Ultimate Compliment-You're Cheating!

Put a blockchain build together and instantly got accused of cheating. I guess after Scorps for 3 years I’m not allowed to play aimable weapons without getting accused of cheating.

It’s a good compliment for a grandpa.

What builds have you been accused of cheating with from some rando?


Specifically… my fused/synergized mace & vector builds believe it or not.

I also got a lot of accusations during the helicopter event. Like… constantly. LOL

And yeah… it’s a compliment.


I got accused of cheating while playing medians on bigrams.
The other player was on a tusk build, and I kept sidestepping their charges while popping them with my guns. They kept bouncing off my bumpers, and thought I was somehow hacking the game to give myself a forcefield or something.


That’s funny, and it’s even funnier the person got so frustrated that you out-skilled them and instantly went to “how dare you cheat me” :rofl:

I’ve currently never been accused of cheating but have seen people cheat, but long ago before the panda anti-cheat they got, that mainly was scorpion wall hacks, etc

Though I remember when the Terrero pack first came out I bought it and made a build with it, some random person in a raid trolled/harassed me the whole raid, then out of sure unluckiness I ran into the same person in a PVP match and he did the samething.
Never seen that dude before or after those two times and that was years ago so possible he got banned

I could only think he mistook me for fries and wanted to salt me up good! :clown_face:


The only obvious cheat I remember seeing was the driving underground thing a couple of years ago.

I’ve suspected it a few times, but it’s entirely possible the other dude was just really lucky or good. Getting one-shot killed at the opening of matches… kinda’ makes you suspicious. :man_shrugging: That’s only happened like twice, though.

I often take blind shots at the opposing spawn when playing long range weapons, and occasionally I get lucky and ruin someone’s game before it even begins.


Jerk! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :imp:


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ppl accuse me to aimbot with piercers ^^’
somehow its pleasant cuz its when i know the guy was degunned in sec and wonder what happened :smiley:


I have only every saw one person I thought was cheating. (they were not cheating)
But it was really that I did not know the game mechanics of steel championship (locking onto the ball).

Then a kind player explained it to me and it didn’t seem like cheating.

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The top 5 Spring Mayhem spots on xbox are all cheating with alt accounts to boost along with a bunch of others, I’m wondering if they’ll actually take action

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Please do not talk about specific players cheating on the forum.

If you have proof then report it.

If not then kindly keep the drama to yourself.

The topic is not about really cheating.
Please read the OP.

I’ll do what I want to, thanks. It’s reported and topic related… Not sure why you’re so sensitive

The types of ppl who would say skill issue while playing meta builds accuse me of aimbot. One even calls me a goofy clown instead of a cheater. I smear faces with faeces using Astraeus’ so the hackusations flow. This b from a couple days ago;


People who actually cheat are far more likely to accuse someone else of cheating even when they have no evidence at all… it’s nice being called a cheater when you have a clean conscience


Agreed… it’s like the liar always suspect the other person of lying. Simple psychology.

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I’m actually talking about in the early days of me playing this game I full-on saw a few Hover scorp clan dudes shoot through the terrain/buildings, not some person who drove out from cover and got nailed right away but actually shooting through stuff, and can’t really confirm this cheat but if it was a thing I saw it and what I am eluding to is shooting cloak people but that’s hard to prove someone using a cheat to do that, but actually seeing shots fired through terrain I’ve seen!

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I’m not much of a range player so I don’t get accused of cheating. I do get accused of cheap tactics. The last fan mail was from an Avalanche player that was angry that I Flashporked his ride.

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I’m still pissed off at this shitty game. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

put this where it belongs,i thought it was funny…
we laughed after,no worries… :crazy_face:

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I got several “compliments” … quite often when using quasars, though the most recent was while using cyclones.