What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

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Good one to sing along to when playing melee. Also more creepy Canadian content.

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Your music says your old af. But are you even in your 20’s yet?


You ain’t right. :rofl:

When I was young, a teacher said something along the lines of how lamentable it was that we younger people wasted our time listening to “new music” thinking it was good because it was new and old farts didn’t know anything about it. It gave us a false sense of superiority because of that niche little world we knew & old farts didn’t. The lamentable thing was that there was hundreds of years of music recorded on paper & decades of recorded audio… and there we were… listening to absolute trash.

That has stuck with me…

Break dance appeared in the 80’s / 90’s right?

So, see this

the thing is the youth thinks they made something new but what they don’t know is their grand fathers and grandmothers were youth one day.
The things are not invented but discovered and refined.
see fashion e,g.

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Why are you responding to this? First of all you dont seem to understand what i said and now your kind of talking nonsense.

Im wrong you say? Do you know poony? So your saying hes old? Because i remember his voice sounding pretty young.

Wait, when have you heard my voice? I’m so confused.
I’m 46, which feels old, but people do tell me I look unnaturally young. I get a lot of shocked looks at work when people find out my age.
Funnily enough, there’s a good chance you read some of my music journalism that used to be my job. You’re in Toronto, so if you used to read Now Magazine between 2001 and 2018, you would have seen lots of articles by me in the Music section.
Maybe you have me confused for someone else, as I’m pretty sure we’ve never played in a group together with comms. I do see you playing fairly often though, and you’re pretty good! If you’re on the opposing team, I know to watch out for you.

No… I didn’t say that. I could’ve been more clear. The “You ain’t right” was humorously directed at RoughMonkey. He posted an absurd video.

The second part of that response was just piggy backing off what you said.

Same here, but I have you by a couple of years… Was recently challenged enough that I showed my ID. A guy I’ve known for a couple of years thought I was lying to cover up having my 1st son as a teenager. :joy:. Nah… I was 30.

Maybe im just mixing up names. Werent you in rcom for a short seccond? Maybe that was phoony. Idk.

Ps i have baby face too. Ive had people think im a decade younger than i am. I look exactly like my dad. I guess his young look is why he always ended up dateing women a decade younger than himself. One was even 15 years younger.

Yeah, must have been someone else.

Only clan I’ve ever done CW with is Siberian Jay’s clan, which was pretty casual. Mostly inactive currently, although once in a while we share build photos in the group chat.

Last time I got asked for ID at the liquor store was the week after my 40th birthday. Felt pretty good!

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I used to get pretty mad about getting id’ed in my lat twenties early thirties. Especially at this one liqiur store that i always went to every day. I went there often enough i knew all the people there. Them one dsy they got a new manager or something and they stsrted bugging me to see my id every time i was there. After i had been going there for over a year without needing id. I tbh didnt even have an id at the time. And they refused to take health cards as id. Now everywhere takes health cards as id so it all good. I havent been ided in a few years. I definitely look over 19 now…also i rock a lazy mans beard most of the time now and that makes me look more my age.

Isn’t that called the jitterbug? My grandmother used to do that.

I’m 50.

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Apparently must be.

But the first time i saw it, it seemed some kind of break dance with martial art moves


Yeah, it’s wild man. Takes a ton of energy.

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Did you tried it?

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Oh no :slight_smile:

Just watching makes me tired

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How hard can it be? Right?