaking those tears for laughing tears my friend. You were ranting nonsense long before I came around lol.

match score is based on whether you did something during the match. if the teammates are either much better or faster, there are no points to be had, sounds like a foolproof system to me

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Negative! the lowest possible score to earn the Resources Reward and White Common Item was 10 for First Damage. Zero or ten or higher, no 1-9 scores possible. 10 points would get you your Reputation plus any Decoration Bonus, the minimum Resource Reward and if victorious a Common Item to sell, save or craft.
PS, I am on PC where the game originated. Your statement may be true for Consoles.

So, you say killing one enemy and damaging four others for the Victory is doing nothing?
Or helping kill four enemy and tanking damage for allies and providing map info with my Maxwell and getting 39 points is doing nothing? I helped take out half the enemy team and when the other half came looking for us my three remaining allies hid while I fought 1v3 and got nothing. But somehow helping three allies destroy four enemy is doing nothing. Your logic is not sound.

Dude, try a different build. Your original build in the topic 8s a HELICOPTER with MELEE on it. Your try harder, ill try harder to understand your plight. I get 39 or less points if i get lanceā€™d to death. Otherwise, 40 is obscenely easy to get.


indeed, like i said before this 39 or less is like 1% or less of games.

so again i will say words that most people complained about:
ā€œJust play betterā€ (also build better that is part of playing)

If you cannot tell, the blade is stuck on there to satisfy the Challenge requirement. It is a ground build with a blade attached. I do not activate the blade.

Good lord, what a train wreck.

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I got these screenshots, not even sure of my point here. Zero kills and loss = reward. 4 kills and victory = zero reward. I guess that might be my point. Who knows? It is too hot.

The kill points are enemy fuse bots.

I feel like you might be seeing this the wrong way.
The 40 point minimum isnā€™t just about preventing ā€œcheatingā€, itā€™s about encouraging players to try their hardest. We all have matches that go wrong and result in scores that donā€™t hit the minimum. You donā€™t need to feel insulted by that, just accept that you had a bad match and play again.
Matches are so short, and rewards are so small, itā€™s really not worth getting upset about.
Youā€™re not being accused of being a cheater, and youā€™re not being punished. You just had a bad match.
If itā€™s happening a lot, then you should probably rethink your build and playstyle, or accept that this is an outcome that is going to happen.

Changing the rules to get resources for doing very little damage would absolutely result in some players taking advantage of it, and ruining games for the rest of us.

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I know you are incorrect. The propaganda they spewed when they added the 40 point minimum was to discourage AFK cheaters. I was there when Caucasus were fully automatic, and Missions were automatically queued unless you left the queue manually. Players would spawn with Caucasus build and use a macro to press random buttons to not be idle, enemy would drive to them and their guns would target lock and fire. Another classis was drones, just sit where you spawned, and a macro kept launching your drones. So, they added the 40-point minimum to stop afk and macro cheaters, which I have never been and never will be a cheater. Helping kill 5 enemy for 31 points is not a bad match, it is a faulty scoring system. I helped destroy four enemy and having a 4v4 remaining and dying 1v4 while your 3 allies hide is not having a bad game. You should receive more score for helping kill enemy. How the heck does helping kill four enemy not equal 40 points? How is that a good scoring system?
You want to feed the addiction and make the player queue again and again. Robbing me of a Reward makes me want to throw my keyboard across the room and never play again and tell everyone never to play Crossout.

Finally he speaks sense.

My AC is out and it hit 106 today :skull:

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Playing now, there is another bone in my craw that should be a separate topic. Why does nobody go get a capture point? Then I remembered when Domination came out and everyone would go to the nearest base and get their 400 points then fight. Both teams, every Domination. Can you believe it? 400 points for sitting in a circle, but less than 40 points for four kill assists? Of course they lowered it to the current 200 points. It takes 30 seconds to score 150 points in the enemy circle in an Assault, even less if three allies get that point. Then your allies know where to put their fire, missiles, drones, artillery, all into the enemy circle. But only disarmed bots and I go to the enemy base. Domination can be difficult to determine which base you should go to, but Encounters and Assaults there is no difficulty in knowing where you should be. I carry a Maxwell, so you can always find a path to enemy base, but nobody will follow me to the supposed goal of the game. ā€œCapture the enemy base and donā€™t die.ā€ dude says. Get 150 points for sitting in a circle for 20 seconds, but less than 40 for four kills. And you all believe that is correct and fair?

Story time.
Once upon a time there was a Mission to control the Factory. The battle took place at first at the normal locations and I score damage and over 40 points and told my team by pinging the map that I was heading to enemy base as we had the lead.
An ally actually joined me there as we lost the lead. We shared the first capture point and I left the base to attack the pursuing enemy head on and eliminated the weak. I returned to the base and we both scored the second capture point. I rammed what I could, but my weapons were not reloaded. I said sorry, pinged home base and ran. My ally put a brave fight and was destroyed, and I was alone. I got to enemy base and my weapons were reloaded. I killed two at the base and ran back to the enemy base. I was low on HP, lost my cheetah and was out of ammo one versus three, one enemy a slow cannon bot to be avoided and after 5 minutes we won. And it was all possible because my random ally joined me at enemy base. He came in second place on the winning team, almost half his points from capture.

PS, I guess I killed one of three while I was running away as we killed 6 not 5.

Iā€™m just going to post these two, because why not? Nothing to see here today, bump, bump.