What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

That’s a look back song, I don’t think in the waste land they are looking back. I think they would be looking forward i.e next scrap pile as in already adjusted to the lifestyle.

Sadly enough the musitian I listen to doesn’t allow the reposting of they’re music. Epicuros- Interstellar

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Mostly OST from games, such as The Witcher 3 (calm compilation), Skyrim or from Mass Effect 2 - Galaxy map, played a loooot of raids with last one. Sometimes Rammstein


*Fun Fact: ‘Satchel from ‘Steel Panther’ played on this album with Rob Halford’(better know as ‘Judas Priest’ :crazy_face:


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Where’s that dislike button when you need it?
:wink: :melting_face: :crazy_face:

Have you tried going further? It might be deeper up there, maybe you’re not going far enough

I like anime, but unless it is in the movie/show I wouldn’t listen to music like that.

Argent Metal music by Mick Gordon or Geoffrey Day.
My personal favorites are Makers Hand by Geoff, and BFG Division by Mick.

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Makers Hand in fact sounds like an Argent Metal version of Crossout music. Maybe Gaijin should hire Mick and Geoffrey to Compose some of the games new music.
I wouldn’t have to drink my coffee while I play Crossout before work anymore. Argent Metal will make you head bang awake.

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At first, I was like who is that even? Then, I listened to some & oh yeah… ohhhh yeah!

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Interesting. Never heard of Ed Van Fleet. Early electronic music is always hit-or-miss (I’m thinking Tangerine Dream, the albums go from god-tier to god-please-no), but the track you posted works. Also whoever made his website really wanted people to know he sold over 2 million albums for some reason :joy:

Mentionning Tangerine Dream always reminds me of Near Dark. Great movie. Great track to go down in flames in your car, on a desert road, under a scorching sun, too.

Also I just realized at 33 that Near Dark’s Mae and The Wall’s groupie are the same actress. I had a very bad case of the hots for her when I was a teen, never realized it’s the same person :joy:

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Definitely a strong Teekyu energy. Same singers, or my ears are playing tricks on me?

I kinda enjoy this specific one because of how shamelessly it embraces obnoxiousness.

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For Thyrsus 1 play! See you on the battlefield!

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Newer find even though it’s not that new:

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