
so i had gotten one of these just to have one and… i noticed some inconsistencies with its damage.
on the range damage testers i see that the weapon does from 290 up to 296 so it will hit anywhere inbetween those numbers… i havent come across a weapon that does this. usually the weapons are consistent with their damage but this weapon seems to vary with its damage output. is… this normal??

also does this gun have no gun elevation? i cant seem to aim down, only up.

also also what hardware does this gun benefit from? anyone know?

Damage variation happens a lot with me, I think it’s affected by how close you hit the center of the sphere? Explosive damage is odd in this game.

No depression for the gun because the projectiles have insane drop. Bit of a drawback if you ask me.

It benefits from energy consuming hardware, I heard. So reload boosters, radars, engines (except hot red/hardcore) and, if you really wanted to, radiators.

The higher the rarity of module you use with it, the higher the damage.
So put an Apollo or Odin on there, and run every legendary module you can fit in there.
I’ve always liked it on Harpy, but I’ve also run it on Deadman a lot too. Other players seem to prefer heavier cabins, and box in the gun with armour.
They’re kind of rolling grenades, so you don’t really need to shoot down. Many people mount them to the frame, and put a roof over it. I like it behind the cabin, and able to shoot in all directions.

I like doing driveby bombing runs, but some people play them more like dog builds.

They’re extra effective against ground builds, as people tend to drive over the grenades and damage all the juicy bits they buried under their cabins.

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I find the wang to be really bad when used as it “should be used”, kind of like the Tachi. Side mounted Tachi just is not good even if you manage to have the ultimate tachi skills, I have not seen a single Tachi build since front facing Tachis were removed

It needs absolutely flat terrain to be able to hit anything, and even then just barely. Only time it does any real damage is if you manage to roll the grenades under an enemy and pop modules, ammo boxed etc. To the point that I imagine it’s intended to be used like that, but apparently not as you can’t mount it upside down anymore.

But hitting enemies “normally” with it just does not work, you can hit them from the back, sides, front, anywhere really and it feels like it does no real damage. And it has paper thin HP even mounted on an omamori, and added to all that the aiming of the gun is wonky at best. Even mounted as low as physically possible with the smallest wheels etc, it still fires way too “up” and causes you to miss many grenades. Almost like you are supposed to shoot it from a slight range, but then the way the grenades move you still can’t really hit anything.

It feels like the Devs want this to be some kind of a mid range drive-by roll grenades under an enemy build and do epic damage-kind of gun, but movement parts, bumpers etc tank the grenades, and the wonky aiming makes you be completely unable to do any of that, even at max module boosts the damage just is not there no matter if you have godaim or just facehug.

It just does not work, and the pack this gun comes in, who would mount it like that or that high? It can’t hit anything. But we are not allowed to flip it around either and properly roll grenades under an enemy so what is the purpose of it? Other explosive weapons have much better aiming and damage when firing normally at a build, while this thing needs all kinds of workarounds, terrain usage, momentum and so on and just has nothing to offer in return

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Pretty much same opinion as Fugg’s. Tried Yong twice over the years, but it was unusable (for me) except as a nuisance toy, bouncing the green marbles off the walls in bedlam. You use it on people you wanna annoy, but not actually destroy.


Yes. What they said. How did anybody sign-off on this? How does something like this get published?

It must be a joke. Now I’m going to have to go into the game and see if I can find the gag…They do, you know? They do have a little fun at our expense (literally), and mock us with some of their features, like the whaler themed Battle Pass, for example.

What am I supposed to think? There’s really no way…OK, that one guy :wink: will find a bright side, but there isn’t any reasonable way the average person could make something like this and think, “Oh, the guys are going to love this.” So, WTF? Why is this gun so bad? Is it a joke?

I think @Lexi____ used to use it with some success, and I’ve definitely been killed by other people using it.

It’s not an easy weapon to use, and the momentum of the projectiles and their drop takes a lot of practice to use effectively.

I used to have a lot of fun with it, but haven’t played with it much lately. I kind of think of it as a quirky budget Fortune. It and TOW give me an excuse to play with all the high end modules that I rarely use. Daze works well with it, although doesn’t buff the damage as much as legendary modules.

This works.
I roll up at point blank and let it loose. It wrecks stuff. There’s not a lot of aiming. It’s a face-hugger cannon. I can’t imagine any other way to make it work. Aiming it just seems hopeless, but this method sure shreds.

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A spark it’s an Achilles heel of that thing

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That particular build seems to be a hard counter to melee. I got hit a couple times by kids on Harvesters. It wasn’t much of a contest. I haven’t even used my Inferno perk with it, because I keep forgetting it’s there.

On the other hand, I got politely tapped by a kid on a rocket pig and the only thing it did was remove the gun.

