Unpopular opninion- I love starfield!

Fallout 76 which takes place far in the past was very feminist as well from what i heard, I don’t think it is because it is set in the future but because bethesdas dev team is full of feminist and that’s it.

In america and western countries it is. Women are on equal footing with males so there is no need to go bashing males as a counterbalance. I had 2 cops show up to my door the other day asking questions about a missing person and one was male and the other was female. There is no need anymore to be pushing against male dominance anymore and trying to demasculate as a counter balance.

Statistically, men still dominate positions of power and are on average paid more for the same positions.
You can look it up!

T.O lacks of whites :rofl: :rofl: thats not a lie or being rude when its the truth

only thing I hate bout T.O is the high way stop go stop go, i rather be driving nd burning half a tank of fuel then stop go stop go so i take the long way way better nd less dumb ppl to encounter lol

I haven’t checked the stats lately, but I would guess that white anglos are probably less than 50% of the Toronto population, but probably still the single largest ethnic group. But in a lot of neighbourhoods I’m the minority for sure.
And yeah, getting around the city is hard. Just too many people, and most of them in cars because our transit system is so underfunded. If there’s a subway near you, that’s probably fastest, but it doesn’t cover much of the city.

I drive through the small towns to avoid the slow highway traffic if i have to drive pass there

My mom played in a rock band for 9 years which is where i got my guitar skills from, she also worked as a fisherwoman before i was even born so I know first hand there is absolutely nothing stopping women from getting work and my mom holds the same views. When i went to cement school 80% of my class were women going in for trades. I worked on 2 oil rigs and a big chunk of my fellow workers were also women. There is nothing stopping women from climbing the ladder in western countries absolutely nothing. The fact that you even got to look up statistics to tell the difference that men is more well off than women in this day and age because you can’t eyeball it in real life speaks volumes about how well off women are these days.

Now If your talking stuff like ceos or whatnot which is like a .01% demographic than yea there are very few women but that is a problem at the top or close to it which is a very niche demographic and drilling feminism home thru games or media is not gonna solve that problem.

Its the one sidedness of it. One sided political or societal messages in video games are like the territorial piss marks of animals and its extremely unwelcoming. Its not multifaceted either so the player can feel like they can choose sides or play as they want. Its just shoved in your face by the creators of the game.
Its just a splashscreen showing an SS themed Germanic Woman for the current Hyperborea battlepass man, its just art, meanwhile you bellyached on reddit about it even though most of the portraits show Mongolians.
You want to downplay the woke forcefeeding in Starfield while being tilted about the current BP splashscreen.

You almost got what I was saying. Yes, women can definitely get jobs!
But as you pointed out, when you get to the well paying jobs and the jobs with a lot of power, women are still kept down by sexism.
Unless you think there is some other reason why there aren’t many women in CEO positions, and why their average wages are so much lower.

Things have changed a lot, but not as much as you and your mom think.

It so has changed a lot. If your hauling your stuff from the internet than throw it away right now. I’m a cement finisher by trade and worked on a few high profile jobs where the pay is really good (I’m talking 40$ per hour minimum) and soon starting work again to finish off a oil rig here in newfoundland when it gets started up again. I can phone my union up right now and get a list of names and I’m willing to bet at least 25% minimum are women and these are some of the more male dominated jobs to rub salt in the wound. I did a google search about the jobs with the least women and a lot of them came back as construction/trades which is the biggest pile of bull i have ever read.
Screenshot 2024-03-06 105513

Have you ever heard the phrase “anecdotes are not evidence”?

As individuals, our direct experiences of the world are very limited, at least when compared to the big picture.

Let’s say I know two people who got cancer after getting a vaccine. I might take that to mean that vaccines cause cancer. But to test that theory, you would want to look at the overall rates of cancer in the population, and then look at whether there are any differences in that rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Not only that, but you would also want to control for lifestyle differences between the two groups.
If there was a real link, it will show up in the big numbers.

So when it comes to the question of whether sexism is still a factor in the employment prospects of women, you need to look beyond your immediate experience, and instead look at the big numbers.

Anyway, you admitted yourself that there is a low proportion of women in the upper 1% of power and money. How else would you explain that discrepancy, than the continued existence of sexism.

And yes, gender is much less a factor now than it was 20 years ago, and even less of a factor than 60 years ago. So if we follow that trajectory, it stands to follow that in the distant future, leaders will be just as likely to be women.
But compared to our present day, an even representation of people seems odd and contrived, which again is evidence that sexism and racism definitely are still factors in current times.

Anyway, I should stop posting about this stuff, as the mad flaggers have been going after my posts and I will probably get suspended again soon for angering the right wing members of the forum. If you don’t see me for a few weeks, that’s what happened (yet again).

I really don’t agree at all with hardly anything you said but yea we should cut this out before it starts getting flagged. I was trying to come into defence of starfield but everything just got focused on the woke aspect of the game i mentioned.

It would be nice if we could have discussions like this without worrying about the banhammer, but unfortunately some people on this forum only want to see one side of the political spectrum represented here.

It’s kind of sad.

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Yea I got a ton of my posts removed today as hate speech. Not from this thread but I think you know what thread I’m talking about.

The game should be a bit more enjoyable now with this guy out of the picture