What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

About 20 years ago, that would’ve done it for me. Now, after finding bands that sound the same with singers who sing… well… yeah. :rofl:

Static-X I’m with Stupid - the 2nd song in the next playlist you shared, however. I still love that one. The video is hilarious, too.

Nice sound… I can see why he’s popular.
My favorite “style” of music now is simply people who sing/perform what they write - even if their voices aren’t that great (this guy’s is obviously). Canned corporately produced music is increasingly trash. In other words, I’d rather listen to someone who can’t sing perform something from the heart than someone do what is essentially a very polished cover song. It’s even better if the singer songwriter is has talent.

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Don’t normally play other music when playing games. But if it is anything that would pump me up for a battle it would be:

Hell March 2! (How do i get the player to show up?)

Just had a trip back to the Red Alert 2YR. Playing Yuri and capturing different countries bases and unlocking special units and buildings :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::ok_hand: that was so cool!



Good share, this is awesome.

I think most these songs are just songs people like, you don’t have to play with it.

Also, I posted your link below again in my post so the video will show in the post.


this song captures the laggy days just perfectly i think.

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I listened to NOFX a lot when I was younger :slight_smile:

Great band

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Silly lyrics. Great rhythm & riff.
All the stuff that made Anthrax my favorite breakfast cereal.

Not sure I’m the most strategic player when listening to them, though… I tend to get carried away and just charge in like a total newb. :joy:

The teenage angst…
In My Darkest Hour by the redheaded wonder…

Just enough anger to match the battle… Paced enough so I don’t play like a complete idiot.

Best for last…
Lacey vs “heavy metal cellos”

I actually would rather watch that last one than just listen to it… I love how Lacey “dances.”

This is my personal Ravager Theme

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best song ever :crazy_face:

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Wait, you never heard Command & Conquer’s music before, or just Hell March 2 specifically?

I’m about to spam Klepacki all over this thread

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The only C&C game I ever played (we are talking like 20 years ago) was “ Command & Conquer: Renegade”

I don’t even think most C&C fans consider that a C&C game :slight_smile:

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Most C&C fans would retcon 50% of the franchise lol (and they wouldn’t be wrong)

Westwood was just up there with Rareware pre-Microsoft, Blizzard North, all those legendary studios that didn’t survive industry’s restructuration, and its shift towards multi-platform games in the early 2000s.
Anyway, I’d rant for hours because I miss those awesome studios, but the truth is, most of Klepacki’s OSTs from those days probably have more views than the latest shitty iteration of the license had downloads, and the C&C modding community is pretty big and healthy lol. Take this in your wallet, EA!

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Too many teams where we didn’t pass the second gate, nor even the first…too many times.
too many hordes of players that didn’t know the W key and the simple concept of run between checkpoints and fight in the checkpoints focusing fire on the ravagers.
Too many choosing to break up the team letting the ravagers pick on by one the forwards team players and the ones that were delaying.

The song for them

I’m not talking about the brawls. I mean My Personal Theme, like how Superman has a theme, this piece of music is my bad guy Ravager theme. I mostly only run rigs with Ravager Eye decor on them.

Ups…my bad.

Sorry i’m more a Operation Gozu kind of guy …
Last time i did it, i had a medium build with awesome spitfires…

Now i’m a few tons heavier with bigger and meanest SGs, i have to find myself a theme, when the time comes…if it comes at all.

But very cool song


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Lol, the image below is perfect

I plugged together my machines the other day and jammed for a while. Been listening back to the recording while playing lately.
I’m guessing most of you guys won’t be into this, but maybe some of you will.

Two synthesizers and a drum machine, plus a couple mixers and a tape delay simulator.

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