Anyone here actually enjoying the game?

I come here to read up on news and current discussions. Except for whatever monkey says, i skip that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Then who?

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Thanks for the kind words, but thatā€™s not how a lot of people react to my positivity.
Iā€™ve been called ā€œbrain deadā€, ā€œn00bā€, ā€œbrown noserā€, ā€œidiotā€, and plenty of other things just because I donā€™t agree that the game is as bad as some others do. Most of the forum members who also enjoy the game as much as me were bullied off the forum one by one. Some I still see in-game, but theyā€™re long gone from the forum.

Personally, Iā€™m not going anywhere. For almost two decades I worked a job where hate mail was normal, so Iā€™ve got a pretty thick skin when it comes to insults from strangers.

Maybe someday the forum will just be Mud posting memes and me posting my latest build.



Iā€™ll be there posting builds and memes right along side you till the last day man.

The month or so leading up to the last patch I spent about 40 hours of my time over 6 weeks building twenty plus 9k builds. I shared them all here and on Xbox for everyone to download. I was very excited for the update even though months in advance I already warned people ā€œbe careful what you ask forā€.

That alone is more then most of these guys have ever done for the community.

But I didnā€™t do it for them, I did it for me. It was a blast, I enjoyed every minute of it.

And after that when the patch came, the good times started rolling in and have not stopped for me. Im not going to lie about that.

I love this game.

If someone wants to hate me for that, well, Iā€™m not on the forum for them. I post here for the people that might be looking for a new game so itā€™s not just a bunch of grumpy old dudes that hate the game agreeing with each otherā€¦

and most importantly I post here for my own personal enjoyment and thatā€™s all I need.

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'umm,you have some explaining to do,and apologize to all them people. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Emm no.


You literally have this badge:


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Hereā€™s a story about the Monkey Version 15 Firebug build. I downloaded it, and it worked great. Then I got the bright idea to fuse all my wheels. It is a 5 Bigfoot wheel build with 3 steering and 2 non-steering. I got fusions for traction on 4/5 of the wheels including both of the non-steering ones. This is serious as non-steering gives double traction.

This ended up with so much traction that the car didnā€™t drive good anymore and I started missing hovers and not turning sharply enough to deal with Gerrida spiders and firedogs.

Then I refused a couple of the wheels, 1 Steering and 1 Non-steering and it seems to be mostly better. I will re-fuse the other non-steering wheel as to drop a lot of traction.

I didnā€™t know that fusing your gear could screw up your build, but dogs depend on burning out to make some sharp turns. If they lose that, they canā€™t drive.

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While I havenā€™t had that experience, I can totally see how too much traction hurts fast wheeled builds. Handling is changed by so many factors since 2.0, and it can make it tricky to dial in the feel you want. And then even if you get it perfect, if you lose too much armour at one end your car suddenly drives horribly.
Most of the time you can make it easier to swing your rear end around if you shift more mass back there (no puns intended).

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I use all power fused ST tires and Iā€™m used to the ride being a little sloppy. I have never played that build with traction tires, so I wouldnt know how it performs with those.

I am about to start deleting all the 20+ 9k builds I have uploaded to make room for the next set, plenty of people are already using those builds in Confrontation mode and have posted their version of my builds modified to fit what fusions and parts they have anyways - I got some guys asking for some end game builds and iā€™m going to build 20+ new ultra-high PS builds over the next few months. (I even have a few sets of fused guns I have never built a build for yet :slight_smile: just have not had time)

If you have any weapon/cabin/movement part combos you want to see send me a message on Xbox man. We can also hook up in voice again and if you have some ideas let me know.

I did finish a cat porc build for ā€œBurnNturnā€, I think that is how he spells it :), itā€™s posted already.

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Go be cranky somewhere else I can out do him:



If i dont like it i dont play it. I only every use a game forum because i love a game and have a desire to talk about it. Ive never just went to a forum because i was mad about something in a game. Ive never made a post about quiting a game complaining how much i hate the game and review bombing it. I just stopped playing the game.

Crossout? I love crossout. I was almost late for work today because i kept saying, ā€œokā€¦just one more game.ā€ i was just having too much fun and didnt want to stop playing. All this hubub is annoying when im only really every here on a forum or the like to talk about the game, not crap on it. I dont understand why people are so petty. Perhaps its their desire to control. Since the game isnt what they want they take vengence instead of just walking away. Because some people just want to destroy what they cant control.


Doc Savage summed up my thoughts fairly succinctly. Included in that would be his tomato analogy. If you have been hit by some of the splatter, my apologies.


When players post negative experience here probly donā€™t care about reddit or devs, itā€™s just to know how many players feel same problems, just that. (i donā€™t think devs read our post here)
For people tell ā€œi leave the gameā€, well i think most of them are just mad but on real they will not, maybe just slow down to play.
If we write here is because you love XO, we have different mode to play so people like Clan are happy about changes, the other ones solo players maybe not, this because XO give you many mode to play, pvp, pve, market, crafting, clanā€¦
This is just my opinion.

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Great post sir. +1

They donā€™t want to know how other people feel.

They want to sit in an echo chamber of people saying the same thing and attack any ideas that are not the same.

Itā€™s a support group.

I came to the forum to find strategies, builds and advice. I did find these things amongst the chaff. But sadly, I have to admit, I have created chaff also. Especially when they change keybinds without need.

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I know someone who does that regularly :grinning:
Name starting with D