What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

Hahaha, I never really managed to listen to one style or type of music exclusively. I realize lots of people are only interested in one musical style, or one literary genre, or one type of physical beauty. I’m a simpler man, I like any good music, good book, and pretty girl out there :triumph:

I often go to war in the wasteland listening to some Vera Lynn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Or some Kick Puncher :skull:


Music for when you’re playing 12k PS wheels on Sector Ex (^:

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Same… Except for the previously mentioned "angry years. ". Even then, it was metal AND rap.

I’ve delved deeply into almost every music genre simply because I love music do much.

Opera was really the last vestige where I hadn’t invested much time. Most of it, I don’t like… Still, I find it more interesting than listening to the same things I’ve heard thousands of times before.

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This song is awesome.

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todays starter 3 songs on my playlist:

Those 3 together make a really nice vibe.

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I used to love Hair Metal back in the day, but not so much anymore.

I really like a lot of the new genres of metal coming out.

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Here is a style called Metal Core - it’s a new twist on an old metal sound.

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Lance build today. I always play lance builds if this comes up on my play list.

May I bring the Noise.


Lol, that was a crazy mix

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Referencing What it’s Like, Hotel California & Fortunate Son…
Love(d) all those songs.
If I never hear any of them again, I’m fine with that. :joy:

Death Metal versions of Miley… definitely improved that idiotic song! LOL

Here’s one that actually kinda’ fits the whole CrossOut vibe for me…

This is one of their cleaner and less offensive songs:

They remind me of Kiss. (not musically).

Today’s first selection says BOOSTERS. I got nothin better to do.

2nd song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_2D8Eo15wE

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Any song that DOESN’T start with the guitar riff is promising.

I may put together a vid for my own entertainment with this… it really suits my XO mood.

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I had only 1 radio station for 20 years. My selection of favorites consist of 70’s 80’s rock, and on weekends, 50s/60’s.

Everything starts with guitar riffs in my world!


lets not forget loves is a battle field by Pat Brenatar. . as song to listen to while playing crossout as you kill all your lovable gamer enemies

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I feel your pain…

For a long time I was in the same boat. They did have shows for different genres, but outside of those, it was “Country and Western” back then that was what they called country music before it became corporatized crap.

The shows consisted of a two hour block on Friday and Saturday nights for pop & rock respectively. There was a bluegrass show, too, but I forget when that was.

Sunday was Southern gospel.


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I have seen Gwar live a few times.

Below is from the last show we went to.

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