What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

When you make your Jiggerbug video be sure to post it for us to watch. :slight_smile:

I’m sure it’s harder then it looks.

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Sure, at least, the part when they pick me from the floor.
Seems very fun.
I might give it a go.
Basics first


Yeah it was 24 hours long but i lost unlimited and need to get it back haha.


I liked the other three, so had to check out Lola Montez… so far, so good. Nice find. @87822967

Russians and maybe one of the odd music freaks here may already know this one, but I’ve just recently discovered it. I love the song. The performance here is canned, but but it’s so campy. It’s always performed real melodramatic, but this Guy, Urii Gulyaev, puts just the right amount of cheese on it, I think. It’s somewhere between William Shatner, and Jim Carrey, I’d say. Anyway, I love the song, but I bet unless you’re Russian, it’s gonna be just a me thing.

I love everything about that video. The dramatic profile shots, and pulpy stoicism is funny, not to mention the 60’s Russian fashion design. I know it’s not supposed to be funny, but for me that extra cheese makes it all so much better.

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Welcome to Ukraine.

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I prefer the Greeks, least with them when I smash a plate I don’t get the wtf you doing looks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

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It’s beer o’clock ladies! Drink up!


I can only imagine how insane that song must be live… blood, snot, sweat, stomping, and screaming is what I imagine. That schitzza riot.

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Their parody of Rob Zombie’s Dragula is among the best parodies of anything ever…

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I like Psychostick songs, here’s my favorite.


Fourteen again. Even the hair is getting long again :face_with_monocle:


In honor of the upcoming ML200 leg changes

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How about this?
The best Forgotten show on Cartoon Network.

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They had me til he started “singing.” :joy::notes:

lmao yea i can see how it might be off putting :joy:

So, i building stuff and got bored.

This is one of the biggest singers/ song writers of all times in my country.
He died in 1984 with 39 years old, his songs are still relevant nowadays, new versions are still being made.

This song is called, Pick Up song.

I translated from Portuguese to English the best i could. (enjoy)

Pick up song

you’re free and I’m free

and there’s a night to spend.

Why don’t we go together?

Why don’t we stay?

in the adventure of the senses

You’re alone and I’m even more alone.

you who have my gaze

You’ve my open hand

waiting to close

on that deserted hand of yours

come, that Love is neither the Time nor is the Time that makes it

come, that Love is the moment when I give myself, when you give yourself

You seek company

and I seek whoever I want.

be the end of this energy,

to be a body of pleasure,

to be the end of another day

You’re still waiting

for the best that doesn’t come

and hope was found

before you by someone

and I’m better than nothing

come, that Love is neither the Time nor is the Time that makes it

come, that Love is the moment when I give myself, when you give yourself

                (x5 or something, i lost count)
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