Varun and new wheels


i honestly never liked bigfoots, meatgrinders do everything they do, and have similar, but better mass and toonage ratios, the difference inbeetween them, is that bigfoot is a wheel, but i never liked it as " wheel" for me it is too tall, large, and required a very large frame/space if on a heavy build, as for maximum toonage you would need to have 10 of them (if only 2 of them are non-steering), while meatgrinders are large, and tall as well, you do not need as many of them, and you do not need as much frame parts to get all of them in, and they also have a lot of durability and can go in all directions, if considering the use on a heavy vehicle, meatgrinders are basically bigfoots that can strafe (they may be slower, but for me i enjoy them more)

so as i use bigfoots the same role as meatgrinders (which i already have upgraded) i had little reason to have both of them besides bigfoots being faster, the new wheel is short, compact, has a perk that impacts speed, and is very different than bigfoots, and also looks cooler, having them would allow me to build way more diverse types of vehicles than if i had bigfoots, as i just used them as “fast meatgrinders”

i honestly like them because the way they are, it is probably due to the types of vehicles i use, but currently i can say i am enjoying them so far.

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I’m glad you enjoy playing meatgrinders. They do look very cool.

But, to me, bigfoots and meatgrinders are in two different ballparks. Not even close to each other.

Different strokes for different PS folks.

My personal opinion is that “grinders = :poop:” and by the amount of grinders I see at high PS (14k+) I would have to assume many others have came to the same conclusion.

Bigrams and hovers do everything grinders do, just better.

Everyone has their own opinion I guess…

For me I use bigfoot wheels to make more compact builds. Since I have that extra block under my car to fit all my modules and make the overall build smaller and more car looking.

Someone said they can’t handle the burst of speed on sabbath. I personally don’t have an issue with it at all. Frontal wheels turn different than other wheels, but Im not stuck on how other wheels work. Before sabaths and claws I hadn’t used wheels for almost a year. I very much like pairing bigfoot wheels with sabbath.

Yeah, that’s what makes this game great!

I do have 12 sabbath wheels waiting for a wheel or epic fuse event. I will not start building with them till they are all fused.

I figure that 6 is a good number to have. Might need 8?? On some builds??

I suggest fusing em for grip. Their tonnage and power drain are good enough that I don’t see the two other fusions having a visible effect.

6 (unfused) is enough for a Yoko + Cheetah. 8-9 (unfused) should make most heavy cabs + Colossus run just fine.

When I think about it, maybe 22 tons at 100+ kmh is a bit much for 6 epic wheels. Guess I’m asking to slide around…


Wow that’s a skewed way to play a game. You refuse to use a part unless it’s fused? Like… come one…you don’t need all fused stuff for PvP. Your kind of rediculouse.

Fusing for power drain is best on parts with high power drain.

Also what cab can go 100km with sabbath and reach 22,000 mass? You can get Hadron just over 100km on sabbath wheels, but you need a fast engine to do it, and your only sporting like 18,000 max mass. Heavy cabs all max out more around 80km on sabath wheels.

22,000 kg builds going 100km would def be op.

That’s not 100% true. I do play some games on non-fused parts.

I will test play other peoples builds in my garage first that are not fused, then if I like the feel of something I will get a set of whatever item that is and maybe run someone’s exhibition build for 8-10 games to get an idea of how the part works. If I don’t like it I will resale the items. If I do like it, Then I get enough to fuse it all and then build a build from scratch and try to optimize it from the get go, and refine the build a few times over the next week or two playing it, then I post them for the community.

When you have pretty much all of the base items of the game fused already this is easy.

I currently have over 350 fused parts, to include 40 legendaries and 7 relics.

rolls eyes at your flexing

Yes… Many of us older players have all the base items fused…

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Yea we do, it’s more the truth then a flex. I know lots of people that have more then me. In the circle of people I play with I just have normal gear. They all have the same stuff fused and then some. To them, it’s no big deal. (You can’t flex to dudes that have more)

But if I was going to bring something into CWs it would be the expectation that the build was min/maxed. You don’t even have to ask if their build is fused or not, you already know it is.

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AH! Can you guess which heavy cabin I’m using to go 105 kmh with maxed mass limit?

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Ooh ooh! I’m gonna guess… Trucker!


Oh… Right… Silly me. I forgot yokozuna even existed. True. 33% of the time yokozuna is capable of almost going 110km with sabbath wheels.


made some “meta” builds with the new wheels

it almost feels like the machinist one is extremelly inferior to the humpback one, it is slower, has only 600 more durability and does not have a 30% damage boost;

the more weapon durability is not worth it, the machinist still needs more buffs, be it a stat one, or a perk one, as now there is no reason to use it over a humpback or cohort.

(both use 80/80 parts, and are on the maximum mass possible)

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Cohort + Sabbath = kapkans breaking upon contact.

I just made something similar. Mind you it’s a mastadon build I made and I stripped and rebuilt a bunch of rear armour and put on a kaiju. But it’s still very spaced via armour design. It has mass to spare, but it sits at 5k hp atm

Tbh in PvP it is performing exceedingly well. I thought people would have an easier time stripping the kaiju, but my cab is usually burning before I get stripped.

Are you using opressor on your build like I am?


Curious on what the power score and durability is on that.

Since that I’ve upgraded its hp to 5,700(17,500 total dur.) at 14.600ps

Just was kind of curious. I mess around with one on machinist with goliath tracks with 4 hardends in the front most of it just soaks dmg. The PS is really close 14.8K but I actually have squeezed less armor on topping out at 3,961. It drives at the same speed that it does when charged which is kind of amusing. Are you liking the new wheels with yours?

Honestly, Machinist Kaiju isn’t the best. Most people will just ignore you since they can’t strip you or kill you easily, and you deal negligible damage with just a base Kaiju and no bonuses.

I play Humpback Kaiju Trombone here, good fun. I think Nova Barrier Kaiju on strafing parts would be better if you wanted a defensive Kaiju build. Would mostly be good against full range teams tho. Humpbackr eally helps you blast melees at close range.

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