Why is forum empty?

I’ll ask again… do you actually play the game? Because I’ve never once seen you in it. I see you moan a lot on here though while demonstrating the intellectual capacity of a child and trying to project that onto others.

Have you considered a game more your speed? I hear chutes and ladders would be RIGHT up your alley.

They made the forum garbage.

Be nice Red. It’s a new forum. Lemmy is usually a good guy with valid points.

And I have to admit, while he was joking and I got a chuckle , it’s true, Nintendo > Blizzard in every way. I wouldn’t mention working for those sad little greedy pervs in Blizz. A shame, long ago they used to be a name one would be proud to own a game of.

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Can i say that ive played for over a year in game. I have more battles then i can remeber haha and about 10,000 raids and played awakening to get 42,000 castings and for the ones who actually play the game i hope that the developers listen to them because without them the game would end up dead for sure with all this finger pointing going on. Get on crossout and fight don’t do it here ya bunch of goobers lol. Post ur gamer tags and hope to see you on xbox so you can learn what a years worth of real fighting IN GAME is all about. Mines (smash skullll) If you really do care about this game then get on and Hit X or whatever you hit on Playstation or Pc and lets get all this anger out over a new forum. Its time to get Wrecked original gangster style haha. Btw i played alone 98% of the time in battles and i help new players all the time by teaching them what i know and what they can do in the game for fun. This is a game we play people so lets just play the game don’t be played on here and continue doing the same garbage that the old forums used to hold. Lets try to be a little bit more educated and proper with others for a change and stop saying what you are worth and work on what this game could be worth. Im here to get an enjoyable game set in motion for all the angry ones to look at and say woah this is better now and im not so darn angry all the time haha. If you get mad at a free pay to play game you just been fooled and welcome to the year 2022 where technology is at its breaking point with everyone being so into themselves haha. So get on xbox and lets live laugh and let go of all this drama yall spill out for everyone else to see. Its easy to email one another but yall rather fight openly because yall want someone to pay attention well why not do it on the battlefields or is it not to your liking so you come here to cry about it day to day. Learn respect for others and learn the free game we all can play. Demanding things does not change things. Doing things in game changes things.


Damn this wall hits like a direct mandrake…
Please, paragraphing is everyone’s friend.

Ever think i just have big lungs and can talk like the youtubers do with no pause because they edit out their pauses haha. Welcome to 2022 where you can type and keep typing until ur thumbs felt like a marathon race happened and they are stuck doing it because they are already in too deep to realize its was too late for them to stop now? Haha.

Be nice Red? When have you known that person to be nice? Maybe if they tried making one post without talking about someone else it would be possible. But it will never happen.


This game looks really good from all of the people playing it on Twitch. Is there another forum that is active or not much hype? Thanks.

There used to be a descent forum a couple weeks ago. Then they replaced it with this hot pile of shit. Don’t try to make sense of anything going on with XO. I can only assume someone in charge has a substance problem.

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No one is going to read your wall of text if you can’t or won’t make it readable.

Welcome to 2022 where no one cares.


Yeah exactly. But as long as we keep going forward someone will.