What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

Aaah, e-girls. I like them too, but goth girls had the distinct advantage of living IRL instead of on Youtube U_U

Anyway, time to go blast people in my C&C copters. Kane lives!

Scary how accurate that 3 decades oldass game turned out to be.


The first time I saw them live was with Ride the Lightning… I was just a kid. 13 or 14 I think. I might have been younger (not going to bother looking up when that was). Anyhoo… just saying that to make clear I was a HUGE fan back in the day. I rode them out when they brought Rick Rubin on board and appreciated the “new sound” eventually.

The modern stuff, though… it just sounds like they’re trying to re-create the Black Album or something.
Robert is great… I was digging him as far back as the ST & Sarsippius’ Ark days (he MADE Infectious Grooves).

James can’t sing, anymore. The band, to me, is dead. Bye. :no_good_man:

Aaaaaand that’s why we pay Steam. :upside_down_face:

For example, I’m a sucker for old games like Duke Nukem and Doom. I can find versions of those elsewhere, but for them to run flawlessly, you need pros to make the little adjustments. This time of year, a ton of those vintage games are dirt cheap on Steam. I’m talking under $2. Just to have semi-permanent access to them anywhere is worth it to me.

But, yeah… I feel your pain.

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Wanna see my Steam list? Every HL under the sun, every isometric Fallout game, all the original Doom engine games (and I play those not on Steam but GZdoom like any sane person does nowadays), etc… Someone needs to rerelease Heretic 2, some “friend” never gave me the CD back a decade ago, it was SOOOOO good.

Devs from these kind of online games (and players, too) needs to understand that for less than a dollar, you can snatch a pack of 2-3 outstanding games from Steam, every week-end. Like man I understand needing to make a living, but 15-65euros for a couple new 3d models and a paint? C’mon.

On topic:

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Dancing around with the faster builds:

American gothic is just trash, they have some good things but they are few and far between. I don’t know why.
I was into Gothic metal and Doom metal mainly and some Black also.

The best male voice i ever heard outside classic music, i don’t get why this guy went to Dimmu Borgir. Just a waste.

And so much more

I would say, by the sound of it they are further and furtherof doing exactly that

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I listens to them because I am too lazy to look up new music lol.


I love the intro to this but don’t like the rest of it:

I’d rather them do a really harsh break into something like this:


Most of it isn’t creepy enough to be what I’d expect to go on in the waste lands. It makes me think about stuff like this: The Backwater Gospel - YouTube

Some of my favorite moments in the game is when there is half a team trying to kill me and we have to dance for a while too…

Hamster, you listen to an odd selection of music :slight_smile:

I like to keep it diverse, lol…

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Recommended at High Volume :crazy_face:

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Here is some Cyberpunk drifting music

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I can’t decide if I hate that or love it.