Worst cabins in the game - newbie alert

That’s a good point, but I think shape is the hardst thing to modify, so it makes sense to tweak other parameters. But I wish, like you, that they were more aware of how strong a good shape is. Some cabs just do not get the stats they should to compensate for their terrible shapes (hello Yokozuna)

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IMO the single most important attribute to a cabin’s shape is “Can I stick Apollo under it and still have a decent frame?”
It’s less true for spiders and hovers, but still.

edit: Not being a billion blocks tall is another plus. I’m sure you can all start to see why I hate Yoko so much :rofl:


The worst cabin in the game is the grey cabin everyone gets at the start of playing CX thus why everyone gets it!

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This ^^^


Is that the Duster? If so, I have to disagree! LOL I love that tiny little thing.

It’s the Guerilla, its what the huntsman is based off of