Worst Weapons

Somehow I almost never seen it upto 8000 PS. It’s remarkable how useless it is in regular PvP scenarios.

Basically there are two options, either a cockpit booster build, or any build using a daze. It’s not that great imo either

Arothron has the ability to do some serious damage but yeah it’s pretty much an obsolete weapon in the modern day crossout. It too suffered from the increased mobility that came with supercharged update, even on stealth hovers, the only build where I have made this thing work even a little, you really can’t keep enough of a distance to be in the mystery sweet spot where the gun works. It was pretty good before the supercharged, when builds in general were not as fast and nimble in the grand scheme of things and movement was more “arcade-like” so you had better range control and the whole game was not a guaranteed facehug every match at some point

Flute too suffered the same as Arothron, before supercharged the speed of which these missiles flew was considered pretty fast, and they were much more steerable back when the camera was not shoved up the ass of our builds. Thank you again supercharged update. These things were capable of being flown for quite a long time and could make use of the perk that way, but nowdays the only way to make the perk work is shooting straight up and that playstyle too sucks. Yeah the perk really is not up to date to modern day crossout, just like the gun itself

I think it just needs some type of crosshair notification of when a target is in the sweet spot.

It does not damage weapons anymore tho? :eyes:

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While we are on the topic, anyone got any ideas on how to make guns that are bad a bit better?

Gungnir: On top of accuracy increasing, the damage should increase a little as well to make up for the lower rate of fire once the perk is going. Currently any machinegun can gain the “perk” of gungnir with tap firing, without loss of dps because rate of firing slows down.

Fafnir: On top of accuracy increasing, the range of the gun should as well, even fused ones for extra range need you to be pretty much facehugging a build to hit it, like 3 meters away from the enemy build and you won’t hit anything, be the perk active or not. Even as a hit and run weapon you need to drive so close to an enemy that even without the perk you’d do about the same damage than with it

Anaconda: Just make the missile travel along the ground like TOW missiles do, Owl can do something with these missiles as it shoots downward from the air, but anacondas trying to do the same thing because both guns are just running off of the same code means that most of the times they just shoot at the ground or terrain rather than reaching any enemies. It does not shoot at such a fast rate or do so much damage it would be a problem even if they traveled along the ground

Definitely agree with Gungir, the perk should increase damage too.

Even simpler for Anaconda, make the missile shoot at a slight upwards angle, like 20-30°. The homing ability should quickly correct the trajectory. It always annoys me in XO when some weapons stays botched for years despite how easy they are to fix.

Anyway, my current “this is BAD” weapon is Jotun. It deals half the damage of Inci and has about a quarter oft the utility… It spins 360° tho, yay!
I’d prefer if it was less of an Inci reskin, but I won’t suggest two pages here, so just increase the slow to 50%

I’d say Nagual and Medians are pretty bad too. Not the worst but honestly, a cyclone, storms and whirlwind are a way better nagual/median than these things.

Nagual specially suffers from the artificial suckiness with having to really shoot your shots sluggishly, to the point that autocannons, while you would not land every shot, would still outperform these guns.

Single shot weaponry just can’t compete with continuous fire weaponry, especially if they have nothing that special going for them. Like Naguals perk, dealing more damage to specific parts, is completely outclassed by just spam firing at an enemy build and managing to blow off parts way better.

Sure a few lucky shots might do some insane things, but in general they just can’t keep up. It’s a pretty universal problem by now, for every weapon that does not spam bullets, there is a weapon that does and outperforms the other gun

Medians on the other hand have low damage, due to their rarity, so that once again in the PS scores you usually end up in, dps weapons outperform them

Peekaboo style gameplay is also pretty dead when bullet spamming builds can just fire continuously while sitting out in the open. If there was only 1 of these builds per match they would be easy picking but bullet spam is the most popular gameplay style these days

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It needs targets with a lot of HP. So it works well against leviathans and in higher PS, combined with some other weapon.

I never gave the Yongwang much thought until the huginn lupara plague came along.
Its decent to deal damage from below to enemies, but without a gun depression you have to get creative.

Spitfire is my favourite weapon to this date, it wasn’t OP just good weapon but then the nerfs came and well.
But it just not the Spitfire it’s all the other limited fire angle weapons, they were supposed to be more tanky than others weapons, but they are not.

I like Sidekicks, they have got a lot of potential, in those times when they can shine or when things allow them to shine, they shine and where the Hawks ( other great drone) can’t and vice versa.
Being dumb it’s not native to Sidekicks it was just a nerf or nerfs, they suffer from what all the others drones suffer.
Cause of the bogey man from a bygone era ( Fuse drones that used to roam the entire map)

AC-62s are what Medians should be, IMO

I prefer the second one.
They are different genres but i heard fans are divided between them, both are pretty good.

no no no man, they just have serious lag :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In the past, Medians sold for 1.6k on the market.
Look at their nerfed version prices now.

Thats a thing now isnt it? Havent played in months, cba with other actually entertaining games available?

Wake me up when camera steer is dead, variety is viable and wheel builds that arent shotguns or firedogs are a thing.

Slowly realizes he’s not gonna wake up if these are the parameters

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They’re both great films, the first is just more horror based which I think most would agree with. The second film builds off the first and adds a lot more characters, the first is quite an isolated experience which is why i think it makes for great horror. Plus no damn awful looking CGI back then, all models and costumes so it just feels better.

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Ava at far distance

It is a lot better than most people think, but it takes practice to use it well.
You can actually pin cars between the two “mines”.
You can use them to stop charging cars (drop them both in front of the oncoming car). If you place them correctly, the car often gets stuck on top.
They help to keep cars in fire pools longer.
They do OK damage.

I have a car on exhibition called fuel getter under my tag of semorel. Check it out and play with it for a week or so.

The biggest problem I have with this weapon is how easy it is to strip.

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Jubokko requires practive to get good with. It is not a damage weapon, but rather a support weapon to slow the enemies. It also can be used to herd opponents, trap oppnents and stop chargers. It takes practice though.

Enlightment (sp?) is basicallt used for missle builds. You fire the enlighten to force them to use countermeasures or to prevent them from going invis. It needs to last longer though. I only ever use this for my flying missle build.

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I tried out two Jubokkos with one Jotun and enjoyed it more than I would have predicted.
The Jotun seems to make the Jubokkos much more efficient at both slowing down the enemy and at doing more critical damage.
If you manage to get someone stuck, you can watch their frames and gun mounts all pop off at once.