What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

I feel like I lost some of you with all that city pop, so here’s a certified, trve kvlt banger from my obscure doom playlist.

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On a completely different note, I went to a sweaty old school house music party on Saturday night, and one of the DJs dropped this classic anthem:

I sometimes feel bad for people that only know electronic dance music of the EDM era. Those big festivals are the opposite vibe of this kind of party.

A track like this only makes sense in a pitch black basement with giant stacks of speakers in every corner. No lasers, no bottle service, no VIP booths, no dress code. Just a raw warehouse space, with the entire decor budget spent on sound, and a diverse crowd that is there to dance until dawn.

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Do you believe in history?

Video at first: “EvErYbOdY lIeS tO yOu ExCePt Me!”
Video after a few minutes: “ISIS, our Great Savior, will protect us from the kouffar inch’allah!” (wtf man)
Video before the 1/4 mark: “Electricizing the cadaveric materials hidden in monuments to mutate the DNA of Jerusalemites and progress some kind ofworldwide, centuries-long jewish conspiracy against the rest of the world”

LMFAO I was expecting the good stuff, but this delivered beyond expectations. Will probably flag the video for being terrorist propaganda at this point.

I’m just dropping this guy’s channel quickly because he’s doingmore for America than its public education system.

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Im glad alternate information rocked your boat, report it as blasphemy if you want, i am just the redirect messenger.

Blasphemy? As far as I am concerned blasphemy is an imaginary crime. But I am pretty sure ISIS propaganda is banned from Youtube, and that is clearly ISIS propaganda. Saying you’re “just the messenger” is fine and all, but did you notice the video you posted was ISIS propaganda?
3 thousands shots were fired in my street because some crazy ass lunatics who think their dumb religion is worth more than human lives were hiding in the next building. I’m not going to die because of your, or anyone else’s fairy tales. Valid for govts, cults, political parties, whatever.

Its a video on Youtube from 2 years ago with almost 10k views, im sure their censorship team would have put it down by now if it threatened the existence of humanity by some goat herder group living in desert caves.

Why dont you calm your indoctrination down a notch and look again with an open mind.

There is nothing to look at my man, your video just claimed that some evil organisation was electricizing the cadaveric materials (!) in monuments to mutate the DNA of visitors. That’s Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein level of science knowledge, sprinkled with DNA to modernize it.
There is no open mind to have here, that video glorifies ISIS for 5 mins then fails at basic science classes.

Tell me. If everybody is lying to yo, so well that nobody knows the truth for a century. Do you really believe some random Youtube dude would 1- be the only person ever to be fiable and honest and 2- somehow be allowed to post his damning video and evidences on the world’s most watched streaming platform?
Why believe HIM and not scientists who work on the subject. Because he’s disinterested? He clearly isn’t, he’s shilling for an organisation that wants to erase any trace of history before it, and any trace of other civilisations. It’s in HIS DIRECT INTEREST to sell you “HiStOrY iS aLl LiEs JoIn ISIS tO fInD tHe TrUtH!”

What are his evidences? That most historical monuments have been rebuilt from their ruins? No shit Sherlock, every kid knows it.

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Well you know what they say,
Pictures speak louder than words.

Yeah you know what, I know my way around Photoshop, and with AI nowadays…
Woldn’t trust any images if I were you. Sorry to disappoint, but you cannot trust your own eyes… at least not when they are looking at a screen.

As you should, always keep your discernment.

Song is good when you’re driving. You drive all the time in Crossout. Song is good in Crossout. Basic logic.

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For the SuperEarth!

When I’m playing PVP with my terrible builds.


‘this’ is what i hear when i read this one persons text in this forumm :crazy_face:

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A fine song for this game:


Blue goddess of righteous destruction needs to stop slacking of.

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