What to Craft with our Lighters?

They should think about making the bonus rate better for the heavies to compensate. Like you know how everyone complains about cerbs getting a worse melee weapon than a melee weapon. On a heavy maybe it should be better… Same for a rad or cooler effect.

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From another thread with a similar topic… changes the math on all of this significantly.

They announced that they reconsidered on this and are offering weekly challenges up until the very end. I guess the Radiance backlash made them change their mind.


It changes only the remaining time. The number of lighters per regular week remains the same. Without weeklies per week you’ll get 30 lighters.

Alright then. I’m getting my third Nothung, crafting 3 more Sleipnirs and calling it even. New mini Battlepass I’m not paying for.

Both weeklies and dailies are easy. You can complete dailies in a couple of patrol quests and a few easy raids.

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True, very true, but I’m not able to play every day. No matter how hard I try, I can’t complete these challenges without playing. :joy:

Some weeks, I have plenty of down time. Others… Not so much. The next couple of weeks will be on the "not so much"category.

That’s the trick indeed.

I also need at least an hour of my time to complete dailies AND regular weekly challenges. Every day…

Currently you can’t craft anything with them, the workbench is gone after the update

I hope it’s a bug or something, or that it at least returns once this current money milk-I mean mini battle pass is over


It’s there for me. I dunno what went wrong.

If you play MGs and miniguns the same way(obnoxiously holding down the trigger, or spray and pray as you put it), ofc you would think arbiters are the best. Now if you tap fire and aim, MGs beat out arbiters all day every day, Aspects included.

But no way in hell are they the same playstyle of weapon, unless you play MGs poorly. Period.

I only spool up when I know something is in range.

Uh… duh.

And, you don’t play piercers and vectors the same, either, even though they’re both machine guns.

But yeah… they’re all spray & pray type weapons. Heck, even autocannons play about the same.

If you wanna nit-pick posts, go right ahead, and I’ll be sure to add every single caveat to every single thing I post forever so this becomes more akin to a political debate than an actual conversation. :roll_eyes:

Period. <-added to emphasize what an awesome debate winning comment I just made. :clown_face: :upside_down_face:

Seems like they fixed it, it was gone right after the update but now it’s back. Phew

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mine is still gone

I did craft some of the new tracks with my lighters… and I don’t think I like tracks.

Spend some more time with them, I find it takes me a while to get into a groove with them.
They’ll never be my A-tier choice, but I always come back to them when I get bored of wheels and strafing parts.


Same with me, normally it takes me a few days to get use to them again but they can be fun and rewarding.


I missed a lot of dailies so i wont be able to get enough lighters to get another fused nothung. So ill probably spend my +level lighters on a pair of fused slepnirs.


i like nothung too specially after arbiter nerf, maybe i will craft slepnir if i will able to get more lighter

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I have had to adjust the way I say things here to get less arguments. Definitely more of a political kind of conversation.

One of my personal favorites is adding “IMO” or “In my opinion” in front of anything I’m going to say.

Because if I say something like “Hovers are the most OP movement part in the game.”

Then I’ll have 40 posts from some hover guy telling me I’m wrong.

But if I say “In my opinion hovers are the most OP movement part in the game.”

Then they don’t really have anything to argue. Because it’s only what I think and I’m not claiming it as a fact.

People are weird :slight_smile:

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Yup… one of the most boring things about discussing anything beyond “how’s the weather” with just about anyone is the penchant people have to “win” or prove you wrong.

Beyond that, far more than when I was younger, people can’t seem to accept that others have different views on things, and that’s cool. That’s okay. In fact, it’s desirable to be around people you disagree with - especially if those people can communicate WHY they disagree with you in a thorough, honest, and polite way.

I’m pushing 50. Maybe I’m weird, but I’ve pursued relationships like this. It drives many… no… it drives most people away. Most people have very strong beliefs, but have no idea why they believe them, and even if they did know why they believe them, they’re completely incapable of communicating that.

Among my closest immediate circle of friends & acquaintances, I count at least 3 hardcore atheists, a couple of hilarious but brilliant agnostics, one die-hard Catholic, an Eastern Orthodox dude, 2 homosexual men, one homosexual woman, a cousin who has been doing a cross-dressing drag show for 20 years, several “Christian Coalition Conservative” types, and even an old-school Democrat or two.

I don’t have any “woke” folks, though. I have yet to meet one that can or will communicate anything without eventually having his/her/its point devolve into “you’re just a” [insert random “ist” or “phobe” label here]. It’s even happened in PMs on this forum. :man_shrugging:

The fact that so few people have any desire to discuss anything beyond “how’s the weather” is also,


why sports are so popular. You can study something, become an expert at it, have something to talk with almost anyone about, but actually discuss nothing at all. It’s a brain & conversation filler… not unlike that white goo in the middle of a Twinkie.

Now, on to the white goo of CrossOut. :rofl: