Unpopular opninion- I love starfield!

You do care though

Yea i do a little if it is a the expense of the story, if it adds to the story then i don’t care and i’d rather for it to be there. Cyberpunk 2077 is a good example of a game like that because it adds weight to the story.

I think I have finally put my finger on exactly what makes this game seems woke. Me saying the 90% thing discard that because i just couldn’t articulate my thoughts at the time. You can tell there is kind of a lack of chemistry among certain players in the game and a reason for that may because of the perfectly even divide of races and genders in the game.
Screenshot 2024-03-04 104336
Sitting at the table there is 3 white people on the left and 3 black people on the right. The game is trying way too hard to create a perfect even split of gender/ethnicities to appease everyone and I think the story suffers a little because of it. I’d much rather for there be one white person with 5 black people or 5 white with 1 black if it means better chemistry. Having that perfect even divide limits the combinations of personalities and interactions in the game, that is what I’m trying to articulate and I think the story suffers a little because of it.

The lack of chemistry has nothing to do with character race, the writing and dialogue in Starfield is just pretty awful in general. The only time I ever heard some emotion in a characters voice was Delgado in a final faction mission…

I don’t mind the dialogue all that much, it is nothing mind blowing but I don’t mind it. What I’m saying is that the game seems too self aware of trying to appease everyone where some characters just seems out of place and should be like switched somewhere else and that is because there is a lack of possible combinations of interactions do to that perfectly even split that the game self imposed on itself.

Starfield is deep and sophisticated

Starfield 2023-09-23 18-35-21

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I apologize for the first 2 comments so I deleted them. Coming back to it now it do kind of make look like a racist/bigot or whatever you wanna call it. That is not the point I was trying to get across.

Those mods get immediately taken down by sites and the uploaders banned.

We are less than 10% now if you exclude South America. No there would be no 85-90% poc representation in space, its realistically impossible.

LOL, I’ve been wanting someone to bring this up. Most people angry about how they don’t have enough representation are from the US, where wokeness isn’t really questioned and there are people of every race everywhere. A lot of places, especially Europe/Asia (where Crossout takes place) have mostly one race in a country, whereas other races are (mostly) tourists.

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My city (Toronto) is about as diverse as that game seems to be. It’s not that weird, especially if set in the future.

dont worry, this is a safe space after all!

So yea if your target audience/main demographic is male then pushing a game that demasculates those very same people is probably not the best idea.

To add a little more weight to my point about the feminist agenda that the game seems to be pushing I just took a scroll thru akilla city and tallied how many people were walking around with guns and I tallied 5 females and 5 males but when you get into the leadership/power position roles those tallies scews even more in favor of females by quite a large margin with the males that are in some kind of power position having some major flaws of sorts in they’re personalities.

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This is why my last Bethesda game was Fallout 4. It was the last good one that was workable in its base state and super good with mods.

If you haven’t noticed the entire morrowind 3 games engine has been reprogramed from scratch fully open to modding: https://openmw.org/

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When your colleagues keep stealing your sandwich and you let your intrusive thoughts win

Starfield 2023-09-23 18-35-21(1)

It’s a decent game, not quite up to Bethesda standards but just have fun and don’t think about things too much, it ain’t that deep.

That’s the true sign of a Bethesda game right here.

Oh yea I’m having a blast with the game, I"m like one of the only few praising it up because i think most everything else is solid just wish they toned down on the feminism a few notches. They even got a mug in the game that says never apologize for being a powerful woman. Now if they had a mug saying never apologize for being a powerful man than i can say that the game is equal for everyone.

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But it doesn’t effect you though does it? or the experience… it’s just a mug with writing on, you think there wouldn’t be anything woke in the future? it’s honestly whatever

The mug is a symptom of the psychology of the current devs. No it wouldn’t but it do explain the thought process of the current devs of bethesda and it really shows in the game. The amount of anti male vibes the game gives off is kind of insulting.

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I think it might be valuable to have conversations and to try to examine why we react the ways we do to things like this.
I mean it sounds like the gender breakdown in leadership positions in the game are close to 50/50 if you look at all of them. So why does that seem artificially woke or pandering?
Well, obviously our current world isn’t like that, so it stands out.
But given that this is set in the future, and looking at the trajectory that attitudes towards gender have gone over the last few hundred years, it stands to reason that the future will be less male dominated than the present.

The fact that an even gender and ethnic split seems woke means that as a society we aren’t really very woke yet.