What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

That song becomes epic at 40 seconds… timeless music. I wish good music like that was still what they played on the radio instead of the in-your-face sex-songs they seem to play now. Gawd I sound old. :laughing: :older_adult:

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Mother America
Is brandishing her weapons
She keeps me safe and warm
By threats and misconception…

This song is one of the ones that taught me a song can hit hard without the singer sounding like a grizzly bear having a seizure & the rest of the music being simple… but good.

@103339824 since you posted your Ravager go to song, I thought i didn’t had any, and started searching without realising i had one all along. The one i always came back to
I name my builds accordingly and all. My Storm Chaser featured a vid.


You Looking For Trouble! :smirk:

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I love playing to music like this!

Here’s why I love it so much. I went back and made an extended mix of the track and dropped it behind a couple different videos, but, only one of the vids seemed the right match for it. In fact, it turned out to be the perfect match for it!

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Old School Joey Anthrax is always good…

John Bush is by far a better singer, but yeah.

Not a fan of their new stuff.

Don’t go into battle anymore, bt I still listen to great music (^:

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Several of these bass beats sound SICK in 64 bits


The joys of the YT algorithm… Got the same reccs recently :wink:


YT is determined to brainwash us all, one way or another. lmao

I used to carry my walkman an Anthrax tape and a Black Flag tape everywhere. I’d lose tapes if I took more than two lol.




my older brother and i would listen to this while playing starfox


I remember having star fox when that was out :slight_smile:


crazy how far games have come lol

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speaking of older games…anyone ever play a Sega CD game called Sylpheed? it had a bangin’ soundtrack, well, at least I think so. It’s synthy orchestra but real dramatic. So good!

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Never played it, but sounds good.

I really enjoy synth/symphonic music. They used to call or “New Age” or whatever.

Mannheim Steamroller’s non-Christmas music is great - specifically the “Fresh Aire” series.

Ed Van Fleet is another. His Migration album is fantastic.

Not for paying XO, but really good…

Actually, this one might be good for crossout… The “woooo!” cracks me up.

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My love song to Crossout…

Kidding…ish. They’re going through a rough spot, IMO, and I thought the song was funny in that context.

Millennials are probably more familiar with these guys than I am, and I only discovered them because they are my son’s girlfriend’s favorite band (makes sense, I think). I was raised on grunge a little, so I can relate, and so I like their non-image and simply catchy riffs. Their baddass drummer helps a lot, I think. Gotta love a good drummer.