Anyone here actually enjoying the game?

I come here for lots of reasons, but I’ll certainly air my grievances here, if I have them…supposing that was a reference to me.

When I’m enjoying the game, it’s usually to hit the build showcase thread. It’s been a while since I’ve been inspired to build anything new though.

I can’t say I’m thrilled with the state of the game, but I am glad they rolled that clan/badge limitation back. I do like the Atoms and the Gerrida, too, and I think I had some positive things to say about the new mini-pass too.

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I didn’t meant you. Although you might have done that occasionally, as am I, and bunch of other guys too. Otherwise how would devs know to nerf annoying biases.
But there someone taking it to absurd level.

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Are you trying to start an argument with everyone that has a name that starts with D? lol


Oh…good. I know I can be a bitch sometimes, though.

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I expected only one dude to see himself there and get triggered. But something tells me ironically he might miss it at all. As he rarely engages in discussions(as was stated in Patents post “comes here when gets mad of something in game”) often creates new topics with suggestions of rework of the game or mass nerf of whole weapon classes.

No worries I was mostly just teasing you anyway… If your on PC an clan less do take a look at the topic: Noblers hermit clan accepting recruits - #20 by 63771550 trying to work things out with everyone on the system/forum.

these are just the paranoia of those who defend what is indefensible.
Some things are much more easy that you think

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Some people come here to:

  1. State how they are enjoying the game and which parts they like.

And some others come here to:

  1. State how they hate the game and point out all the things they hate.

That’s called a conversation.

You know what? Your right!
Sometimes things are a lot easier then you think.

I came here yesterday just to investigate an odd bug with paints being inexplicably unsalable all of the sudden.

Other people were here to discuss the what the future possibilities of Crossout might be, and to try and get a sense of this game’s development direction.

Some other guy got an “unfair chat ban”.

Other people are discussing possible improvements to the Steppe Spider cab.

It’s unrealistic to dispose the traffic here into two opposing categories (left vs right) of people who are for Crossout and those who are against it. Segregating the forum community into an us vs them dynamic is probably an unhealthy perspective.


That’s fair, and I would like to say that most people who post here seem to enjoy the game, even if they have some complaints.

But having said that, some of the people who post the most seem like they should have just quit the game a long time ago.
Sometimes you have to accept that the flawed thing you want to love will never live up to your expectations. At that point, either you adjust your expectations, or you move on and leave the disappointment behind.

This would be a fair statement at the current moment in time for the forum. Our “normal” forum posters are pretty mellow.

But as soon as some small thing in a patch pisses someone off the troll accounts come rolling in. Then everyone starts flexing (it’s actually rather entertaining). But after everyone puts their muscle shirts and body oil away and stops the flex contest it goes back to normal over a little time.

It’s kind of like a family fighting at Thanks Giving dinner, everyone always patches everything up after because they want Christmas presents in a few month :wink:

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On Topic:

I would enjoy the game more often if there were more maps. I am tired of getting the same maps over and over. I haven’t played in a least a few days, but I logged on just now, played three matches (PVP) and got Marble quarry back to back. I logged off.

Please, for the love of God, more maps. I am bored to death.


I’m glad they’ve added so many maps over the last few years, but I am confused why I often get the same map over and over, rather than continuing to rotate through all the ones that are available.

But yes, more maps more good.

please give the devs some time to fix this “bug”, they cant work sundays just for that you know.


some people are never happy, always wanting something changed just for them. i love steppe spider or something so its fine.

leave the devs alone!

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Buff everything I love and nerf everything I hate.

Pretty much the common theme of the forum forever.


yes, thats correct, good monkey!

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honestly I have my doubts that players come to this forum just to criticize and I doubt that anyone wastes time here because they hate Crossout, personally I love this game, just that unfortunately some changes are not well received, just to be diplomatic…


This would be incorrect.

Without using names we have users that lately have opening admitted the only reason they come here is to criticize. They also even said they don’t play the game anymore.

We also have guys here that say they don’t play the game anymore and don’t like the forum, BUT guess what, they are still here on alts :slight_smile:

leave paula alone! hatemongrer!
