What is the point of a high speed car?

Show us your builds would be the right location for your post, since it seems to be unrelated to this topic.

High speed as in with boosters, to either activate Cockpit or to be able to get away from enemies rushing at you

High speed in general, to slap on a few shotguns so you can spin in a circle around an enemy and shoot in the general direction of his build while he or his weapons can’t keep up

Maneuverability is ofc most important aspect of speed, but I find acceleration just as important here as speed. If not more in many situations. And that too is lacking on many things.
But seriously, XO has no such thing that could be called speed or a fast drive… Just SLOW and LESS SLOW.


Small tracks are now rubbish - their turning circle is huge and if they loos a couple they only spin in a circle. You can also be 20kph faster on small builds so i am not sure what you are meaning? Is it that you are not really fast and they have maxed a big build for speed?

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I notice this the most when I’ve tried hovers, or flying things. The wheels sort of compensate for a lot of balance issues in builds (until you push’em fast), but without them you realize right away this game actually does have some sort of physics engine going on. It’s hard for me to feel how deep that goes, and at what point science fiction takes over and the physics are no longer relevant, or where and when it is important to acknowledge.
I have fun building flying things for that reason (the sensitivity of the physics engine). Just putting a headlamp on some flying builds can change a lot in some cases. I think it’s an entertaining puzzle sometimes.

Me too. When I started I thought it was best to use all steering-wheels, but I think the handbrake/non-steering-wheels work better for me with most builds.

I’d like to see an improvement in acceleration with wheels, and other than the wonky physics wedge-fix/bug that allows for sticky cars, and getting dragged and eaten by sticky melee, I wouldn’t really want to see more traction in my wheels (maybe some types). I like the drift. I’d actually like to see more slip and slide, and I think we’d be better off with bouncy cars, than sticky cars too.
I wish impacts were more prone to knock you around than just stick you to some guy’s grill where he just grinds you to bits while you are stuck helpless and wishing the physics engine had more quality characteristics. Even if you’re in a great big rig, getting hit by anything is too often like getting hit by a train. You’re pinned. Game over.
I really do wish they’d roll the sticky cars fix back soon, and like I said, I think it would be more fun if the cars were just a little bit bouncy on impacts. I would have rather seen that type of fix than just nerfing Melee, Wedges, Small-Tracks or whatever.

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That’s how I played for years, people suck at it, you out-flank and out-play your enemies, and you do it in style, had over a 4.0 kills per game and i played since launch (if you know what I mean when i say the ‘old’ kills per match system and how it worked you’d understand…

Good fun, you get to look good to

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I don’t know why they took 5kmh off cabs, the last thing the game needed was to be slower…

No cool moments in Crossout happen at slow speeds


Tell that to devs, that 5kmh has ensured I don’t return after 4-5 years playing

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So no more forum presence either since you’ve quit playing? One would hope. Since that’s the logical path after quiting a game.

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are you stoked?

TLDR that speed nerf was #%@$ing dumb. Last thing this game needed was to feel more sluggish.

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Wonder why so many people quit but keep coming ere? Because this game was good, so good infact that people want to believe it’ll return to it’s former glory, give us a reason to come back. Huge wasted potential.

People don’t like spending 4 or 5 years on a game to have their work thrown in the trash, it’s not just some ‘logical step’


The game was much worse three years ago. Take off those rose coloured glasses.

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It’s never been ‘good’, it’s always been meta’s, always

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