I’ve only taken it out to PVP a half dozen times, but I think it has potential. I practiced maybe ten matches in Patrol with the stock Inferno store-front build, then figured a Ram-Cannon-Brick was the way to go with it and I built that train-ish thing, then hit PVP…I’m wanting to build a train today.

Anyway, I take back what I said before.

Try moving the plow a block or two forward (or moving the gun backwards).

The facehugger Yongwang builds I see people playing tend to have the gun buried pretty deeply. Usually you can’t see it until you’ve removed most of their armour.

Ya, that first one was sort of a rough draft, a sketch. I just wanted to see if that gun could be made to work. It did. So, I went back in discarded it and rebuilt it…mostly for aesthetics, but I did do like you said and scooted that gun back a notch, plus I put a platform on front to help keep the bad guys at a more comfortable distance when face-hugging.


I’ll tinker with it some more, maybe. It’s at about 3K durability, about 7.5K PS, and just a hair from being overweight, so adjustments at this point are a little sensitive.

“Choo-choo!” :smiley:

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I love it!

What modules are you running in there?

Now that you mention it, that is probably one area that could use a minor tweak. It’s got a KA-2 Flywheel, Dune Horse, and a Chameleon. Seeing as how the Yongwang feeds it’s perk off of the rarity and multiplicity of these items, this is probably a place I can work on.

I still keep forgetting to engage the cab’s perk (Inferno) when in PVP. It makes a big difference when testing it on the range.

The Inferno pack makes sense, now that I see that it is supposed to be buried in a face-hugger-cannon-brick (I think you mentioned that, thanks). Doing so compliments the Yongwangs lack of any significant ability to aim, while also protecting the cab’s vulnerability when it’s perk is engaged (it heats up). It also explains why this cab’s mass limit dwarfs the other cab’s in comparison, at 12700 units of whatever they measure that with…it’s not a principal I typically run up against with my naked art-builds, so I’m not real sure how all that works. I don’t tend to ever push that envelope at all.

Also, I’m so glad they fixed that bug with the Shortened Exhaust (they didn’t smoke or nothing), because that fiery exhaust effect with the Inferno cab’s perk is one of the coolest things any perk has ever done. That’s a big win for us art-builders (thanks, Devs). It really hits the spot.


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I built a Yongwang vehicle within the past month. All legendary modules, everything upgraded, was ready to dominate but, it sucked. Then I needed the blueprint space and it’s gone.

It’s not an easy weapon to use, for sure. It’s wonky AF. I think it takes a lot of practice, both on the field and in the garage.

I’m still not very certain about what power-score is going to be the sweet spot for it either. My original build did better at closer to 9k, while this one fell prey to an abundance of hovers at closer to 7k. It sort of looked like I was getting mauled by coordinated teams though. Team work is the real META in this game, and that can be difficult to overcome as a lone-wolf in random PVP.

I was seeing a LOT of matches with zero kills from my “team” last night. It was very discouraging. There wasn’t much team work at all.

Also, I think the sweeping weapons damage buff they did needs to be rolled back a little.

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Dang, I’m in love with that build Doc! It would be a hit with the bedlam people. I may actually have to give the Yong a 3rd chance and make something similiar. (I’ll credit you if anyone asks me about it.)

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Poony4u was right about the face-hugger-brick thing. It works. Just ignore the crosshairs, because aiming is mostly, but not entirely, a moot point.

Meh. I leaned on Poony4u’s input too, and I didn’t start this thread that forced us all to explore the big WTF that’s going on with this weapon. It was a group effort…team work is the real META. Long live the rebellion…wait, you’re with Kaganate, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Having said that, when I went on the test server the other day I noticed this…

The first, second and fourth builds are mine, but some guy going by the moniker “dark” is claiming to be the author. He’s got several other of mine too, that he has lifted without even changing the build name (DOC#). I’m not sure what to think about that.

I couldn’t find him on the regular server’s exhibition list though, but I didn’t launch a complete investigation. It’s too petty for me to bother. I’ll just try to be flattered, I guess, but seeing him get more likes and downloads than I with the same build stings a little…at least I am still mentioned in the build name?


very detailed opinion, i appreciate that!
yeah i was driving around with it in the range and it has absolutely no gun depression at all. i was thinking “how can someone use this thing??” though i think they need to be used on slanted builds. still though the overall durability on it is garbage for a weapon that uses that much energy. i noticed to that its damage is really bad. idk why the devs made it so terrible. and yes most wheels and tracks can just tank the damage to.

apparently so, though a very bad one.

speaking of that how did people mount them upsidedown?? the gun is quite big in and of itself. or do you mean upside down on heli builds?

but doesnt it have recoil?

burn the witch!!!

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Not that I noticed, no. It feels like a grenade launcher.