Why do we have to wait?

Umm from doing alot of pvp i will say this. Look at allies guns and remeber what the enemy has as well and go from just that. Everything else is up to you if you solo. Protect the ones you think might pull off the win and who knows maybe you win or lose but you learn every battle so just try different builds if you get too comfortable if you get me. Switching it up helps you won’t find the same try hards doing the same thing to you haha. Trust me just switch it when things go south and you will smile more.


Most games dont have “booms” or similar mechanic that can be abused to get rewards in 10 second intervals.
If one is allowed to leave after death, there should be a specific counter-measure to the abuse of “rush, be despicable, quit” loop. If it was allowed tomorrow, there would be 90% booms/lancers just rushing, getting 1 kill and quitting.
Maybe “quit for full reward” can be granted based on the loadout. Shotguns and lancers? You wait. Actually human - get reward upon mission completion.
But still - there would be a HUGE problem of rage quitters. You would routinely have people quitting because their puberty is getting upper hand at age of 40. It is a problem now - and it can only be worsened.
Maybe full reward would make sense for top 3-4 players upon mission completion - if you did your best, there is no reason to ask of more.

The solution is very simple.
Give rewards based on score, up to a certain point.
Lets say you need 800 score for full rewards, and 400 score to get half rewards.
Getting 1 kill as a lancer and then quitting would hardly get you full rewards.

As much as that sounds great it would just hyper encourage selfish and cancer play more than we have now

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