What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

the year of 1995…

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this seems fitting…


I want this whole band turned into Crossout avatars


For something a little different…

So, I’ve seen Pantera, White Zombie, Anthrax, Metallica, Black Sabbath and dozens more live. I’ve seen NWA, Public Enemy, Outkast, and even the Beastie Boys. I was in on the dubstep scene before it was called dubstep.

I love music, and even though I haven’t posted in here, I’m listening to everything because I love discovering new music.

I’m a bit older now, though, and not nearly as angry as I was when I was neck deep in that music. I still love music with furious passion, though… Stuff that gets your blood going.

Thunderkiss 65 will never grow old for me.

And then… Well… There’s Vivaldi.

I may do a compilation at some point with this as the music track.

BTW, this was released last year by a dude named Mac Richter who was previously only really known for movie scores. The scuttlebutt is that he had a hard time getting it produced because he had a hard time finding an orchestra that would and could play it this fast. I don’t know how true that is. If you like it, it’s well worth listening to the entire thing… specifically spring one and three, summer one, and winter one and three.

Most of the music you guys are shareing ive never heard of. the rest i dont listen to. lol. Theres maybe one or two bands there ive listened to.

Heres some of what ive spent a lot of time playing crossout to.

If you are interested in music that is inspired by both classical and extreme metal, you might like Colin Stetson. Easily one of the best live performers I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen literally thousands of acts perform.

His stuff is usually just him and a saxophone, with no looping pedals or overdubs. He uses circular breathing to play without any pauses for breaths, and sticks additional mics inside the sax and sometimes on his throat to amplify all the clicks and thumps of the valves. Also sings while he’s playing for weird overtones and harmonies.
He’s getting more film score work, but is also a hired gun on a lot of big indie albums by more normal bands.
Kind of like speed metal made using avant garde jazz techniques.


I was not expecting much when I clicked this link.

But that dude has some mad skills.

I can see why someone might not like his style of music, but you can not deny the skill level of this stuff.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t listen to it at home much, but hearing and seeing it done live in a big hall with lots of natural reverb is super intense.
It’s physical skill on a whole other level than what most musicians are capable of, and it’s such a unique and eerie sound. Puts me in a weird mood when I listen to him.


100% man.

Making that second tone and not making the horn squeak takes way more control then someone might think.

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Some more weird creepy Canadian music, this time a vintage acid techno DJ set.
It’s kind of funny how this kind of vinyl DJing was actually very difficult at the time, but is so much easier on a technical level now with automatic tempo sync. Kids these days have no idea how much time we had to put in to figuring out how to keep records in sync long enough to do effective transitions.


That’s right Ruskies shut it and drive!


i +1 this and raise you 2 more…

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Blind Zero. Its like the grunge version of mumble rap.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::joy::joy:

his diction was not the best

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This is how my Crossout playing is tonight :slight_smile:


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When you don’t want to play shotgun but your really good with shotguns:


I like odd stuff like this:


Builds made from what you find:

They have me limited to under 3 posts in a row… lol

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